Almighty in the city

Chapter 260 Face Brush

Xu Pinghagi was leaning on the back of the chair, resting his head with one hand, closing his eyes and rested.

Hearing Wang Meng's slightly weird voice, he opened his eyes and suspiciously accepted the investigation report he handed over, and asked casually: "What's the matter? That young man has a problem?"

"You'd better take a look at it yourself." Wang Meng said dumbfoundedly.

Xu Pinghagi's gaze has fallen on this investigation report. After just one glance, his face has also become weird: "The former captain of the national tennis team?"

"Xu Chu, I didn't expect it." Wang Meng said dumbfounded. "This man, at the international sports exchange meeting a few days ago, a man took the national tennis team and swept the mystery of the three major events of the men's tennis match. Captain White. When I saw the information, I was taken aback."

"Are you sure you made a mistake?" Xu Pinghagi's face was also full of surprise.

Wang Meng smiled bitterly: "I specifically looked for a TV broadcast of his game, and there are screenshots of the TV screen behind it. You can compare it to see if there is any mistake."

Upon hearing this, Xu Ping Hagi quickly turned the investigation report back two pages, and he saw a few color screenshots of TV footage.

Bai Yifan in the screenshot is wearing a red national team uniform, and the handsome young man in the selfie surrounded by beauties is basically the same person.

Xu Pinghan watched all the screenshots of the TV footage one after another, nodded, and turned back to the first page. After scanning a few lines of text, he frowned: "Why are there so many of this information? '?"

Wang Meng spread his hand and said: "As long as you see these materials, we have already used our highest authority to find out. When I first checked, even his name was'unknown', so I could only see him. Last name and gender."

"The degree of confidentiality of the archives is'national'?" Xu Pinghagi frowned.

"Eight or nine out of ten." Wang Meng nodded. "As far as his achievements in the national tennis team are concerned, he is considered a'national treasure' athlete. People from the General Administration of Sports helped his files apply for the'national treasure' confidential protection. It's also a matter of reason."

Xu Pingha put down the investigation report and asked casually: "Has Dong Tianming of the Transportation Administration contacted you?"

"Get in touch." Wang Meng said, "At nine o'clock in the evening, he invited you to the Starbucks in Lujiazui to meet."

"Nine o'clock" Xu Pinghan nodded, "Okay, I have worked hard."

"Do you want to notify Xiaolin?" Wang Meng asked.

"No, let her rest for a while." Xu Pinghagi said, stretching her waist and standing up, "I hope I can gain something tonight."

Wang Meng smiled bitterly: "This is probably the most clueless case we have ever encountered."

Xu Pinghagi picked up the cup on the table, walked to the water dispenser, bent over to heat water in the cup, and said, "Maybe, it's not that we didn't have a clue, but that we had judged the wrong direction from the beginning."

After a pause, he said to himself: "Anyway, go to the modified car market tonight. If you can find out the source of the Yamaha heavy locomotive, you may be able to find a breakthrough."

After six o'clock in the evening, a Land Rover off-road vehicle, which looked the same as an ordinary Land Rover Range Rover, drove into the gate of Tianfu Huacheng, a high-end building in the center of Shanghai.

The security guard standing guard in front of the door would not know that this off-road vehicle that he despised as an ordinary Land Rover is actually a super luxury car with a level of tens of millions, and it is a bulletproof with a safety factor. car.

Bai Yifan drove the car unimpeded all the way to outside the innermost villa area.

The scenery outside the villa area has obviously undergone a later transformation. Not to mention a "tree wall", a lot of anti-theft alarm equipment has been installed.

"Here." Tan Zongming walked up with a smile and knocked on the bulletproof glass window of the cab.

Bai Yifan lowered the glass to the lowest level, glanced at him, and said with a smile: "Today is the palace banquet, how come you are here to welcome guests."

"I am waiting for you here." Tan Zongming waved his head towards the gate of the villa area, "Did you see the security there?"

Bai Yifan looked through the windshield and saw seven or eight people in bodyguard uniforms interrogating a Lamborghini sports car that was about to drive in.

"What's the matter?" He turned his head and asked.

Tan Zongming shrugged: "It's not because of what you told me in the afternoon—Constanly Group's stock plummeted without warning. Like Xinda, it also fell to the limit."

"Then the palace family was scared to pee?" Bai Yifan laughed.

"The people in the palace family were not scared to pee, but irritated." Tan Zongming also laughed. "For the past two years, Gong Xun has always regarded himself as a leader in the Shanghai business community. As a result, he was unpredictable and was directly affected. He slapped unceremoniously, and it almost turned into a joke in the circle. Can you say he can't become angry?"

"Then what is he going to do?" Bai Yifan glanced at the bodyguards at the gate, "Find people at the banquet, and then do it? Is he here as Mijian? Even in Mijian, who dares to kill people like this, will end up. It's definitely not much better."

Tan Zongming shook his head and said: "Then I don't know. But it seems that they seem to be preventing anyone from getting into the banquet tonight."

Bai Yifan said "Oh", raised his eyebrows, and immediately understood what was going on——

Feeling Gongxun is the matter of lowering the limit of the stock, and it is suspected to the Tang family.

Also, if the Tang family did it, he would naturally filter out the guests tonight, otherwise he would let the Tang family get in and throw a silver needle out unknowingly, that would be enough for him. .

Smiling, he said to Tan Zongming: "Then get in my car and go."

Tan Zongming nodded, opened the door of the rear seat, and sat in.

As soon as Bai Yifan stepped on the gas pedal, the Land Rover bulletproof car drove to the front door. Several bodyguards came up to conduct an interrogation, but saw Tan Zongming with his head sticking out of the back seat and backed away without a word.

"Okay, Lao Tan brushed your face." Bai Yifan smiled and stepped on the accelerator, "I give 100 points, not afraid of you being proud."

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