Almighty in the city

Chapter One Hundred and Eighty Four

Ten minutes later, Suoke’s coach issued an announcement to the effect that Suoke accidentally smashed his right foot during morning exercises, and his ankle is still red and swollen. After treatment by the doctor, he judged that it was not suitable for excessive participation. The sport, therefore had to regret to retire.

The announcement came out. Although the audience in the stadium was upset, they had to accept this fact.

It's just that those viewers who bought scalper tickets at a high price and brought together camera equipment to watch Bai Yifan hang Mi Jian, but they were depressed and lamented that their luck was really bad.

After leaving the stadium, many people have gone to the scalpers again to ask if they have tickets for the afternoon game.

"If the next opponents are like this Sock, it will save me a lot of things." Bai Yifan said to Chen Fusheng with a smile.

"You really dare to think about it." Chen Fusheng also smiled, "That Suoke is really unlucky. It is estimated that I got up in the morning and increased the amount of exercise in the morning. I want my body to enter a state of excitement early. , Or you put too much pressure on them."

Bai Yifan shrugged and said with a smile: "Blame me."

The two went to the referee team to sign the winner of the game, and then went to the ninth court.

In the men's singles game in the morning, in addition to Bai Yifan, the China team also had Zhang Chusheng and Lu Xiao.

Zhang Chusheng’s opponent is also a player from the Mi Jian team. The strength is indeed higher than that of Zhang Chusheng, but the state of the game is not very good. Unforced mistakes often occur, which gives Zhang Chusheng a lot of opportunities for nothing. ball.

When Bai Yifan and Chen Fusheng came in through the player channel, they happened to hit "30-30", which was the first game, and Zhang Chusheng served.

On the other side of the No. 10 stadium, Lu Xiao was against a player from the Gaul team. He has already lost two games. If the Gaul player does not make a mistake, basically, Lu Xiao has no hope of being upset. .

At the end of the morning game, Zhang Chusheng luckily won the Mi Jian player in the "Tiebreak", while Lu Xiao was eliminated by no accident.

In the men's doubles competition, the China team was eliminated again. Only Qin Lang and Ye Nan, the strongest doubles players in the country, still hope to make the first eighth finals.

The foreign tennis players who came to China for the International Sports Exchange Meeting this time are exactly the size of the Olympics. In terms of overall strength, they are indeed one level stronger than China.

If there is no Bai Yifan, this time, in the men's tennis event, I am afraid that China is really going to be hanged.

The lunch break at noon was a bit long. After Bai Yifan and the Eucalyptus daughters had lunch together, they were pulled by Lin Xier and whispered.

Because of the schedule, Lin Xier will enter the crew to film from the afternoon, and there will be no time to watch the next game, which makes her look very depressed.

It was not until Chen Fusheng called to urge him to report back to the sports center that Bai Yifan was able to get away from this little bitter girl.

"Yifan, as a person who came by, I have to remind you-young people, pay attention to temperance." Seeing him come in with a wry smile, Chen Fusheng laughed and teased.

Bai Yifan rolled his eyes back, too lazy to explain to this uncle.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the two returned to the sixth court again. They watched the TV news in the players' lounge. After hearing the announcement that the players could enter the court, they left the lounge and entered the court from the players' passage.

The surrounding stands were still full of people and seats.

Bai Yifan glanced at the VIP area where the girls of Eucalyptus were located, but found that there should be no seat area for Lin Xier's position, but at this time he was sitting full.

When I took a closer look, I realized that there was a strange beauty in the crowd. Looking at Lu Ziqiao’s coquettish expression, and Chen Meijia’s contempt and disdain when he looked at him, Bai Yifan immediately understood what was going on. ——

This Lu Ziqiao must have found a way to fool Lin Xier's coupon, and then he took Lin Xier's ticket and sold his scalper ticket to this strange beauty.

Think about it carefully, this is really the guy's style.

Bai Yifan shook his head amused, and walked straight into the rest area of ​​the China Team with Chen Fusheng.

Seeing that in the rest area of ​​the Spanish team on the other side of the stadium, the Spanish player who was about to play against him that afternoon and his coach did not show up, Bai Yifan also casually joked to Chen Fusheng: "Old Chen, you said I won't "Lie down and win" too."

Chen Fusheng rolled his eyes and said in a bad mood: "You really dare to think about this game, but the one who decides to qualify. If you win, you will go directly to the one-sixteenth final. No matter who it is, you will think about it. Fight it."

"That's really a shame." Bai Yifan expressed regret for not being able to continue to "lie down and win".

However, as time passed, until 2:40, when there were five minutes left before the start of the game, the Spanish player and his coach still did not appear.

In the stands, most of the spectators who had experienced the incident of Sauk abstaining from the game in the morning, this time, suddenly exploded again--

"What's the situation! Let us dove again?"

"First it was Mijian, and now it's the Spanish guy's turn! What do these foreign players mean!"

"Fuck! Is it another abstention to retire? Then I bought this scalper ticket for nothing!"

"Horse! We bought tickets to see the game, to see the white team beating a foreigner, not to see him'lay down' to win!"

"It's damn world going down now! Even the professional players have no ethics! Your sister! If you don't come, you won't come, if you abstain, you will abstain, playing our audience like monkeys!"

In the stands, the sound of scolding mother resounded again.

At 2:45, when the game officially started, the Spanish player Pierce and his coach still did not appear.

The chief and deputy referee in charge of this game looked at each other for a while before he had to follow the rules of the game and pronounced Pierce to abstain from the game.

Bai Yifan "lied down and won" again.,, ..

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