Almighty in the city

Chapter 244: The Drop Stop That Comes to the Door

"What?!" Tan Zongming was shocked, "Is this impossible?"

Constanly Group is one of the predators of Mijian Wall Street. At the beginning, Shengxuan had some business in Mijian, and he also had contacts with this group company under the name of the Gong family. Tan Zongming had personally seen the financial strength of the Constanly Group.

Therefore, he did not believe that the Constanly Group did not withdraw from the Mijian market by itself, but was forced to desperate and withdrew from the Mijian market in desperation.

"Lao Tan, how long have you been to Wall Street?" Bai Yifan took a sip of coffee, and just kept talking, which made his throat a bit dry.

"I have indeed not been to Wall Street in two years, but—" On the other end of the phone, Tan Zongming was talking, but he shook his head again and again, as if he could not accept this fact no matter what.

Bai Yifan smiled and said, "Have you heard of the Tang Group?"

"The Tang group?" Tan Zongming was taken aback. Following the naming of the group, he quickly thought of a possibility. "You mean, the Constantly group was caught by the Tang family of the five largest Chinese incognito. Evicted Mi Jian?"

"I also heard the gossip when I was intern on Wall Street." Bai Yifan said, "It is said that it is the old fellow Gong Xun who wanted his son to go to the Tang family's daughter, but the kid chased him for a while and found out They didn’t pay attention to him at all. They were so bold and wanted to administer the medicine. The Overlord went to the bow and cooked the uncooked rice. The result was directly beaten into a sieve by the Tang family’s daughter. After learning about it, the head of the Tang family was angry and told Tang The family group strangled the Constanly group of the Gong family with all their strength, and the Gong family was really desperate. Only then was it forced to withdraw from Mi Jian and invest all the family's assets in China.

"It's impossible!" Tan Zongming finished listening, and blurted out again, "I know Gong Xun's son. He is called Gong Ming. Although this man speaks harshly and does things unreasonably, he only looks at the results and does not look at the process, but he is definitely not. You said that if you fail to pursue a girl, you will give someone a drug, and you want the overlord to put on the bow and cook the raw rice for mature rice."

After a pause, he frowned and said: "In fact, in addition to character issues, in terms of male and female emotions, I think he is very similar to Eucalyptus, both of whom lack the smell of fireworks."

"I'm not talking about Gong Ming." Bai Yifan's laughter came over the phone. "That's the second son of the old guy Gong Xun. His eldest son had been fed the dog in Mi Jian as long ago as he was really caught. I fed the dog. Besides, Eucalyptus is no longer a workaholic without fireworks."

Tan Zongming was taken aback: "Gong Ming is Gong Xun's second son?"

"Hehe." Bai Yifan smiled, "Could it be that you expect Gong Xun to tell people all over the world that my eldest son was beaten into a sieve and fed to the dog because he wanted to strengthen the daughter of the Tang family. He couldn't even collect the bones. The handsome guy in front of you is my second son, Gong Ming. He is different from his elder brother, he is not a scumbag, so please take care of--"

Tan Zongming was speechless for a while, wondering why Bai Yifan could always talk about serious topics like a trivial joke.

He shook his head vigorously and took a few deep breaths. He barely calmed down the stormy sea in his heart and asked, "Don’t tell other people about this matter. If Gongxun hears it, I’m afraid you will Big trouble. This old man is the most cruel one in my dealings. Although you know metaphysics, no matter how strong it is, you may not be able to withstand bullets."

"Don't worry, I know it." Bai Yifan smiled, his face always showing disapproval.

Tan Zongming asked: "Will you come to the dinner that night?"

"I said Lao Tan, shouldn't you fall in love with me?" Bai Yifan joked, "Could it be that you are a gay?"

"You're gay!" Tan Zongming said in a bad mood, "I want to introduce you to a few local Shanghai bosses. Your friend named Lau Siao, their Silver Wing Group, is still in Xinda. "Sniper Kill". Although I can give them loans, but I can save them for a while, but I can’t save my life. The ultimate problem lies in Xinda’s investment. If I can unite a group of people to put pressure on Xinda, please The family may be able to escape this'sniper killing'."

"Xinda Investment." Bai Yifan smiled, glanced at the time, walked to the desk, picked up the mouse, and clicked on the stock trading software. "Did their stock price drop by the limit yesterday? Why, didn't it come down? "

Hearing him mention this, Tan Zongming laughed: "I don't know that it was the big man's hand. He didn't say anything when he came up, and he didn't report his family. He just slapped Xinda. Don't say it was Xin. Tat has invested, and those of us are still in a daze now, we can't even think of who made the move."

"Well, let me know the time and place. When that happens, I will drive the bulletproof car over." Bai Yifan said.

"At 6:30 in the evening, the innermost villa area of ​​Tianfu Huacheng in the city center has been bought by the palace family and developed into a private manor." Tan Zongming said, "This dinner will be held there. At that time, Xinda’s boss will also appear."

Bai Yifan understood as soon as he heard it: "Gong Family, this is quite an old man."

Tan Zongming smiled and said: "Then the big man who can see his hand is willing to give him this face. In fact, as for Xinda, although everyone has not said it on the face, they are not satisfied in private. It’s just that they didn’t expect them to catch the Gong family line so quickly.”

"Isn't this normal?" Bai Yifan smiled, "The Constanly Group of the Gongjia family quickly opened up the Shanghai market and gained a firm foothold in Shanghai through brutal mergers and acquisitions. One group of raccoons can always find common ground. Click here to quickly confirm the alliance relationship."

"However, if Gong Jiazhen and Xinda join forces, your friend's Silver Wing Group will probably be more difficult." Tan Zongming said with some worry.

Bai Yifan smiled: "The Gong family is healed and the scar is forgotten to hurt. Believe it or not, Lao Tan, Constanly Group's stock will have a limit today." ,,.

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