Almighty in the city

The first thousand and eighty two chapters two people

Faced with George CW Stillman, who was waking up from the awkward state and gradually moving towards an explosive state, Bai Yifan didn't even think about it at all, and directly slapped it up again.

Although this slap did not directly greet George CW Stillman's face because they were separated by more than one meter at this time, the wind pressure brought by the palm of the hand seemed to be an invisible The palm of the hand still made a sharp slap on the face of the "first in line" of the Stillman family.

Everyone stared at this scene in a daze. Except for a few who have practiced or been exposed to Chinese martial arts, and have quick brains and quick reactions, the rest of the "first in line heirs" are here. For a moment, the expression on his face was like putting on a mask called "Fuzzy". I didn't understand how George CW Stillman was backed by the first slap in the face. People are at least one meter or two meters apart, how did Bai Yifan’s second slap on the face of the "first heir" of the Stillman family——

At the moment just now, the young master of the Bai family's arm suddenly grew more than one meter longer.

This is simply impossible.

They looked confused and blank, but Ye Jiaoyang, Xiao Ce, Fan Yi, and Mu He Qianxia beside Bai Yifan didn't even lift their eyelids.

As the "national martial arts master" who has developed "dark power", and the "national martial arts master" who can use the "national martial arts master" as his son, these four people don't need to use their brains to know what this second slap is about to draw George .CW. Stillman's face.

This is a very difficult thing for ordinary warriors, but for a warrior who has cultivated "dark power", it is easier than eating and drinking: it is nothing more than taking a little "dark power" when shooting. Thereby enhancing the palm power when shooting, compressing the air, and creating an "air cannon" effect in an instant.

An ordinary person exhales a slap, as long as the force is strong enough when the shot is taken, it can also compress some air and drive the airflow.

Just like when you are facing a candle, as long as the fan is strong enough or fast enough, the air current brought up by the palm can form a weak "palm wind", thereby extinguishing the candle flame.

As long as the martial artist who has developed the "Dark Power" with a little "Dark Power" when shooting, the air that can be stirred at that moment is stronger than the wind blown by the fan at the highest level.

Just imagine, if the wind blown by the strongest gear of an electric fan is concentrated in a palm-sized space, how strong the wind pressure will be at this moment——

George CW Stillman's second slap just now was actually caused by wind pressure.

However, it was the slap that Bai Yifan exhaled casually that created this wind pressure.

With this move, Ye Jiaoyang, Xiao Ce, and Fan Yi will all be as simple as breathing for Mu He Qianxia, ​​who is already a "Grandmaster-level" warrior, and naturally there will be no reaction at all.

In fact, among these people, Ye Jiaoyang is the master at this.

The reason why he was interested in Wu Xi at the beginning was that he felt that the hand of "sucking people from time to time" was lazy enough that he didn't need to come close, and he would be able to take the unpleasant people out with a slap. It's labor-saving, and it's enough to be forced.

George CW Stillman was already on the verge of an explosion, but this sudden and inexplicable second slapped him again.

After reacting to the first slap in the face, he was actually ready in his heart that Bai Yifan would do it again, and even had a plan in his mind. If Bai Yifan came over and prepared to slap him again, how would he fight back? Was he still slapped in the face, or directly buckled the goblet with champagne in his hand, and buckled it directly on the head of this young man, letting him experience the phrase "why the flowers are so red".

However, once again he surprised him, and what he never expected was that Bai Yifan really took the second shot, but he didn't walk over and start his hands like he imagined, but still stood there and raised it lightly. He raised his hand, and took out a slap in the face to his other side of the face——

Damn it!I just took a few steps backwards by you. Now at least 1.5 meters away, you raise your hand at will, just want to slap my face again?You think your hands are made of rubber and can be stretched!

However, just as George CW Stillman was thinking this way, he suddenly felt a fiery pain on his right cheek, and then he involuntarily fell back and withdrew four times because of the force on his face. Step, even in the goblet in his hand, a little bit of champagne was poured, and it spilled a little on the carpet.

For an instant, George CW Stillman was drawn dumbfounded again.

As the "first heir" of the Stillman family, he naturally knew the existence of "national martial arts". Not only did he know that he had also practiced it, but because he was not talented in martial arts, his The practice of "national martial arts" is only limited to the level of physical fitness, not even ordinary martial artists.

However, for the "first in line" of the Stillman family, lack of talent in martial arts is not a shortcoming at all, at best it can only be regarded as imperfect.

With the financial strength, power and influence of the Stillman family, it is simply a simple matter to hire a personal bodyguard for the "in-line heirs" of his family.

George CW Stillman's national martial arts teacher is a former killer on the "black list" and now serves as the head of security for the Stillman family guard.

It stands to reason that with George CW Stillman's IQ and responsiveness, after suffering this second "air slap," he can at best react to what is going on with a slap in the face.

But people who think this way have overlooked a crucial detail——

The "Bai Yifan" nowadays is no longer the one who was known to everyone in the past.

From Bai Yifan's journey to this parallel world, the top bag has become a "Bai Da Young" until now, it has been more than half a year when it is full, not even a year, and the "Heirs Party" is held every five years.

The "first in line heirs" present, even if they are familiar with the eldest master of the Bai family, they are familiar with the "Bai Yifan" five years ago, and the Bai Yifan who appeared in this restaurant at this moment, fundamentally Just two!One!people!

The young master Bai, who was topped up, had no talent for martial arts at all.

So when Tang Yunfeng, the head of the Tang family, offered to give Tang Guo a baby, Bai Shanhe, the head of the Bai family, the father of the young man Bai Shanhe, tactfully refused, because he was worried that his son might be married after he got married. Domestic violence".

When Bai Yifan met Ye Jiaoyang, Fan Yi, and Xiao Ce for the first time, the first sentence they said with a smile was "You kid hides so deeply." Wei Bai is indeed a "five scum of war" with low military value.

Under this kind of cognition, no matter how fast George CW Stillman's reaction, no matter how sensitive his mind, and no matter how fast his mind is, he will not be able to associate with the "national arts" aspect, and the result will naturally be drawn again. I'm dumbfounded.

The "first-in-line heirs" who were also stunned again at the scene were unable to turn their minds for the same reason.

Who would have thought that the young master Bai, who was still the "fighting five scums" five years ago, would become a "national martial art master" who cultivated his "dark power". Is there no such effect?

If they know that Bai Yifan at this moment is not only the "master of national martial arts", not only can he fight with the "master of kendo" Mu He Qianxia, ​​but also once played against the "master of kendo" of "Ming Xinliu", Not only did he fight his hand, he also cut off that one's portable sword, I'm afraid that in this restaurant, his eyes will roll all over the floor right now.

They all say, "Don't be a soldier for three days, you should look with admiration", but when you get to Bai Yifan, even if you kneel down and watch, it is not enough to express that he has become awesome!

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