Almighty in the city

Chapter 191 Dinner

"Really don't think about it again?" Director Zhao asked unwillingly at the door of the sports center.

Bai Yifan wore the same clothes he and Chen Fusheng had when they first came here today. He took off the uniform of the national team, which made him less serious and more evil.

"Really not interested." Bai Yifan smiled and glanced at Chen Fusheng, "Come together, don't you go home with me?"

"Then the first group of Yingying Yanyan is following you, do I want me to be a light bulb?" Chen Fusheng also smiled.

"Anyway, there are already four, and you won't have more than one." Bai Yifan laughed.

Chen Fusheng shook his head: "Originally, I planned to end this exchange meeting and continue to return to Shanghai to enjoy my good fortune. However, in this game, after seeing the skills you showed, I decided to stay. In the end, I hope to train one or two players who are half of your level."

He looked at Bai Yifan with a bright smile: "I really hope to see with my own eyes that our Chinese tennis players can win the four Grand Slam championships and win the gold championship. You are not interested, then I have to train myself!"

"Do it yourself, get enough food and clothing." Bai Yifan smiled, raised his hand and patted his shoulder, "Then work hard, when will you lead the expedition abroad? Give me a call and I will watch TV to support you. ."

"Actually, if you are willing to participate in the competition, Xiaobai--" Director Zhao still didn't give up, and wanted to make the last persuasion, but Chen Fusheng raised his hand to interrupt.

"Before leaving, hug it." Chen Fusheng smiled and opened his hand.

"The big man reported it back and forth, it's disgusting, shake hands." Bai Yifan joked and stretched out his hand.

Chen Fusheng gave him a strong shook: "Thank you."

"Nothing, just take what you need." Bai Yifan smiled and nodded, "Then goodbye."

"Goodbye." Chen Fusheng waved.

Director Zhao glanced at him speechlessly, and waved his hand unwillingly.

Seeing Bai Yifan coming, the driver sent by the General Administration of Sports to take him to the airport quickly opened the door of the back seat.

A few minutes later, this Audi A6L has disappeared at the end of the road.

Director Zhao was a little displeased: "Guide Chen, why don't you try to keep him? If he is willing to play in the Four Grand Slams and the Golden Tournament, our China Men's Tennis Team will probably not take off, but will go directly to the sky on the rocket."

"Do you really think so?" Chen Fusheng glanced at him.

Director Zhao wondered: "As far as it seems, there is no tennis player in the world who can fight him, right?"

"No." Chen Fusheng nodded, "So we shouldn't force him, nor can we force him. This time, he has left us too many precious things—"

After stretching his muscles and bones, he turned and walked towards the sports center: "Although this international sports exchange meeting is over, the real battle that belongs to us has just begun! Let's go, let the national team know The coaching staff has a meeting. Starting today, we will try our best to conquer the skills he left us!"

Blue sky, white clouds, clear sky.

In the sports center, Chinese athletes are conducting various targeted trainings, preparing for the next expedition.

In the car, Bai Yifan looked at the scenery of Yanjing on both sides of the road and chatted with everyone in the WeChat group.

They had already gone to the Metropolitan International Airport first, and Bai Yifan had to go through some formalities and he had to be separate from Chen Fusheng, so he went to the sports center first.

"By the way, the White team, what did you do before?" The driver named Xu Wen, who was driving Bai Yifan and Chen Fusheng these days at the International Sports Exchange, so the two are more familiar with each other.

Bai Yifan glanced at him and said with a smile: "Student."

"Huh?" Xu Wen let out a surprised cry, "Student?!"

"Why, doesn't it look like?" Bai Yifan asked.

"No, I'm just curious about which university can accommodate a great god like you." Xu Wen said, "I guess it must not be a domestic university, otherwise, you would have been famous for China."

Bai Yifan nodded and smiled: "MIT."

"Huh!" Xu Wen was startled again, "That's a world-class school. I heard that it only recruits students with the highest IQs in the world—"

While the two were talking, Bai Yifan's cell phone rang.

The caller ID showed an unfamiliar number. After Bai Yifan connected, a familiar voice came from inside: "Xiao Bai, do you remember my old man?"

"Old Zhou?" Bai Yifan's face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Hehe, it's me." Zhou Danian on the other end of the phone let out a hearty laugh, "I'm here in Yanjing, don't you come to sit here? How about listening to people in the museum these days about our Chinese out I have a world number one tennis player named'Bai Yifan'. I specially looked for the video of the game to see. I don't know that you are fighting for the country."

Bai Yifan smiled and said, "I just came over to help when I was free. I just finished the exit formalities today, and I am preparing to return to Shanghai."

"So anxious?" On the phone, Zhou Danian seemed to be surprised, "In a hurry?"

"I'm not in a hurry, but my friends, all come to Yanjing on leave, and will go to work and class tomorrow." Bai Yifan said, and also asked, "Why, Mr. Zhou, you have something to do with me. ?"

"Yes, I specially asked Xiao Tan for your mobile phone number." Zhou Danian said, "The Imperial Seal Exhibition of the Forbidden City will officially end tomorrow. Tonight, there will be a dinner in the Great Hall of the People in the capital, knowing you are here. Yenching, I want to invite you to join us. After all, you discovered the Kowloon Emperor's Seal that you will eventually want in this exhibition."

"The dinner in the Great Hall of the People——" Bai Yifan shrugged, "Forget it, I don't like the serious atmosphere."

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