Almighty in the city

Chapter 159 A series of mistakes?

"It really is a'violent style of play'!" In the commentary room, Coach Wang and Coach Li sighed that Bai Yifan's arm strength was not inferior to that of a power player. There was also a sound of exclamation from the stands. .

The audience did not expect that Bai Yifan, who was able to display such gorgeous scum skills as "Flying Swallow Returning to the Nest", "Brown Bear Captured" and "White Whale", would be so handy for "violent play".

Just now, the hard block behind Kei Nishikori changed its shape. If Kei Nishikori used a racket to fight hard, he would not necessarily be able to make a beautiful return.

There is no doubt that this ball is played by the most orthodox power player. There is no fancy. It is to use the simplest skills to force you to work hard with him. If you can’t win, you can only Lose!

"It seems that in the morning Cao Qian was hit by that side spin smash into the hospital, which made the captain of the national team very angry."

"Although it was just an accident, but it was me, and I would definitely want to find this place for my teammates on the court!"

"To be honest, I think this is just like our national team! The kind of humble and polite national team in the past is really annoying for me! If a team wants to have centripetal force, it has to admit it! Protect the shortcomings! Bai Yifan is good! Such a captain is the captain of the national team in my mind!"

"Yeah! It's a fucking truth! Your player who played Lao Tzu on the court enters the hospital, then Lao Tzu will be tough with you! You must retire halfway through the match!"

"Ahhhhhhhhh! I'm already excited!"

"Come on, Captain White! Kill Kei Nishikori!"

"Yes! What I didn't say is just hard-hearted!"

Although a goal was lost, the mood of the Chinese audience in the stands rose even more.

Upon seeing this, the neon audience on the opposite side also shouted loudly to cheer on their "tennis star" Kei Nishikori.

For a time, the entire stadium was filled with waves of boiling sound.

"Sure enough to avenge that Cao Gan?" Kei Nishiko turned his head and glanced at the tennis ball embedded in the steel net, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, and a touch of cold joy flashed in his eyes, "That's really too good. All right."

The Russian referee motioned to the caddie to pull down the tennis ball and replaced Kei Nishikori with a new ball.

Kei Nishikori casually tried the tennis ball in his hand, and then hit his third serve——

With a hint of "dark power" side spin serve.

"Are you ready to start?" Bai Yifan's mouth was slightly raised, without any hesitation, he directly played a "Jack.knife" (the center of gravity jumps vertically), this is a skill of the net king Taocheng Wu , Is not a complete "violent play".

At this moment, he has not only one item card, but includes [Item Card: Momogi Takeshi's Tennis Racket (Elementary)] and [Proper Card: Fujitsu's Tennis Racket (Elementary)] And [Prop Card: Lilia Andre's Tennis Racket (Beginner)] including seven!

This was also the first time he used the "Strong Card King System" elementary cards on top of each other. He didn't expect that the conversion between his skills would be so fluent, there was not even a bit jerky.

Facing this vertical take-off hit, the cold smile in Kei Nishikori's eyes was even worse.

He felt that at least two-thirds of the 20 million US dollars had now entered his pocket.

"Infuriate him, force him, and then consume more of his physical strength!" Kei Nishikori calculated silently in his heart, "The pure'violent style of play' consumes physical strength twice to three times that of ordinary styles of play. Times. Normal Asian athletes have a big problem in terms of physical endurance-if you speed up the pace of the game, I estimate that around the third game, you can send this Chinese to hell."

He was also a forehand smash with two-handed racket, and drew the tennis ball that Bai Yifan had drawn back.

Bai Yifan kept moving cleanly, swinging his hands again, and hitting the same "fault" as the previous one.

Kei Nishikori frowned, but didn't catch the ball.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the ball has completely lost its change because of the excessive swing power. Even if Kei Nishikori stands still, the ball will hit directly out of the bounds. In this case, Kei Nishikori of course cannot In order to consume more of Bai Yifan's physical strength, it is too obvious to force the ball.

"His hiss", the ball really hit the wire net. The violently spinning tennis ball rubbed violently with the elastic rubber wrapped around the wire, and it turned out to be a faint wisp of black smoke rising in the air. A smell of burnt.

"30-15!" The Russian referee gave Bai Yifan a surprised look. He didn't expect that this Chinese man who looked more "slender" than himself could actually hit such a powerful ball.

In the commentary room, Coach Wang and Coach Li are already anxious: "Mistake! Another mistake! Bai Yifan is too vengeful! If he can't calm down this emotion in his heart as soon as possible, the outcome of this game can be It's really hard to tell!"

Not long after the sighs of the two fell, there was another exclamation in the stands on the scene——

In less than a few tens of seconds, Bai Yifan actually made two turnovers one after another, and gave the victory of the first game to Kei Nishikori.

"Very good! It seems that he is already impatient!" Kei Nishikori looked at Bai Yifan, whose face gradually became gloomy, and the sneer at the corner of his mouth bloomed more and more vividly, "This game, you can further explore the limit of reaction. After I determined his reaction limit, it was his'death period'!"

However, while calculating this way, he didn't notice that Bai Yifan's three mistakes were made in the shape of a "cross" on the wire net behind him.,, ..

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