Almighty in the city

Chapter 156 Stepping Stones

"Is the game in the afternoon really okay?" Chen Fusheng still asked another question uneasy as he walked on the way to the sports center canteen.

Just now, he has watched the video of Kei Nishikori's game after becoming a professional tennis player, especially the video of Kei Nishikori's four Grand Slam matches in the past two years.

Kei Nishikori's style of play is extremely offensive. Although in the red lands of the French Open, his offensiveness will slightly change to defense, but overall, this neon star is an out and out. Offensive player.

Moreover, because of this extreme style of play, there will be accidents in any game where Kei Nishikori participates.

The most recent time was at the Washington Open in Mijian. A Mexican tennis player was hit in the head by his side-spin, but he accidentally lost his balance and hit the referee directly. On the referee's bench, the referee broke a leg, and the hapless Mexican player was due to a strong concussion and detachment of the right eye retina, which directly ruined his entire career.

Combined with the match between Cao Qian and him in the morning, Cao Qian was accidentally hit on the head by his side spin smash. Fortunately, he was lucky. The ball would not be played directly, otherwise this China Men's Net. The No. 3 seeded player, I am afraid that he will also follow in the footsteps of the Mexican player.

Therefore, Chen Fusheng's current mood can be described as very disturbed.

"Don't worry, it's just a small trash fish, I will avenge Cao Qian." Bai Yifan said somewhat.

This is the nineteenth time he has answered Chen Fusheng's exact same question.

"It's the second thing to take revenge or not. I just want to remind you that if you feel reluctant to hit the ball with his side spin, don't go for it." Chen Fusheng said babblingly, "This Nishikori Kei, Although he is called the "tennis star" by the neon people, European and American audiences have given him an alternative nickname-"tennis killer" because of his extremely aggressive play and his side spin. Hitting the ball often causes unexpected damage to the opponent in the game."

Bai Yifan glanced at him and gave a bitter smile: "I said Lao Chen, so don't worry. He is bullying and bullying professional tennis players because of his good manners."

"Don't be careless! This kind of thinking of underestimating the enemy is not good." Chen Fusheng didn't hear the foreign voice of his words at all, and quickly started to exhort him.

Bai Yifan shrugged helplessly, letting him nag.

After watching the video of that game, Kei Nishikori's strength was already clear at a glance.

Simply speaking of tennis talent, he is at the level of Cao Qian, Zhang Chusheng, and Sun Lingyue. He belongs to the international middle level. He is not qualified to be the same as Federer, Nader, Djokovic and Murray. Field competition.

However, just because he is a master of neon Aikido, in terms of physical fitness, it can be said that he is a world famous general who has completely crushed these heavenly kings.

Moreover, with his physical fitness more than ten times better than ordinary people, he can, like Bai Yifan, unscrupulously display the "waste skills" that normal professional players would not dare to practice.

It is because of the "waste technique" of side-spin smashing and the "dark power" he has developed through Aikido that he can defeat most tennis players in the game, and even think of a way to directly ruin the game. Their career.

To put it bluntly, Kei Nishikori is also a guy who plays "externally".

It's just that his "plug-in" is not worth mentioning in Bai Yifan's eyes.

Before the start of the men's singles game in the afternoon, Chen Fusheng received a call from coach Cao Gan from the Yanjing First People's Hospital.

Cao Qian’s injury has basically stabilized. The fracture of the eye bone and the minor eyeball injury will not affect his future career, but the concussion will be slightly more serious. He needs to be observed in the hospital for one month until it is confirmed. After there are no sequelae, he can be discharged from the hospital for recuperation.

When this call came, Cao Qian had just been moved from the intensive care unit to the intensive care unit and was still in a coma.

"Okay, I see." Chen Fusheng listened to Coach Cao Gan's report, and finally heaved a sigh of relief. "When Xiao Cao wakes up, tell him, take a good rest, Director Zhao, I will say hello and ask him not to do anything. Psychological burden. When the afternoon game is over, we will go to see him."

After hanging up the phone, he took a deep breath, raised his hand and pressed it hard on Bai Yifan's shoulder: "Yifan, safety first."

Bai Yifan smiled and said, "This sentence, you can talk to Kei Nishikori directly."

The corners of his mouth raised slightly, but the smile did not make people feel dangerous. On the contrary, there would be a feeling of horror with a cold back: "After this game, whether it is in tennis or the shady underground world , There will be no place for Kei Nishikori to stand anymore."

"What are you muttering again?" Chen Fusheng asked casually, worrying about the afternoon game.

"Nothing." Bai Yifan smiled, "I'm in."

He and Chen Fusheng walked towards the contestant passage.

It just so happened that Kei Nishikori and his coach Kohata Inoue were coming from not far away.

"Bai Jun, in the afternoon game, I hope his subordinates will be merciful." Inoue Hirohata greeted the two of them from a distance, still with a smile on his face.

Bai Yifan smiled at him, didn't say anything, and went straight into the contestant channel.

Chen Fusheng glared at the two people coldly, snorted coldly, and turned around to enter.

"Tsk tusk, a man worth 20 million dollars." Inoue Hiroshita was not angry at the treatment of such a hot face on his cold buttocks, but said to Nishikori Kei with a smile, "From this perspective alone Your opponent, Bai Jun, should be China’s most valuable athlete."

"Don't worry, I won't have trouble with money." Kei Nishikori's face was indifferent. "I will become the true savior of the neon tennis world. Let this legendary Chinese captain become me. The first stepping stone to the pinnacle." ,, ..

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