Almighty in the city

Chapter 122: ATP's second-ranked opponent in the world

"Do you really plan to do this? This is a team game! The rest time between the three singles matches depends entirely on the time of the doubles game——" Director Zhao, in the office of the Director of the Tennis Association of the Tennis Department, wore a face and looked Chen Fusheng handed him the "team competition" player arrangement plan. After holding the pen with the right hand for several times, he failed to sign his name on the signature of the bottom person in charge.

In his opinion, this plan is too ridiculous!

Even if Bai Yifan really eliminated Almagro, who is ranked 49th in the ATP world in the men's singles qualifier in the afternoon, within 20 minutes, Director Zhao still does not believe that he can resist the team alone. The physical consumption of the three singles matches-

That was a total of three singles matches. Even if Bai Yifan could beat all his opponents 6-0 like today, he would have to play a full 18 rounds in just a few hours!

And if there is a stalemate in the middle, the number of games he has to play may even reach as many as forty games!

This is not something that an athlete's physical strength can support, even long-distance runners who specialize in marathoning!

Tennis is a high-explosive sports competition. The physical consumption of players in a tennis match may not be much easier than a marathon.

"Or, think about it again?" Director Zhao hesitated for a while, but still couldn't sign the name. He threw away his pen and looked at Bai Yifan and Chen Fusheng. "Anyway, this plan is just a qualifier. It's really a team match tomorrow. Have the qualifications to make substitutions on the spot, otherwise, change to a safer plan?"

Chen Fusheng said displeased: "Why, are you afraid of being back? I made this plan. If anyone has an opinion, just let them come to me directly."

Director Zhao said with a dry smile: "I didn't mean that, but, if this plan is to expose the media to the exposure-you know, this time the international sports exchange meeting, all departments are under great pressure, and people across the country are waiting. I handed over a satisfactory answer sheet. At this time, if I come up with such a plan, I really can't hold it here."

Chen Fusheng said angrily: "Have you forgotten the bet with Yifan? I would like to accept the bet, do you want to go wrong?"

Director Zhao smiled bitterly: "If I said Guidance Chen, will you be merciful to let me go this time? So, I guarantee that all the personnel arrangements for the team competition will be all your responsibility! At that time, you really want to let Xiao Xiao It's all up to you to play three singles for nothing!"

After a pause, he handed back the plan in hand: "The only thing is, this plan should be changed. At least, don't push the Nets Association to the top of the storm."

"Okay, what you said!" Chen Fusheng did not insist this time. "I want the qualifications of the team coaching team leader."

"Here you are!" Director Zhao nodded busy when he heard that he didn't insist.

"I still have one vote to decide." Chen Fusheng continued.

Director Zhao hesitated, glanced at Bai Yifan, gritted his teeth and said: "I will give it to you too!"

"Okay, then sign it." Chen Fusheng smiled and took out another pre-selection plan from his arms.

Director Zhao smiled helplessly. After taking a look, the pre-selection plan was obviously formulated long ago. The personnel arrangements and substitution plans for singles and doubles are detailed and meticulous, and there is no fault at all.

Director Zhao knew that he was "calculated" by Chen Fusheng, and he signed his name with a wry smile.

After signing, he looked at Bai Yifan and said: "Tomorrow’s opponent in the first round of the team competition is the old power Geely. Their ace Murray, but this year’s ATP World Ranking second-ranked king-level star, his Strength is not comparable to Almagro."

Chen Fusheng also nodded: "Due to his age, Almagro can no longer compare to his peak in terms of physical condition or competitive state. Although Murray is only two years younger than him, he is still playing tennis. The golden age of the players. Moreover, the players of his age have not yet begun to decline in physical condition, but the game experience has been accumulated enough-you should not relax Murray just because you easily defeated Almagro A careless mentality."

This last sentence is obviously a special reminder to Bai Yifan.

Director Zhao smiled and said: "Except for Murray, there is no other tennis player in the Geely team who can rank in the top 50 in the ATP world ranking. It can be said that in this death group, the Geely team is our most promising. An opponent who scored."

"Murray will definitely arrange for the third singles match." Chen Fusheng said, "So, for tomorrow's match, I actually don't recommend that you play three singles. The best arrangement is to only play the first match. In the third game, in this way, you will have three game breaks in between to recover your strength and adjust your competitive state."

"Yes, it's better not to play the first game." Director Zhao quickly echoed, "Murray is the second-ranked king of ATP this year. Even Federer was overwhelmed by him this year. Ranked third. As long as you can win Murray, even if you lose tomorrow's team game, we will be considered a victory!"

Bai Yifan smiled, but did not answer.

Walking out of the office, Chen Fusheng glanced at him: "Tomorrow, are you really going to play three games?"

Bai Yifan smiled and nodded: "However, not three singles, but the first three games."

Chen Fusheng was taken aback: "The first three games? S1, S2 singles, plus D1 doubles?"

"Yes." Bai Yifan said with a smile, "The Geely team, I am not interested in playing with them for five games. I finish playing earlier and I can rest earlier."

After a pause, he said faintly: "Moreover, I have promised Wan Yu and the others that I will accompany them to go shopping in Yanjing tomorrow afternoon. I really have to play five games and the sun will go down."

As he said, he waved to Chen Fusheng and walked leisurely outside the building, leaving Chen Fusheng standing there blankly, his face full of astonishment and an unbelievable wry smile——

If the Geely team knew that they were so underestimated by Bai Yifan, I'm afraid they would go violently.,, ..

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