Almighty in the city

Chapter 168 Two hundred and seventy kilometers per hour!

Ullil Borg wore a uniform of Team Will, which looked like a human lion.

His face will always have that kind of indifferent expression, and it will always look like "no one else enters".

However, when Bai Yifan swept his gaze across his face, he clearly felt an unusual strangeness.

Bai Yifan frowned suddenly.

"What's the matter?" Chen Fusheng realized the weird expression on his face and asked in a low voice.

"Nothing." Bai Yifan shook his head, his eyes swept across Ullilberg's face again, "Let's go to the rest area first."

Chen Fusheng nodded without asking more.

Eleven people from the Huaxia team entered the rest area.

Cao Qian is still undergoing observation and treatment in the hospital. According to the rules of the team competition, his quota is completely wasted because he can't replace new players.

If this is changed to other national teams, the men's singles third seed player is abandoned, it will definitely have a great impact on the overall strength of the team.

But the current Huaxia team is very special. The entire team competition is completely supported by Bai Yifan. The other players are of the type that will help him delay the time when he needs a rest to recover his strength.

In e-sports terms, Bai Yifan is carrying the audience, and everyone in the China team is all support.

In this team match, the audience also came early.

Especially for the Chinese audience, the game hasn't started yet, and they can't wait to expect Bai Yifan to use what way today, just like sweeping the Geely team, slinging the will team.

Twenty minutes before the start of the game, the staff of the stadium conducted a final inspection and confirmation of the venue for today’s game. The chief and deputy referees began to enter the stadium. The caddie responsible for picking up the ball also appeared in the aisles on both sides .

Ten minutes before the game, uniform cheers were already on the scene——

"Bai Yifan!"

"Bai Yifan!"

"Bai Yifan!"

Today's referee is a neon referee. Hearing the sound of the mountain whistling and tsunami, his brows were frowned.

He glanced at the Malaysian deputy referee who assisted him today, and wondered how to use the Hawkeye system with only "three challenges" opportunities to blow a "black whistle" for Bai Yifan's game.

Of course, if you want to blow the "black whistle" in this kind of international competition where everyone is in full view and the Hawkeye system assists in the determination, the technical difficulty is not much simpler than playing a "Tang Huaise serve."

This neon referee didn't have the guts to blow the "black whistle" blatantly, because yesterday he heard about the group fight between the Chinese audience and the neon audience. Last night, the hospitals, surgery and traumatologists in Yanjing Almost all the patients burst out, all from Chinese audiences and neon audiences who participated in the fight.

Just as he was thinking about how to seize the opportunity to blow a few "black whistle" and make a few "black cuts", the big screen at the scene was already lit up.

Soon, the above showed the list of players in the S1 singles of both sides.

The Huaxia team, no surprise, is still Bai Yifan.

The Will team, who was sent out to play S1, was Ulliel Borg, one of the "Gemini" of the Will team.

However, the audience at the scene, whether they were Chinese audiences or audiences from other countries, were not surprised by the list of S1 players.

Everyone knows that in the five games of the team competition, Bai Yifan either played the first three games alone like the sweep of the Geely team, or swept the three singles of S1, S2 and S3.

With three wins in five games, no matter how it is arranged, the China team can only send Bai Yifan in this S1 singles.

So, in response to this, the Will Man can of course also send players who they think they have hope to defeat Bai Yifan.

It's just that everyone thought they would be a single player, but they didn't expect it to be Ullilberg.

"I sent the'heavy tank' when I came up."

"Yes, normally speaking, shouldn't a pure power player like Ullilberger be reserved for S2 or S3 before playing? At least the previous game can also wear off some of the physical strength of Captain White, which is more convenient for him to display. Own strength advantage."

"I rely on you whether you are a Willie or a Chinese, how can you help Willie to calculate your own people?"

"That friend is also wondering why the Will Man arranged for Ullilberg to play in the first game, right? After all, changing to a layman like me, he also knows that he can't put Ullilberg in S1 to play. When the advantage is maximized, the coach of the willer always understands better than me."

"I guess, Will Guy wanted to smash with Captain Bai."


"Yes, all the games where Captain White is on the court will be played by Ulliel Borg! Fight with him and fight for strength!"

Amid a tumultuous discussion, the Neon referee waved for the S1 players of both sides to come on the court, ready to guess the ball and start the first singles.

Watching Yuriel Borg up close makes the strange feeling in Bai Yifan's heart more obvious.

"What are you looking at! In a while, I will blow you up in front of everyone!" Ullilberg sneered.

Bai Yifan ignored him, only observing the rhythm of his muscles.

After a while, Bai Yifan glanced at Ulliel Borg with a smile, but did not speak, but looked at the neon referee and said: "This game, I will give the ball."

The Neon referee was taken aback: "What? Handicap? Are you sure?"

"OK." Bai Yifan shrugged, and smiled and spit out a German sentence, "I never care about losers."

"Coincidentally, so did I." Ullilberg showed a smirk on his face, took the right to serve in the first game, and did not want to change the court, so he walked directly to the serving court.

"Next, get ready to tremble!" Ullielberg let out a roar after trying tennis.

Toss the ball, swing the racket—

A yellow laser fell on Bai Yifan's half of the court almost the moment he swung his shot.

On the big screen of the scene, an instantaneous ball speed was displayed that made everyone pump down air-conditioning——

Two hundred and seventy kilometers per hour!,, ..

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