Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Fifty Two

"I don't think he is a purely technical player." The head coach of the Swiss team frowned. "A purely technical player cannot play the kind of'Tang Huaise serve'. That serve must have sufficient arm strength to match. Display."

Fisichella shook his head and said: "I didn't say that he is a purely technical player, but even an all-around player, strength is the weakest link in their strength composition. If you have the ability to make the opponent unable to catch the ball back.' Violence, why bother to practice those skill-based returns that have greatly increased turnover rate."

"This is indeed a direction." The head coach of the European Union nodded. "Fisichella, you Geely competed with him personally. Do you think this Bai Yifan can score in strength?"

"Seven to eight points." Fisichella thought for a while, "Seven points. After all, the'Don Wise serve' was issued at the cost of heavier arm load. I think this was also his last game. , To use three gorgeous skills to completely shatter Murray’s confidence. I later thought about it carefully and felt that his three goals were not calculating Murray but me. He successfully forced me to give up the third. Games."

Michelle, the head coach of the Will team, said at this time: "In terms of strength alone, our team’s Ulliel Borg and Spain’s Gonzalez are the strongest power players in the world. The day after tomorrow’s team competition. , We are going to have a showdown with the Huaxia team. At that time, maybe Ullilberg and that Bai Yifan will come to a'death'! After all, he has always wanted to personally avenge his brother's injury."

"Tomorrow's two singles, there is a dangerous guy, maybe he can cause some trouble for that Chinese guy." The head coach of the Gaul team looked at the list of singles for tomorrow, his eyes suddenly brightened.

"The Neon team’s Kei Nishikori? He is indeed a troublesome opponent. This year he has reached the sixth place in the ATP World Ranking. In all of Asia, the only player who can enter the ATP World Ranking is this Neon man. The head coach of the European Union nodded, "Moreover, I heard that his style of play is very fierce, and he often accidentally caused physical injuries to his opponents in the game."

"What's even better is that in the singles match of Kei Nishikori tomorrow morning, the opponent happens to be a Chinese." The head coach of the Gaul team smiled sinisterly. "Maybe we can let Mijian and Ni Let’s talk about the Rainbow team. After all, the United States and Japan have a very firm “ally” relationship."

"Let me deliberately hurt the Huaxia player who will play tomorrow?" Kei Nishikori, who had just finished his muscle training in a villa of the Neon team in the Olympic Village, frowned as he watched his coach Inoue Kohata and asked. Said, "Give me a reason."

Inoue Kohata is a typical neon man, with a small eight-character Hu, smiling at his ace players: "This is the Mu He chaebol's people, conveyed to me. If we can do what they say , Then, after this race is over, Mu He Chaebol will ask you to endorse Dongfeng Honda’s new car, the endorsement fee, this number—"

"Too little." However, Kei Nishikori shook his head. "If you are convicted of deliberately harming the opponent's player in the game, then not only will I be disqualified from this exchange meeting, the International Tennis Federation may also give me The penalty of suspension. I am planning to hit the top five in the ATP world ranking in the second half of the year. If I only give this money, I will bet on the ranking points for the second half of the year?"

He snorted coldly.

Inoue Hiroshita smiled and said, "You can rest assured that tomorrow's game will not be the referee of the Chinese people. The referee and the Mu He chaebol have already contacted. As long as you do not be too obvious, you will never be Sentenced to intentionally hurt the opponent player."

"It's really troublesome." Kei Nishikori complained. "Where did that Chinese guy offend the Muha chaebol, does he have to do something in this kind of competition?"

Inoue Hiroshida shrugged: "Then I don't know-by the way, the Muhan chaebol also said that if the match tomorrow afternoon, the Chinese man named Bai Yifan will not be able to continue participating in the next singles matches and groups. If you match, they can add a zero to the endorsement fee."

Kei Nishikori's eyes lit up in an instant. The endorsement fee of two million dollars is already a first-line level among neon sports stars. If you add a zero—

Twenty million dollars!

"Interesting—" A cold arc appeared at the corner of his mouth. "It seems that Europe and the United States are very afraid of the captain of this extraordinary Chinese team! Very good, let me play tomorrow. Meet him well."

"Hehe, then I wish you good luck, Nishikori-kun." Inoue Hirohata smiled so that both eyes were narrowed.

However, only Kei Nishikori knew that this guy who was smiling all day long was an out-and-out smiling tiger.

If someone can afford a sufficient price, he will even resell himself without hesitation.

"Two Chinese people, 22 million U.S. dollars. This transaction is much easier than when I was a killer." Kei Nishikori bent over and grabbed his tennis racket and pointed it at the boxing punching bag used to build muscle density. , Hit a serve.

After a muffled sound, the bottom of the sandbag suddenly tore open, and countless sands instantly washed away the entire sandbag.

The next day, the third day of the International Sports Exchange, was also the second and third rounds of the tennis men's singles and men's doubles qualifiers.

Bai Yifan's morning opponent is a men's singles player from Mijian.

Faced with this Mijian who didn’t even make the top 50 of the ATP World Ranking, he sent a "six-love" in less than seven minutes and won the third round of the qualifier without any suspense. Tickets.

"The opponent in the afternoon, if nothing else, it should be Kei Nishikori of the Neon team." Chen Fusheng said with a smile.

"Fortunately, Cao Gan is not here, otherwise I would have jumped up and fight you desperately if I hear you are so disinterested in him." Bai Yifan took the cup he handed over, took a sip, and joked.

At this time, Cao Qian and Kei Nishikori's game just finished the first game. The score was "1-0". Cao Qian saved the serve and took the lead temporarily.,, ..

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