Almighty in the city

Chapter 154 Black List

"What?!" Just when Cao Qian had to withdraw from the game due to a coma and was sent to the hospital for first aid, Chen Fusheng, who was discussing with Bai Yifan about what to eat at noon, received a call from coach Cao Qian.

After just listening for two seconds, Chen Fusheng’s blue veins on his forehead were already violent, and the whole person was like an angry old wolf: “Then what’s going on now, don’t worry about the game! Tell me how Cao Qian is now. Concussion, eye bone fracture, minor eyeball damage, I know, you don't care about anything, as long as you take care of Cao Qian, I will handle the rest with Director Zhao."

When the phone was hung up, Chen Fusheng suddenly kicked a big tree on the side of the road: "I'm so cute, your mother's little neon!"

The big tree with the thickness of the mouth was shaken violently by his kick, and the leaves fell straight down.

"Old Chen, calm down." Bai Yifan frowned. He glanced at Chen Fusheng's right leg that began to tremble after kicking the tree. He sighed and helped him sit down on the side of the road. What's the matter? How come there was such a big fire suddenly?"

Chen Fusheng gasped violently, and for a while, he exhaled, and said bitterly: "Little Cao was almost maimed by Kei Nishikori--not mentally maimed, but physical maimed! "

"Body disability?" Bai Yifan frowned slightly, "What's the matter, you tell me in detail."

Chen Fusheng scolded again, "I'm so cute, your mother's little neon", and then he recounted the situation that Coach Cao Qian had reported to him on the phone.

"Side spin serve, side spin kick" Bai Yifan chewed on the technical terms in these two tennis balls, imagining the course of the two balls in his mind, "No, normal side spin serve and side spin kick are both. There is no such power! At the moment the tennis ball collides with the ground, most of the impact has been borne by the ground of the court——Old Chen, go back to the sports center, I want to see Cao Gan and Na Nishikori play against Video!"

Chen Fusheng didn't say much. Although the muscles of his right leg were still twitching, he stood up with his teeth, made a call, called a car for the national team, and set off directly to the sports center.

In the technical analysis room of the Tennis Department of the Sports Center, Bai Yifan frowned and loosened constantly looking at the game screen projected on the screen.

"Old Chen, go back twenty seconds, and then play at twelve times slower speed." He turned his head and said to Chen Fusheng.

The picture began to rewind, and then replayed at twelve times slower speed.

This time, after Bai Yifan frowned, he never let go. In his eyes, slowly, following the twelve times slow motion playback, a cold light flashed——

This Nishikori Kei is not a normal tennis player!

Tennis players are divided into many types because of their personal talents, such as technical players who focus on ball skills, power players who focus on violent play, all-round all-round players, and defensive players who are good at defensive counterattacks.

Different types of tennis players, because of the difference in training on weekdays, so the difference in physical fitness will be very obvious——

Of course, this kind of obviousness can't be seen by ordinary people at all, but in some military special forces instructors, some private senior martial arts instructors, and some martial artists who have deep training in martial arts, this kind of physical quality difference , But the black letters on the white paper are even more conspicuous!

Kei Nishikori's side-spin serve, and that kind of side-spin kick, are very similar to the kind of outside-spin kick of Fuji Zhousuke's younger brother in the king of the net and Fuji Yuta.

This is a kind of ball skill that puts a strong load on the shoulders and arms at the same time. In tennis terms, there are no "scrap skills" that professional players will learn and practice.

Prolonged use of this "waste technique" will cause irreparable injuries to the shoulders and arms of the professional players, which will affect the outcome of the game at a minimum, and will directly terminate the career.

And this Nishikori Kei, his shoulders and arms, can fully afford this overload, which means that his muscle density and bone flexibility are not comparable to a normal professional tennis player!

And this kind of muscle density and bone flexibility can also be trained by tennis players!

The most important thing--

That's what he and Chen Fusheng said before. Normal side spin serve and side spin smash, even if it is rushed to the opponent's temple and eyes, it is absolutely impossible to have a concussion effect, let alone a direct hit. One of Cao Qian’s right eye was broken!

For a violent tennis player, unless he uses the "wave ball" style of play in the king of the net to directly hit the opponent's body with the ball, once the tennis ball lands first, the ground will absorb the big tennis ball. Part of the impact.

When the tennis ball bounces again, the impact force it can carry is the force of the ground rebound, unless--

"Dark power" was taken on tennis!

Yes, only the "dark power" that can be played by masters of national martial arts can make the tennis ball still bring a more terrifying impact than the violent player's "fluctuating ball" after it rebounds!

This Kei Nishikori is not an ordinary tennis player, but a master of neon Aikido martial arts who has developed "dark power"!

A neon aikido master of martial arts, as long as he is open to teach his apprentices, he can earn a lot of money from tuition alone. Why should he switch to playing tennis?

Moreover, looking at Chen Fusheng’s reaction, I am afraid that no one knows that Kei Nishikori was a master of neon Aikido before he became a professional tennis player!

Then, all this can only have one explanation.

Bai Yifan's eyes narrowed slightly, looking at the projection screen, the twelve-times-speed slow motion shot Nishikori Kei that side-spin smash, his lips squirmed silently, and it was impossible for Chen Fusheng to spit Words heard--

Black list.,, ..

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