Almighty in the city

Chapter 545 I knew today, why should I

Time is passing, and the battle on this bluestone trail is also continuing.

However, compared to the densely packed figures at the beginning, at this time, there are only a dozen "grand masters of the national arts" that can still work towards Bai Yifan.

Moreover, the offensive of these two dozen "Grandmasters of the National Art" has not been as desperate as before. If it weren't for the position and the many colleagues on the scene, I am afraid they would have given up doing this useless work long ago.

On both sides of this section of bluestone trail, which is about 400 meters long, there are people lying in various directions at this time. Some of them are not seriously injured to continue fighting. They are lying there humming, "playing dead." ".

In the short few minutes that have just passed, everyone present has cast a psychological shadow on this tall and handsome young man——

More than 30 "national martial arts masters" and hundreds of "national martial arts masters" joined forces, and they couldn't even touch their clothes!

If this is said, who will believe it?Who can believe it!

If it is replaced by a "Roman of the Dragon" or a "Grand Master of National Sword" of the generation and level of Shiba Hideyoshi, the "Fighter of Showa" or "Fighter of Showa", all the neon warriors on the scene will recognize it.

However, now, they have been beaten to a complete defeat. From the beginning to the end, a single person pressed hundreds of them and beat them. He turned out to be a young man in his early twenties!

This makes these "national martial arts masters" and "national martial arts masters" who have long been famous in the neon martial arts world and even in Southeast Asia, how can they accept such results willingly?

But what if you don't accept it?

The facts are in front of us like this, even if people like them can speak nonsense without their conscience, they cannot change the cruel facts of being crushed by this young man in their early twenties.

"I am a warrior of the Yamato nation, my big neon martial arts world, is it so weak?" A martial arts master of the Black Dragon Road, at this time, was leaning limply on a rock, looking at Bai Yifan indifferently. He calmly continued to walk forward, but the "Grandmaster" fellow who wrote his eponymous fame was getting weaker and weaker, and he had obviously lost his fighting spirit. It was just because of his identity and stand that he had to make a move. The scene is over.

Yes, acting.

From the initial murderous aura to the present, it has completely turned into a performance, a "reality show."

Under the absolute suppression of force, these last two dozen "Grandmasters of National Magic", although they still have the capital to fight, their confidence and fighting spirit have been completely suppressed and wiped out.

At this moment, I'm afraid they would like Bai Yifan to enter the gate of "Mingxinliu" soon, so as to completely get rid of this nightmare-like forest fight.

Yes, it is a nightmare!

Today's battle is definitely an unprecedented nightmare in their lives!

"Destroyed, destroyed, destroyed." In front of a tree stump that had been broken off, Yakuro Saito, the contemporary Sovereign of Shinto Unintentional Flow, murmured and repeated these two words.

In front of him, there was a big sword that had been broken in two, half of the blade was stuck in the soil, and the other half of the broken blade with its handle fell on a few branches not far from his right hand. .

His left leg was pressed underneath by the broken tree, but he could no longer feel the pain caused by the fracture of his left leg bone——


If the heart is dead, the spirit will collapse.

If the spirit breaks down, the person will become completely numb.

If a person becomes completely numb, this kind of pain of being smashed abruptly will not be felt at all.

At this time, Saito Yakuro was in a state of "sorrow is greater than death."

Looking at these two dozen colleagues who were still above him, and at Bai Yifan with a light smile on his face, the Sect Master of the Shendao Wunianliu only felt a deep sadness and shudder.

This time the ambush and fight not only failed to bring much trouble to this young man who was carrying the "Ming Xin Liu" next lord Mu He Qianxia "Love Sword", on the contrary, it destroyed the confidence of the mainstays in the neon art world. And fighting spirit!

After today, I am afraid that the vast majority of people present, no, maybe all of them, in this life, it is impossible to have any new growth and achievements in their respective schools of martial arts.

The scenes of today's battle will become the nightmare that these people will never be able to escape, and become the psychological shadow of their fear and trembling.

Just like a few months ago, Bai Yifan completely destroyed Sun Lingyue, the No. 1 seed of the national team at the time, in the National Sports Center of China’s Kyoto. At this moment, he is using his incredible The powerful force is destroying these neon martial arts powerhouses.

At this moment, the internal and external injuries such as skin and flesh injuries, muscle and bone injuries on the bodies of these neon warriors are just trivial matters.

What is really serious is that they have begun to doubt themselves, the genre of national martial arts that they have practiced for more than ten years and decades, and even the entire neon martial arts——

This is a kind of terrifying psychological hint, not hypnosis, but the destructive power it produces is far from what hypnosis can compare!

Hypnosis is still possible to be relieved and compensated, but the disintegration and collapse of this belief, the collapse of this spiritual pillar, once it occurs, the possibility of repairing it is very slim.

From today onwards, these famous "national martial arts masters" and "national martial arts masters" in the neon martial arts world will become the past tense of an era, which will hit the neon martial arts world even more than the "Ming Xin Liu" The influence brought by the sovereign marrying away from other countries is more than dozens of times!

"Destroyed--" At the Wangyue Pavilion, watching the nearly clumsy "performance" of the two dozen "Grandmasters of National Art", one of the "Ming Xinliu" elders suddenly let out a long sigh, " The neon martial arts world is about to go through a period of disintegration and chaos. Hey, if I knew today, why bother--in the beginning!" ,,.

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