Almighty in the city

Chapter 181 Danger in Light and Darkness

"Why bother." Bai Yifan also grinned, "It's scary."

"I brought all the rackets." Piero took off the racket bag on his shoulders, unzipped the zipper, and took out a pure black titanium alloy tennis racket.

This racket, Bai Yifan is very familiar with, it was the one used by Ullielberg in the morning game against Will.

"This racket, it shouldn't be in your hand now." Bai Yifan smiled.

"It shouldn't be." Piero nodded and grinned. "However, your Chinese policemen are very good at talking. I just said that I wanted to borrow this racket, and the kind policeman took it. Leave it to me."

Bai Yifan raised his brows slightly: "Instant hypnosis, it seems that you are a master."

"Haha, just a little research." Piero grinned, "After all, I am also a descendant of the Adolf family anyway, am I not?"

"Yes." Bai Yifan nodded, "Then find another place. In the training ground here, it is estimated that there are still people playing practice games at this moment."

"Then go to the tennis center." Piero said, "I'm just by the side anyway, just a few steps away."

"Okay, I'll get a racket." Bai Yifan did not refuse.

"Then I'll be waiting for you at the sixth stadium." Piero's figure gradually disappeared in the darkness, "Seeing or leaving."

"See you or leave."

Twenty minutes later, the No. 6 court of the Tennis Center was the venue where the China Team and the Will Team played team matches during the day.

Without lights, the walkway leading to the stadium was completely dark, and you couldn't see your fingers.

"I thought you wouldn't be coming." The moment Bai Yifan walked out of the player's channel, Piero's voice was uploaded from the stadium.

"Sorry, I was a little sleepy, so I made a cup of coffee first, and it took some time." Bai Yifan said, and continued to walk towards the court.

The night is good tonight. Because of the international sports exchange meeting, Yanjing’s recent haze index is very low. Moonlight and starlight swayed straight down from the night sky above, illuminating the entire stadium with light and dark.

On the court, the more one-third, because of the moonlight, the visibility is slightly better; and the more two-thirds are hidden in the dark.

Bai Yifan walked onto the court. This was the half of the court where he played against Yurielberg during the day. Before the two sides had time to exchange venues, Yurielberg was deprived of his five senses. When he forced the ball back, he throw Out of the racket, he seriously injured the neon referee and was directly retired by a red card.

At this time, Piero was standing in the teeing area of ​​the half of the court where Ulliel Borg stood during the day, with a tennis ball in his hand.

Seeing Bai Yifan walking up, he smiled slightly and raised the tennis ball in his hand. "Give me the right to serve, no problem? After all, I'm just a team doctor, not a professional player."

"Yes." Bai Yifan smiled, "Let's get started."

"Good." Piero threw up the tennis ball in his hand, "Then I'm welcome!"

Half of his body was hidden in the darkness, and half of his body was illuminated by moonlight.

Bai Yifan watched the tennis ball rise in the moonlight and his right hand hidden in the dark. He waved the racket and made a powerful serve without fancy.

Under the moonlight, the tennis ball drew a straight diagonal line, and instantly plunged into the darkness of Bai Yifan's half.

Bai Yifan just turned his side slightly, his right hand opened, and his brother hit the tennis ball with his forehand spin and slap——

"Sure enough, there is'dark energy'." The corners of his mouth raised slightly, but he unceremoniously smashed the ball back.

"It seems very ordinary." Piero looked at the ball back from the smash and smiled. "You don't have to be polite to me, because I don't intend to be polite to you either."

As he spoke, he had already shot a low-angle spike.

This ball, superimposed on the "dark energy", has increased by a full 30%.

"Don't worry, I don't mean to be polite." Bai Yifan slapped the ball with a backhand to the opposite corner.

"Don't you show off your superb skills?" Piero's movement speed is a bit surprising, almost in the blink of an eye, he has moved his body to where the tennis ball falls, "Although I am not a professional player, But my physical fitness is probably more than ten times stronger than the most ace players of the Will team."

"Then—" Bai Yifan shook the racket, "As you wish."

The word "Wish" of "As you wish" has just fallen, and the tennis he played has passed Piero's side and hit the barrier behind——

Fenglin volcano is as fast as the wind!

Piero seemed to be stunned for a moment, then turned his head and glanced at the tennis ball that had been hidden in the dark, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "It's amazing! It seems that I really can't underestimate it. is you."

While talking, he took a new ball from his trouser pocket, patted it on the ground, then threw the ball and swung the pat.

The tennis ball fell into the darkness again, but after landing, it ejected sideways towards Bai Yifan's right cheek.

It turned out to be a side spin serve.

Bai Yifan was not surprised or delighted. The racket shook, as if a gust of wind swept across the court, and the ball fell behind Piero again like the wind.

However, this time, Piero's body was a weird twist and disappeared in the dark. When he appeared again, his racket had already hit the tennis ball that was about to bounce into the block.

"Good posture." Bai Yifan praised, but his footsteps suddenly increased, and he directly hit a low-altitude smash—

Fenglin volcano, aggression is like fire!

"Oh, it's really moving!" Piero screamed, his body twisted again, and when he jumped from the darkness into the moonlight again, he had already jumped high and bounced it very high. The ball, with a vigorous smash, slammed into Bai Yifan's half of the court.

"The reaction is quick, but you probably forgot that smashing is ineffective for me." Bai Yifan turned around and squatted back to shoot, "By the way, instant hypnosis is also ineffective for me."

The triple counterattack of the brown bear is caught!,, ..

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