Almighty in the city

Chapter 220 Modified Auto Market

"He turned out to be the mysterious white captain who led the national team to sweep the three major events of men's tennis during the international sports exchange meeting." Looking at the survey report in his hand, Lin Yujing thought of the ruffian smile of the young man in the photo, and that With a "big breasts sister", I don't believe that he is the captain of the national team who has been making a lot of noise on Weibo recently.

"Okay, look at it, it means you haven't learned the skill of knowing people." Xu Ping Hagi glanced at her, took the middle cup of mocha on the table, took a sip, and smacked his lips, "Everyone said that coffee can refresh your mind. , But I’m used to drinking tea, I just can’t get used to the taste.”

He raised his watch to check the time.

It is now 8:55 in the evening, and there are still five minutes left before the appointment with Dong Tianming of the Traffic Management Bureau.

This time period is exactly when Starbucks has the largest traffic.

Xu Pinghan looked out the window and frowned slightly. It was not until a few minutes later, when he saw a middle-aged man with a short flat head, opened the glass door, his face regained the unwavering calmness of Gujing. .

After the middle-aged man with a short flat head came in, his eyes were only slightly swept, and he immediately walked towards the corner where Xu Pinghua and Lin Yu were sitting quietly.

This corner of them is not within the sight of the middle-aged person, they need to walk through a corner to see.

However, the middle-aged man seemed to have a pair of tou glances. He didn't forget to walk in the other direction at all. He just walked around the corner where the two were sitting.

"Old Xu, you are so interesting. You always think of me when something goes wrong." A few dozen seconds later, the middle-aged man with a short flat head had already pulled away a sofa chair in front of them, very casual Sit down, "And if you have something to ask me for help, I didn't even prepare a cup of coffee for me-why do you think I asked you to meet here."

"Okay, just go to the front desk to order what you want to drink, take it away, and I will pay." Xu Ping Hagi pushed the middle cup mocha he had just drunk, "If I don't dislike it, then Just a moment."

Dong Tianming said silently: "You are really good. It's almost 30 years. How come your temper hasn't changed at all? It's just your dog's temper, what kind of leadership is so blind, that will make you the director of the Criminal Investigation and Special Services Corps. I have been sitting firmly in my position for more than ten years."

Xu Pinghagi smiled and said: "No matter which unit you are in, you have to keep a few people with outstanding business ability, otherwise, if something happens, who will solve the problems for the leaders and keep the bullets back."

"Fine, you know you are awesome." Dong Tianming grabbed the middle cup of mocha on the table, lifted the lid, and drank upright, "You are awesome, don't you still have to come now? Please Lao Tzu. Let me tell you, that's because we were watching movies and playing a plane together. Otherwise, Lao Tzu will be full and stay up for most of the night, so I will come to be your tour guide."

This was also the first time Lin Yujing saw Dong Tianming. She didn't expect that the leader of the Transportation Administration Bureau would be so unscrupulous when talking to Xu Pinghagi. She didn't even care about her own existence, and she immediately heard a little embarrassed.

Xu Pinghagi glared at Dong Tianming: "Okay. Didn’t you see that there is still Xiaolin? Say my dog ​​has a temper, your dog mouth that can't spit out ivory, even if you have been mixed for 30 years. The biggest reason for being at a level."

He grabbed his jacket, pushed the sofa chair, and said to Dong Tianming as he put it on, "Drink what we should drink and say what we should say, let's go, now we can take us to explore the modified car market."

"Who said I should drink if I drink it?" Dong Tianming glared, "Go, get a big latte for Lao Tzu, and then I will take it home to honor his wife."

Lin Yujing couldn't help but smile. She glanced at Xu Pinghua, who nodded and said, "Go and buy it for him."

The three of them got up, Lin Yujing took a few steps quickly and walked towards the front desk.

At this time, Dong Tianming lowered his voice and said, "Old Xu, there are a few things. I can tell you clearly before setting off."

Xu Pinghagi said with no good air: "You deliberately distracted Xiaolin, didn't you just have something to tell me in private? Speak, I'll listen."

"I don't ask you what you want to explore in the refitting car market, nor do you ask how I talked to the master there." Dong Tianming whispered, "After I have agreed with the master, you can ask what you want, but There is one thing, your question, you can’t let people see the smell of “police”."

"Yes." Xu Pingha nodded.

"In addition, if the master is unwilling to say, don't ask more, let alone follow up." Dong Tianming solemnly said, "You can only know what you ask, and you can't tell it to others."

Xu Ping Hagi frowned and said, "What's the rule? You are not an undercover—"

"The modified car market is not a place to be seen, there is no need to undercover." Dong Tianming explained, "but there are rules there. If you break the rules, it will be me. You know, my annual business, there are Seventy percent came from there. If the message to me is broken there, I will retire early."

"Okay, I promise you." Xu Pinghagi said.

At this time, Lin Yujing had already returned with a packed latte.

Dong Tianming smiled and waved his hand: "Let's go, take my car, and open your eyes to Old Xu tonight."

"Lao Bai, don't mess around when you get to the modified car market. The water inside is too deep. Several rich second-generation generations have suffered a lot." In the car Bluetooth, Lao Sao's exhortation came out, "Yes, at night you What did you say to the old man of the Gong family, why was he so scared that he came to win over us?"

"I—" Bai Yifan smiled, "I just pretended to scare him with a stick. You know, these entrepreneurs, the older they are, the more they believe in these mysterious things. Okay, if you get into trouble, give it to I'm calling, don't hide it, just your little three-legged cat acting skills can't hide from me."

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