Almighty in the city

Chapter 209: Extremely Vicious

After the broker whose ID was called "Liu Er", two more brokers contacted each other.

After Bai Yifan collected and sorted out the information provided by the three people, he also had a more detailed basic understanding of this three-country cross-border drug trafficking gang called "Dreammakers."

This group was first recognized by international underground forces five years ago.

At that time, a drug addict in Kaohsiung City, Taiwan had a very serious hallucination because of overdose of the drug they had taken in the bathroom of a subway station.

After that person left the bathroom, he regarded all the passengers waiting for the subway as zombies in "Resident Evil".

Because he couldn't distinguish the difference between reality and illusion, this drug addict thought he was surrounded by zombies. He was extremely frightened and made him rush to the fire box and broke the glass with punches and kicks. , Took out a fire axe from the inside and chopped down more than a dozen people in the subway station, causing a panic.

The Kaohsiung City Police issued an emergency call. After the man was brought under control, he was subjected to a blood test and found that he had an overdose and had hallucinations. The drug he had taken had never appeared in Taiwan before.

This incident has aroused the great attention of the Taiwan Drug Enforcement Administration. After more than half a year of investigation and search, the source of this new type of drug was finally pinpointed and the drug dealer was prepared to be arrested.

As a result, what was unexpected was that a ghost appeared in the Narcotics Enforcement Administration, and all the details and time of the arrest were passed on in advance.

The drug dealer was also crazy. After receiving the news, instead of taking the time to run away, he launched revenge against the police.

He concentrated all the drugs in his hand, packed it into a suitcase, and tried a way to get into a subway station.

After boarding the subway train, he pretended to have an asthma attack and tricked a subway worker into covering his mouth and nose with a drug-stained handkerchief, causing him to inhale the drug and have a strong hallucination.

Afterwards, he changed into the staff's clothes and successfully put the drugs in the suitcase into the ventilation system of the subway train.

As the ventilation system continuously replaces air and cold air, through the pipes, into each car, the volatile substances of these drugs will also diffuse into all the cars of the entire subway train.

At that time, all the passengers on this train had all kinds of hallucinations because of the inhalation of this drug. The interior of the train was suddenly chaotic.

However, this is not the end.

This crazy drug dealer, after putting all the drugs into the train’s ventilation system, he even tried to trick the door of the train’s cab. In the same way, the driver and co-pilots all inhaled the drug and were exposed to strong hallucinations. Among.

Afterwards, he installed a timing detonation device on the train console and cut off all connections between the train and the subway station's control console.

After doing all this, he slowed down the speed of the train, then forcibly opened the train door and jumped.

Less than a minute after he jumped the car, the timing detonator installed in the train's cab exploded. The subway train, which had slowed down, immediately lost control and quickly reached a critical point.

Soon, the train rushed through two subway platforms at the highest speed without stopping, and the engineer on duty in the subway station’s master control console found that it was impossible to contact the cab of the train. In a panic, he executed the most urgent response. Program.

When the police arrived here five minutes later, there was only this crazy train on the entire subway round-the-island line, moving forward at the highest speed, moving forward, moving forward!

The police tried many times to stop the train, but they did not achieve any results.

In the end, the train crossed the finish line at the highest speed, and directly hit an underground rock formation 1,500 meters away after the finish line, which had not been cleared at all.

The entire train, with twenty-eight carriages, the first five sections were directly turned into a pile of shredded iron in the high-speed impact, and the train staff, drivers, and passengers inside were all turned into a pile of shredded meat. It has also become a very difficult thing to verify and compare the identity by extracting DNA.

The first sixteen carriages were extremely deformed, and the ratio of passengers to casualties was close to a terrifying 1:1.5!

Even in the last twelve carriages, the ratio of deaths to injuries is close to one to three.

Moreover, the people who died in this accident will die a hundred, but those injured passengers, after being treated by the hospital for their physical injuries, all became addicted to this new type of drug!

Moreover, they are not ordinary addicts. They all suffered extremely serious damage to their central nervous system because of inhaling an excessive amount of this drug at one time, and they were all forced to become heavy drug addicts!

After research by drug rehabilitation centers and experts from various countries invited from Taiwan, plus more than two years of clinical trials, the final conclusion is that——

Those who survived the accident will never be able to quit this new type of drug in their entire lives!

And just twenty-four hours after the subway train accident, the Taiwan Drug Enforcement Bureau received an anonymous package.

When the anti-narcotics police opened the package, they found there was only one letter printed out on a computer.

This letter was sent by the drug dealer who jumped off the car.

The letter stated that this subway train accident that shocked all of Taiwan was a revenge against the Drug Enforcement Administration and the Taiwan police!Those who died and were injured as a result, and those who were unable to quit drug addiction for life were all because of "you"!

This letter, because the influence was too great, was directly suppressed by the police, and everyone who had seen this letter was given the "SSS" level absolute seal password.

This letter was later taken away by people from Taiwan’s National Security Bureau and locked in a safe that could not be opened in 50 years.

This incident was concealed from the people in Taiwan, but not concealed from the underground forces in Taiwan. Soon, the incident spread to the underground forces around the world through the website of the underground chat room, so that everyone knew that it was trafficking in drugs. In the circle, a new group that is "crazed" has appeared.,, ..

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