Almighty in the city

The first thousand and seventy-nine chapters: secrets and reasons

"This question, I am afraid that only a limited number of senior Luojiao leaders such as the Pope will know about it." Bai Yifan shrugged, "As far as the information we have gathered so far, we can only judge the bronze ancient unearthed in Bashu's Sanxingdui. There may be a special connection between the mirror and the Sun-Moon dynasty's "Ancient Mirror of Thorns and Flowers" that Luo Jiao has recently acquired at any cost. As for what this connection is, or whether there is a real connection between the two According to the current situation, no definite conclusion can be drawn."

"But what's certain is—" He glanced at the direction of the five Felanke, "Romania is now single-minded to do things through the Olympia meeting held in Kyushu next year."

"So--" Ye Jiaoyang said, "I want to know what kind of medicine they want to sell in the gourd. As long as I go to Kyushu, I don't have to worry about catching their fox tail."

Fan Yitan said: "At present, it seems that this can only be done."

"So you are not going to stop this?" Mu He Qianxia looked at Bai Yifan, "Just let those guys collude with Luo Jiao and do things at the Olympia Conference held in Kyushu?"

"I wonder if you have misunderstood something." Bai Yifan hadn't spoken yet, but Ye Jiaoyang took the conversation.

He looked at Mu He Qianxia and said indifferently: "First of all, Kyushu’s holding of the Olympia Conference is an official matter of Kyushu, and it is a matter of Kyushu—the five great Yanxia people in the reclusive family have never taken the initiative to intervene in things in the continent. Our ancestors set a principle for us. We can participate as individuals, but if we want to mobilize the power of the entire family, it would break the rules for thousands of years. And—"

After a pause, his gaze looked around and swept across several young people who were talking and laughing: "If the five of us really took the initiative to reach into the Central Continent and directly and openly stand up for Kyushu, Do you think that superpowers like Rothschild, Wharton, Lauder, DuPont, Rockefeller, Ford, Pritzker, Morgan, etc. will sit by and ignore?"

A sneer, with his words, gradually came to his face: "If that time comes, not only the'emerging forces', but even the'old antiques' who are going downhill will take the opportunity to jump out and use this Opportunity, aim at our five hot summer people with incognito families and Kyushu country-to be honest, for decades, or Kyushu country has been adhering to the policy of peaceful development, taking the farm route, not ganking or participating in the group, and one mind It's development, and you have the ultimate trump card of destructive weapons in your hand, do you think these Western countries will obediently watch Kyushu become stronger day by day? They are eager to do things every day, but they never find a suitable one. It’s just an excuse."

"If our five great Yanxia people with anonymity aristocratic family jumped out to support Kyushu in public this time, that would be a great help to these guys." Ye Jiaoyang let out a slight cold snort, "just gave them a suitable excuse. Not only can we jump out to target the Kyushu country and intervene in the changes in the continent, but we can also target our five hot summer people with an incognito family-wood Xiu Yulin, and the wind will destroy it. These years, we are looking at the power of our five families. There are no fifty or twenty or thirty, just waiting for us to make mistakes so that they can seize the handle and unite to take the opportunity to start a wave of things."

"Yes." Fan Yi nodded, feeling quite touched, "As a Yanxia family, we are naturally willing to do something for Kyushu. However, because our five families are Yanxia families, we can't stand upright for Kyushu. The country does this. I think that when the ancestors decided that our five families should not actively intervene in the continent, they took this into consideration."

"In fact, the five of us have done a lot for Kyushu over the past few years." Xiao Ce said, "The first batch of foreign companies to invest in Kyushu after the reform and opening up of Kyushu was basically all the five of us secretly invested. It’s just that you can’t invest in Kyushu in the name of our five companies. Let’s not say that it is the most recent big investment-the D Castle Film and Television Park project in Kyushu Guohu City. Why do you think D Castle Film Put their sixth theme park in the Shanghai city of Kyushu? It's not because of the old Bai family."

"Is that the case?" Bai Yifan looked at Xiao Ce, "isn't this D Castle Film and Television Company's own project plan."

Xiao Ce rolled his eyes speechlessly when he was asked about this.

Fan Yi was also a little speechless: "This is your family's project, don't tell me you really don't know."

"The truth is that I really didn't know it." Bai Yifan spread his hands, "I thought this was a project between my family's company and D Castle Film and Television Company, and the leadership was in the hands of D Castle Film and Television Company. In Zhongzhou’s investment, our family only participates in shares and never holds a controlling stake. The final decision is passively accepted."

"You come here less!"

"Believe you and you are really alive."

Fan Yi and Xiao Ce rolled their eyes again.

"You guys--" Ye Jiaoyang looked at the three elder brothers a little uncomfortably, "Don't crook my stairs."

"Yes, you say you say it." Xiao Ce made a please gesture, making Mu He Qianxia a little bit amused.

"Do you usually do this?" she asked Bai Yifan with a smile.

Bai Yifan shrugged: "You've seen it all-hurt your friend."

"Continue with the words I just interrupted——" Ye Jiaoyang ignored the words of the two of them, and continued to say, "I just said that first, then second -"

"Secondly, the information we have so far is not enough to guess the purpose behind these weird actions by Luo Jiao during this period of time."

"If you want to figure out what they are going to do and what kind of purpose they want to achieve, they must be put into Kyushu. Only when they enter Kyushu will they continue to act according to their original plan. Only if they act, We can catch their tails and see what they want to do."

"Moreover, as far as the national martial arts circle is concerned, Kyushu is not a soft persimmon. The disadvantage of the national martial arts circle of Kyushu is that there are too many sects and schools. , It is impossible to reconcile."

"But once a strong external force appears, it is possible to twist the entire Kyushu national martial arts circle into a rope-the Kyushu national martial arts circle twisted into a rope is such a terrible force, I think it is not necessary at all. What am I talking about? Even if the entire'God List' and the'Black List' appear together, the Kyushu Kingdom will still resist, and even if it is carried down, it will be able to counterattack.

"So, for this matter alone, not blocking is the right choice." He looked at Mu He Qianxia, ​​"First, we don't have a name-if the name is not right, then the words are not right. Second, we need To judge the true purpose of Luojiao, even if it prevents this time on the surface, but in the dark-bright weapons are easy to hide, and hidden arrows are hard to defend. Instead of preventing these stupid calculations, Luojiao accepts From bright to dark, it would be better to let them carry on the plan."

Speaking of this, his gaze crossed Mu He Qianxia, ​​and he glanced at several people at the salon over there: "It just so happens that I also want to see the martial arts world of Kyushu. Is there any other amazing figure in the past few years? ."

"You mean—" Mu He Qianxia raised his brow slightly, "Tell the Kyushu government about this news?"

"Tell the'Guoshu Association' of the Kyushu Kingdom." Bai Yifan said, "As for how they will deal with it, that's their business."

While several people were talking, a voice came from not far away——

"Haha, let’s see who's here—the five great Yanxia people from the reclusive family, you are really busy. This is coming at a stuck o'clock. Huh? This is the one from the Tang family. Where's the eldest lady? Why didn't she come?"

There is something small temporarily, I owe two more changes, and I will make up tomorrow.

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