Almighty in the city

Chapter 133: Seeing Beluga Whale Again

A slight headwind and a backhand chipping ball. When the two were added together at the same time, Chen Fusheng's mind instantly recalled the incredible ball he saw during the community tennis match——

"Beluga." Bai Yifan's mouth gently spit out the English word pronunciation of Beluga.

The tennis ball, which was cut from the bottom up by the racket, soared into the mid-air ahead in an extremely gorgeous arc trajectory.

Murray is already on the net with his racquet, his eyes fixed on the cutting return ball, the right hand holding the racquet has opened slightly to the upper side of his body, ready to hit a volley before the net.

His attention was focused on the flying tennis ball, but the corner of his eye was also observing Bai Yifan's next move.

He has already planned to use the opportunity of this volley in front of the net to win the ball and tie the score to "15-15".

However, the next moment, his brows suddenly frowned--

This chipping ball seems to be playing too long?

Seeing that the tennis ball was already spinning vigorously before crossing the net, and floating towards the sky, Murray couldn't help turning his head and glanced at the bottom line behind him, and then instantly raised his head, his gaze was over this one. Over his head, he was continuing to take a look at the tennis ball flying high behind him.

In the next moment, he had already confirmed his initial judgment: "This chipping ball was played too long! This Bai Yifan probably wanted to use a chipping ball to hit a lob, but he used too much force. , Resulting in too much rotational force applied to the tennis ball. This time, this ball is going to fly directly to the stands."

The spectators around also clearly saw the tennis ball that was flying higher and higher, drawing a perfect arc in the air like a whale out of the water.

"Is this an accidental mistake?"

"It should be a miscalculation of the power of Murray's backhand stroke, so when he hit the chip, he used too much force."

"This auspicious Murray looks very insidious. In his backhand smash just now, he should have given Bai Yifan a set."

"Hey, this is the gap in game experience! The captain of our national team has always been secretly hidden by the General Administration of Sports. This is the first time that he has been released to play such an international game. The game experience is comparable to that of Murray. It’s not just a little bit of the difference between this kind of heavenly king class star."

"It's still too young to make Murray's grandson overcast!"

"It's okay. Even if you lose this ball, it just makes Murray equalize. Even if you lose this serve, it doesn't matter. With his serve that doesn't rebound after landing, I don't believe this auspicious guy can catch it. ."

"Yes, right, right, as long as Geely can't find a way to crack that kind of serve, we can't lose this game! The big deal is a tie."

"Big brother, you're a pure layman, right? There is no tie in the tennis match. If you hit 6-6, you will enter the tiebreaker, okay?"

"Wow! This tennis ball looks like it will fall into our stands! Husband, prepare quickly and get this ball back for me! As long as you grab it, you will unlock a new position at night!"

"Tennis tennis! Dad, I want this tennis ball!"

Amidst the noise and noise, the yellow tennis ball, against a slight headwind, flew higher and higher on Murray's half of the court.

The spectators in the stands directly behind the Murray Stadium have all been crowded to the fence of the stands at this moment, raising their arms towards the sky one by one, preparing to wait for the tennis ball to fly over and take it down—

This kind of opportunity to watch the game and get gifts, but it is very rare!

Murray on the court also relaxed a little at this time, and smiled at Bai Yifan, and said: "Unexpectedly, you will also make mistakes. I thought that your skills have been trained to the point of subtle control."

"Mistakes?" Bai Yifan smiled without explaining to him.

Because, at this moment, the tennis ball that was about to fly out of Murray's half of the court suddenly stopped in mid-air without warning. At almost the same moment, the tennis ball began to fall rapidly, the one that fell. Speed ​​is like a light-skilled master who suddenly performed the technique of "falling a thousand catties" in mid-air.

"Fuck! Groove!"


"your sister!"

"My day!"

"Oh my God!"

"Oh, God!"

"What kind of ball is this!"

"Nima, right?"

"This ball is going to blind my titanium alloy eyes!"

At the moment when the tennis ball fell rapidly, Qi Qi erupted in incredible exclamation from the stands all around.

Those spectators who raised their arms to the sky and prepared to compete for this tennis ball are all dumb, dumb, and dumb at this moment.

They looked at the tennis ball that was supposed to fly over their heads with shocked faces, but it suddenly fell without warning. The raised hands, at this moment, seemed to be for this incredible ball. Cheers and shouts.

Murray instinctively sensed that something was wrong, and at the same time that this exclamation erupted in the surrounding stands, he almost turned his head instinctively.

Then, his pupils, in the next second, rapidly enlarged--

He saw the tennis ball that was supposed to fly out of the court and into the stands, but at this time, it fell like a missile quickly, unbiased, and pressed against the bottom line of his half of the court.

An expression of extreme shock has appeared on his face.

His mouth also opened slightly subconsciously.

However, this is not the end!

As soon as the tennis ball landed, the intense rotation caused the tennis ball to bounce backwards at an extremely fast speed, and it flew toward Bai Yifan's half of the court.

Murray was taken aback, with an instinctive movement of his body, he opened his right hand and was about to swing a bat to hit the ball——

However, at this moment, he felt that his hands were suddenly empty.

His racket fell on the court after being extremely shocked!

He could only watch a ball fly over the net, and then Bai Yifan raised his hand with a smile and grabbed it in his hand: "Mistake? I'm sorry, I won't make a mistake.", ....

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