Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred Seventeen

The yellow tennis ball crossed the net again and slammed heavily on the court behind Almagro. Amidst the shock and confusion on the face of the world-class star, it bounced high and finally stopped in front of the rescue block. .


The referee on duty who presides over this kind of world competition deserves to be possessed of extremely strong psychological qualities. Although his face clearly has a stubborn look, the speed of the ruling has not fallen behind because of shock.

Following his ruling, the big screen quickly showed the real-time scores of both sides of the game——

"Almagro (Spain) and Bai Yifan (China)


At this moment, it was quiet.

In the stands around the stadium, not only the foreign spectators who came to cheer for Almagro, but also the spectators on China's side were silent.

Everyone hasn't recovered from Bai Yifan's two consecutive smashes just now.

Those laymen who just came to cheer for the players are not bad, but they think that the two smashes just now are really clean and the win is really beautiful.

But those audiences who often watch tennis matches, those who know tennis, or even amateurs, are stunned by Bai Yifan’s horrific insight and judgment in the two smashes just now. !

Because the impact of tennis is originally stronger than other small ball sports, the handle of a tennis racket, based on the principle of lever mechanics, is not designed to be too long.

To tell the tennis ball in sports to accurately hit the opponent's racket handle is more than ten times more difficult than preventing the opponent from hitting the ball back.

And Bai Yifan was even hitting the handle of Almagro, who was rushing forward, in a smash!

The difficulty of this, just thinking about it, has already made these knowledgeable audiences feel a burst of sweat——

No wonder!After Sun Lingyue was expelled from the national team, the coaches of the coaching staff will appoint this youth who has never heard of the name as the new captain!

Just this terrifying eyesight and this scalpel-like precise control has surpassed all domestic male tennis seed players!

After dozens of seconds of silence, the Huaxia audience in the stands suddenly burst into cheers like a tumbling line!

With enthusiastic applause, almost all the sun visors above the stands were lifted off.

"Bai Yifan!"

"Bai Yifan!"

"Bai Yifan!"

I don't know who started it first. For a while, all around the stadium were cheering Bai Yifan's name.

"Bai Yifan!" Chen Meijia and Xiaoqiu were also there jumping and shouting, turning their heads and saying to everyone from time to time, "Bai Dashuai (White Tuhao) is so handsome that he exploded!"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled. Originally, they were a little worried about whether Bai Yifan would be given a "cai" by the Spanish star, but their hearts were all put back in their stomachs.

"Yifan Oppa is too powerful! The two smashes just now made me stunned!" Lin Xier was also a little bit selfless and dancing on the seat.

Qu Yaojing glanced at her disdainfully and snorted: "I know you are a layman at the first glance. The two smashes just now are more than simple-eyesight, anticipation, and control over the hitting zone. , Must reach the level of not bad, it is possible to hit two smashes like this. In addition, don’t forget that the person playing against Elder Bai is not a tennis rookie, but the ATP world ranking fourth. Nineteen, the world-class tennis player who was once ranked tenth in the ATP world."

Speaking of this, Qu Fairy also showed an incredible expression on his face: "I knew that Elder Bai's skills were superb, but I didn't expect his skills to be so superb! Hey! Maybe he has hope to play. Enter the semifinals and finals, and compete with the kings of Federer, Nadal, and Djokovic!"

"Lao Bai will definitely make it to the finals." Lin Wanyu also waved his arms, and yelled with Xiaoqiu and Chen Meijia without any lady, "Bai Yifan! Bai Yifan! Bai Yifan"

At this time, in the court, Almagro has returned to the serving area.

As he tried the tennis ball in his hand, he recalled the two smashes that were absolutely incredible to him.

"The strength of this Chinese man should be higher than mine." Soon, he made a judgment in his heart, "However, in the information we got, there is no record of this person's game. It can be seen that he should be A player that China has always hidden is to make a shot at this time. However, such a player has amazing skills, but it has a fatal flaw—"

He tossed the tennis ball high and swung his racket suddenly: "That is the experience of the game and the reaction to the game scene!"

The speed of this ball is actually faster than the first serve!

Seeing the "two hundred and twenty-five kilometers per hour" ball speed displayed on the big screen, the voices of the people who were cheering for Bai Yifan gradually became quieter.

Just the second ball, it has completely broken the record of China's fastest serving speed created by Zhang Chusheng!

Just this ball directly closed the audiences on the court.

This is the strength of Almagro in tennis!

However, this faster, super-high-speed serve still failed to win him an ace score, and even did not create an advantage for him to return the ball. Instead, it bought him an ace—

"0-30! returnace!"

The tennis ball had crossed the net at the same high speed, returned to his half court, and landed at an extremely tricky angle, flew out of the court in an instant, hit the surrounding barrier, and landed with a "boom".

Break faster and more directly than just now--

The Huaxia spectators in the surrounding stands were all stunned when they saw the ball between the sparks and the fire, and then they burst out louder and more surging shouts again!

"Bai Yifan!"

"Bai Yifan!"

"Bai Yifan!"

At this moment, this voice dominates the audience!,, ..

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