Almighty in the city

Chapter Two Hundred and Eleven

Just as Bai Yifan logged on to the underground chat room website to collect news from the brokers, Xu Pinghan explained the next task to the special agent who came to the handover.

Then, the Jinbei commercial vehicle carrying him, Lin Yujing and other special agents, drove onto the spider-web-like elevated city in downtown Shanghai and headed towards the city center.

As the only independent department under the public security system of the provincial government, this criminal investigation team led by Xu Pinghagi is mainly responsible for major and important cases in Shanghai and Guangzhou.

Because it is often necessary to travel between the two places, Shanghai and Guangzhou have their own independent case handling systems.

At this time, the elevated road leading to the city center that Jinbei commercial vehicles drove on was to their "hometown" in Shanghai.

There is a large factory in the base of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau.

This was originally a military training base. A few years ago, after the troops moved to Songjiang, it became the headquarters of the Shanghai public security system.

And this factory building, which has been monitored by bullet-proof, air-defense and anti-peeping, was re-modified and became the "home" of the Criminal Investigation and Special Service Corps in Shanghai.

The Jinbei commercial vehicle drove into the city bureau, all the way in, and finally stopped at the side entrance of this factory.

When the car door came and opened, Xu Pinghan, Lin Yujing and others got out of the car and walked straight to the side door, which was ajar.

After two electronic doors with fingerprint identification systems installed, Xu Pinghan opened the last iron door and walked in.

"Xu Chu."

"Xu Chu."

"Xu Chu."

Several special service personnel not far from the gate nodded and greeted when they saw Xu Pinghan and the others come in.

Xu Pingha nodded in response, and quickly walked behind the special agents in charge of communication: "Are there any gains in the second and third groups?"

"It's still the same as the previous few days, with nothing." One of them shook his head and said, "Xu Chu, we are so passive. Moreover, the flow of people on the streets of Shanghai is many times higher than that of Guangdong. Even if there are five people in rotation, it is inevitable that there will be moments of misunderstanding."

"There is no good way, then the only way is to use the stupid way." Xu Pingha sighed, "Sometimes, the stupid way is the most effective way-contact the person in charge of the district bureaus in Shanghai and ask them to allocate some manpower. Come and help. The workload of our Secret Service staff is really overloaded."

Wang Meng, who was left here in charge of coordinating and dispatching, also walked over at this time and said without worry: "However, according to the information we received, it is not ruled out that the Shanghai local police have the eyeliner they bought and directly let the districts Will the sub-bureaus mobilize their staff, will they be horrified?"

"Don't worry about this." Xu Ping Hagi shook his head and said, "Because I have already started to scare the snake."

"What?" Wang Meng was taken aback.

"Just forty minutes ago, the people from the Shanghai Customs Anti-drug Division didn't know who had received the information. The anti-drug scan was sweeping to the group of people we were looking for." Xu Pingha frowned when he said this. But he wrinkled tightly, "When they were running, one of the North Koreans happened to pass by the route where I was staying."

As he said, he took out his phone, clicked on the sketch portrait Lin Yujing sent him, and threw the phone over.

Wang Meng took a look, his eyes kept on: "This sketch—"

"It was painted by a crowd." Xu Pinghagi said, "The North Korean almost ran into him on a bike, and he saw his face through his helmet. It just so happened that this person may be a professional in fine arts and can draw pictures. I helped draw this sketch portrait for us."

Wang Meng frowned and said, "This is a coincidence too-Xu Chu, do you want to look up this so-called'mass'?"

"Check, you must check." Before Xu Pinghagi spoke, Lin Yujing, who was behind him, took the conversation. "Brother Wang, you can check this person for me."

With that, she had sent a photo to Wang Meng's cell phone.

This photo is a group photo she saved when browsing Bai Yifan's circle of friends in the car, and there is Bai Yifan in it.

Wang Meng opened the screen to take a look, and smiled suddenly: "Oh, handsome men and women, is this the rhythm of opening the harem?"

Lin Yujing rolled her eyes and said, "Brother Wang, help me check his information."

"Why, do you even like this kid?" Wang Meng zoomed in on the photo and locked Bai Yifan inside, while casually joking, "Well, this kid is good, he needs to be tall and handsome, he needs to have good looks and body shape. It is also comparable to those master fighters in the criminal police squad, and he looks like a rich second-generation-no wonder so many beautiful women are surrounding him."

Lin Yujing said in a huff: "I don't think anyone will see him. The whole thing is a ruffian."

"Of course men have to be ruffians to be liked by women." Wang Meng still joked. "It's not an old saying,'Men are not bad, women don't love'. Now this kind of handsome guy is the most popular, miss me When I just graduated that year, it was also romantic and suave—"

Before he could finish his words, Xu Pinghan interrupted impatiently: "It's alright, don't be silly, go check it out. By the way, help me contact Dong Tianming of the Transportation Administration, I He and Xiaolin are going to Shanghai's modified car market in the evening. He knows it well, so please ask him to show us a way."

"Okay." Wang Meng stopped joking and turned around to do these two things.

Xu Pinghan glanced at Lin Yujing, motioned to her, and walked towards his office.

Lin Yujing knew that he had something to ask alone, and immediately followed in.

"Let's talk about it." Xu Ping Hagi leaned against the back of the chair and rubbed his temple with his right hand.

Lin Yujing asked with some doubts: "Xu Chu, what do you want me to say?"

"You and the guy who drew this sketch portrait, you two know each other?" Xu Ping Hagi asked.

"I don't know." Lin Yujing couldn't help but annoyed when he thought of Bai Yifan's deliberate "big breasts sister" when he was leaving.

Xu Pingha looked up at her, and smiled: "Why do you react so badly if you don't know you-why, I have suffered from him?"

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