Almighty in the city

The first thousand and eighty-six chapters

"Lao Bai, what do you think?" When the five people got into the elevator, Xiao Ce couldn't wait to ask, "Why do you want to do things so absolutely? You are forcing George to fight us hard. Now, he can't do it if he doesn't want to fight his life. If he can't find a place, the position of the'first in line heir' of the Stillman family under his ass, I'm afraid it will be unstable.

"Those two slaps--" Ye Jiaoyang nodded and looked at Bai Yifan, "a bit too sloppy, especially the second slap."

"This limelight, I think it's a bit too much." Fan Yi took the stubbornness, and at the same time a faint worry appeared on his face. "This time the'Heirs' Gathering' is no better than before. The'Meeting Token' of the Association has offended a large number of families. Although those families are basically on the side of the'old and antique' forces, if it really breaks out, it is unlikely that many people will stand on the side of the'emerging forces'. Our side."

After a pause, he said with some worry: "Now you have directly driven the'first heir' of the Stillman family to a dead end. This is equivalent to declaring war on the two Georges at the same time. This step is a bit of a step. It’s too big, and it may bring us a lot of pressure at the first formal meeting tomorrow."

The "two Georges" in his words are naturally the "first in line" George CW Stillman of the Stillman family who has just been slapped by Bai Yifan.

As for the other one, it is George R. Rockefeller, the "first in line heir" of the Rockefeller family, who advances and retreats with the Stillman family and share the same honor and disgrace.

The relationship between these two super giants is a bit like a family of the five hot summer people who are incognito. They are not just allies in their interests, but an iron relationship in which every one is prosperous and every one loses.

Bai Yifan's rejection of George CW Stillman's retreat was basically tantamount to severely offending George R. Rockefeller.

Although the relationship between the two companies is iron porcelain, it does not mean that the "first in line heirs" of the two families will definitely be as close as Bai Yifan and the others, but being the "first in line heirs" of the two families is the future of the two companies. The most popular successor to the family owner, whether it is for the future of the family or for their own interests, it is impossible for the two "Georges" to maintain a good personal relationship.

At present, George CW Stillman is so ugly in public. As the "first heir" of the Rockefeller family, it is absolutely impossible for George R. Rockefeller to express himself.

To put it simply, Bai Yifan's two random slaps just now directly put two of the twenty-four super wealthy "first in line heirs" in this "heirs party" on the opposite side of his own. And it's the kind of bloody hatred.

This really shouldn't be an impulsive move that a "first in line" should make.

As the "first heir" of the family, you should first take the family's interests as the starting point for all your actions, and secondly, your own personal gains and losses.

As for personal likes and dislikes, they should be placed in third or even fourth and fifth place.

A mature "first-in-line heir" will never put his likes and dislikes in the first place. It will bring unnecessary trouble and trouble to himself and the family behind him, and even directly threaten his bottom. The position of "first in line heir".

Only those "first in line heirs" with broken brains will do whatever they want with their identities.

And their fate, the best, will also be deprived of the qualifications of the "inherited successor" of the family, and it will definitely not be a minority that die.

Although Bai Yifan is said to be the "only successor in line" of the Bai family, if he really did something that would cause the Bai family's interests to be greatly damaged, the five major Yanxia people's incognito family's interests would be greatly damaged, and even endanger the Bai family's survival. , With Bai Shanhe's strength in the Bai family, he absolutely couldn't keep his position as the "only heir in line".

If that time comes, Mr. Bai might stand up instead to check and balance the Baishan River.

After all, for a family, the only purpose is to pass it on in prosperity.

Any person or thing that may affect this purpose will become the enemy of this family, even if this person is the head of the family and the "first heir".

Therefore, whether Ye Jiaoyang, Xiao Ce, or Fan Yi, he did not believe Bai Yifan's slap in the face just now, and the attitude of doing things directly at the end, it was out of impulse and to George CW. Stillman's disgust.

The interstellar journey in the middle of the past few days has made them discover that this iron porcelain that has been playing together since childhood is not only ridiculously strong, but also seems to be a step deeper than them in wisdom and calculation. The whole person is like a reborn. , And the past are simply "two people" in heaven and on earth.

In fact, when they first were in the restaurant, they wanted to ask questions, but think about the way of "dark power" sound transmission, it is not that they can't be monitored by other "national martial arts masters" and stronger "national martial arts masters", so they can barely suppress them. Stayed with the doubts, confusion and curiosity in my heart.

When the five people got into the elevator, they couldn't wait to inquire.

For hotels like the Sailing Hotel, the protection of customer privacy is almost all aspects. Although surveillance cameras are installed in the elevators, the angles can only see the top of the guests’ heads, at most with a little side, mainly It is to prevent accidents, not to monitor the identity of every guest entering and exiting the elevator.

As for the monitor, it is impossible to install it on the elevator in normal times, let alone the time of the "heirs gathering".

If it is found that monitoring equipment is installed in the elevator or corridor, not only the Kape family of the organizer will be attacked by groups, but also the royal family of the United Arab Emirates will get in trouble. As for the big boss behind the Burj Al Arab Hotel , Then wait for the revenge of the world's top wealthy families, heaven and earth, there will never be a place for him on this earth.

"How did you think about it?" Seeing that Bai Yifan just smiled slightly, and did not explain, even Ye Jiaoyang was full of appetite, and his heart was like a cat, and his heart was tickled. Can't help but urge it.

Fan Yi and Xiao Ce also urged again and again, even Mu He Qianxia, ​​who had always been indifferent, showed a curious expression on their faces.

"In fact, it's not as complicated as you think." Bai Yifan was urged by a few people and had to shrug his shoulders and explained, "That guy wants to disgust me, so I simply disgusted him cruelly. It's that simple. "

Is it the other way around, disgusting and disgusting George. CW Stillman?

Several people were stunned when they heard it, and then rolled their eyes together. This time, even the calm-tempered Mu He Qianxia couldn't help but rolled his eyelids——

Believe you will be alive!

The second one is to make up one of the two previous chapters. Tomorrow, we will fight for two more to pay off the debt. Next week, we will set out to participate in a ten-day training. We will try to write more in these two days. The time left for my codewords will definitely be very tight.

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