Almighty in the city

Chapter 124 I have seen through

"Bai Yifan?!"

At the same time, in the rest area of ​​the Geely team, the head coach Fisichella, the head coach of the team competition, and the ten players in the rest area were all surprised to see the Chinese pinyin of "Bai Yifan" typed on the big screen. Stood up.

After analyzing and sorting out the current main players of the Huaxia team, it took a full night for the coaching staff of the Geely team to figure out five plans for the player arrangement of the Huaxia team during today's game.

These five plans have almost covered all the possibilities.

However, there is no plan that Bai Yifan, the main general of the China team, guessed the position of S1.

Just because he defeated Almagro's "Tang Huaise serve" in yesterday afternoon's game, as long as the coach of the China team doesn't get into the brain, he will definitely arrange this person to S3.

With this kind of serve, even if he meets Murray, he is completely hopeful of hitting an ACE ball!

However, what everyone never expected was--

The head coach of the Huaxia team, who was in charge of the team formation, actually placed this Bai Yifan in the S1 position!

What are Huaxia people planning to do?Knowing that we can’t beat our tennis knights in Great Britain, so just in line with the idea of ​​earning a bit of points, let their captain win the first singles first?

Fisichella's brows suddenly frowned.

His instinct as a good coach told him that behind this abnormal formation, there must be some kind of conspiracy hidden.

Fisichella is also a lover of Chinese culture. In his mind, an allusion that happened in ancient China emerged involuntarily—

Tian Ji horse racing!

"Use the inferior horse to lose to the superior horse, then use the superior horse to win the medium horse, and then use the medium horse to win the opponent's inferior horse—" Fisichella thought so, but shook her head again." However, based on the serve Bai Yifan showed yesterday afternoon, he is the top horse of the Huaxia team. We have information about the other players in the Huaxia team. There should be no players stronger than him."

He pondered and watched his team’s S1 player and Bai Yifan walk onto the court separately. He suddenly remembered the fact that Almagro was defeated in 17 minutes yesterday afternoon, his eyes condensed suddenly: "Could it be! China? Are people doing this abacus?!"

He was shocked, and evaluated the strength gap between his own S1 player and Bai Yifan in his heart. After a while, he slapped his thigh and said bitterly, "That's it! What a cunning Chinese man!"

"What's the matter?" Murray glanced at him.

Here, only his super ace, dare to speak to the coach in this casual tone.

"The head coach of the Huaxia team wants their captain to grab points as much as possible." Fisichella said coldly, "I'm afraid this Bai Yifan will play two singles today."

"Play two singles?" All the players were taken aback, and then they all understood, "S1 and S3!"

"Yes!" Fisichella nodded. "Even Almagro can only hold on his hands for 17 minutes. If he wants to make a quick fight, with that kind of serve, he can beat Canada in about ten minutes. Charin. Then take a three-game break and wait until S3, and then come to a showdown with Murray!"

Murray smiled: "It seems that I was underestimated by the Chinese people."

Fisichella sneered and said: "They are really good calculations, but since I have seen through, then they are absolutely impossible to hit S3! I will send them off on D1, D2 and S2 directly!"

"Does S2 need me to go?" Murray asked.

"No." Fisichella shook his head coldly, "Shooting you in S3 was originally to save you energy. Don't worry, they have no chance to let you play!"

He quickly changed the list of players in the next D1 competition, and then entered the list terminal in the rest area.

At this time, on the court, the first singles match has started.

Bai Yifan guessed the right to serve, and the auspicious player asked for a half-court exchange and replaced Bai Yifan on his half of the court.

"These auspicious guys, it's really a lot of careful thinking." Seeing this scene, Chen Fusheng sneered, "Want to take the opportunity to observe Yifan's ball and style up close? Unfortunately, you won't have that time. "

While he was speaking, Bai Yifan was already standing on the teeing ground.

Seeing where he was standing, there was a commotion in the surrounding stands.

Many spectators who watched the singles match between him and Almagro yesterday afternoon, and saw him standing some distance from the bottom line, they immediately knew that he was going to send the kind that would not rebound after landing. , It will only slide "walk the earth".

Many people can't wait to turn on the video recording function of their mobile phones. Some of them with SLR cameras and DVD players are shaking their hands with excitement and nervousness, fearing that they will accidentally miss the magical footage.

"One set will determine the outcome!" The referee on duty raised his hand and said, "Bai Yifan's serve!"

With the fall of his gesture, the game officially began.

Bai Yifan had already tossed the tennis ball in his hand, and it was indeed the kind of forward toss that Tang Huaise used to serve.

Flick your arms, swing a pat——

The yellow tennis ball instantly turned into a lightning bolt and hit the Geely player's half court area.

Two hundred kilometers per hour of super high-speed serve, although the auspicious player is already prepared, his eyes are fixed on the ground after the ball hits the ground, but when the tennis ball glides past, his body still has no time to react. .

"15-0! ACE ball!"

There were thunderous cheers and applause from the surrounding stands.

Among them were those who saw "Tang Huai Se serve" for the first time, screaming such as "Fuck", "My God" and "God".

The Geely player smiled bitterly, and only the person who faced the serve in person could truly experience the powerlessness of facing the ball.

Bai Yifan threw the ball for the second time, swinging the racket, and another Tang Huaise serve.

"30-0! ACE ball!"

"45-0! ACE ball!"

"Lovegame! 1-0!" the referee announced, "Gacharin's serve!"

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