Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty Seventeen Minutes

At this moment, the audience was deadly quiet, and even the head referee with a strong psychological quality had his eyes widened and his mouth opened, and he even forgot to decide whether to score the goal.

Tang Huaise serves, because he exerts extremely strong backspin and a little side spin when he serves, so after the tennis ball hits the ground, it will not bounce like a normal serve, but under the action of strong backspin force, the tennis ball The force of the rebound is all transformed into a forward impulse.

In terms of the ball path and effect, Keigo Keigo's Tang Huaise serve, like Feiyan's return to the nest in the "triple counterattack" of Fujitsu's primary "Triple Counterattack", is of the interest of "walking the earth", making it extremely difficult for opponents to return the ball.

However, compared to taking off and returning to the nest, Tang Huaise's serve is significantly more powerful, because it is a direct score from the serve, and does not need to rely on the rotation force exerted by the opponent on the tennis ball when returning the ball.

The principle of Tang Huaise's serve is actually very simple, that is, at the moment of swinging the ball, relying on strong arm strength to apply strong enough downspin to the tennis ball, and at the same time superimpose the side spin rotation force of the previous step.

This serve is the same as in the Tezuka domain. It is a game that only exists theoretically in reality, but because it needs to control multiple difficulties at the same time, no one has ever played it.

Of course, because this is a technology that only exists in theory, there are no coaches and athletes, so time will be wasted on this, because, in their view, this technology is simply impossible to use in reality and belongs to " Waste technology".

However, at this moment, on this court, Bai Yifan played this serve that only exists in theory.

The tennis ball had already stopped sliding because it had hit the block behind it, and it landed on the side of the block.

Time, half a minute has passed since the ball stopped.

However, on the court, there was still silence and silence.

"Oh! God! What did I see!"

Suddenly, in the stands on the north side, a foreigner roared hysterically.

This wild roar seemed to break the solidified time and space. The next moment, the entire stadium, all boiled!

"1515-0!" The on-duty referee on the court finally woke up from the huge impact of Tang Huaise's serve, and quickly stammered announcing the goal, "aace ball!"

When the goal was scored on the big screen, the entire court was overwhelmed by screams and incredible roars.

Whether it is a foreigner audience or a Chinese audience, at this moment, all are crazy!

They were crazy about the incredible serve they had just now, and they were excited, and fortunately they watched this game!

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! It's so awesome! This serve is really a breakthrough!"

"What kind of serve is this? I have watched three years of Grand Slam, and I have watched hundreds of large and small world games. I have never seen such an incredible serve!"

"We Huaxia are really awkward! The bastards of the General Administration of Sports are really hidden deep enough! Such a powerful player has been hiding and he is not allowed to participate in international competitions. Wait until these foreigners form a team to play. When the face was broken, they invited this great god out—"

"Hahahahahaha! This is the first time I want to raise my hands to give two likes to the leaders of the General Administration of Sports! This is really too shameful!"

"Did you see the face of the Spanish player? I really regret that I didn't bring a SLR with me, otherwise I can focus on taking a close-up. When I teach my son what it means to be stunned, just show him this picture. !"

"I'm carrying a single hair! It's been taken! Hahahahaha! That face is full of two capitalized'suppressed'! I'm laughing so hard!"

In the rest area, Chen Fusheng also waved his fists twice, and kept muttering: "Sure enough, it's a new serve! This is his true serving strength! This serve is matched with a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. , It’s an unsolvable ACE ball! It’s so invincible! Can’t break this serve, even if Federer, Nadal and Djokovic come, they will kneel on the court for Xiaobai!"

The whole stadium was boiling, tumultuous, and chaotic.

In the end, the head referee who reacted had to temporarily suspend the entire game, let the staff stabilize the order of the audience in the stands, and then re-announced the game to continue.

It is still Bai Yifan's serve.

Almagro, who was on the opposite side, was completely shaken at this time, and his fighting spirit plummeted. Even the original idea of ​​serving as a "touchstone" for the follow-up EU players is already shaky at this moment.

Prolong the game and consume the physical strength of this Chinese man——

These two original plans, at this moment, in his opinion, are simply two big jokes!

He couldn't even catch the opponent's serve, how could he delay the game, how could he consume the opponent's physical strength!

"No! Sanchez! You must cheer up! No matter what, at least you must find a way to catch such a serve!" Almagro began to cheer himself up again, giving himself psychological hints.

Bai Yifan didn't care whether he was stunned or other emotions, and no matter what he was planning now.

What Bai Yifan wanted was to end the game directly and cleanly.

Tang Huaise serves, Tang Huaise serves, Tang Huaise serves!

Three consecutive Tang Huaise serve, all aces scored directly, won the second game without any suspense.

Then there were four Tang Huaiseer serve and directly won the third game.

Seventeen minutes later, the first round of Bai Yifan's qualifiers ended——


Almagro was directly "shaved with a big bald head", with zero seals in six games, zero kills in a single game, and a complete defeat without suspense!

This is Bai Yifan's first match in the men's singles as the captain of the national team.

This battle has shocked the world!,, ..

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