Only a limited number of people knew about the residence of Xu Ang's family in Junjing Homestead. Even if they knew, no one could go in, and Wang Fang would persuade the stranger to leave before they approached.Once the opponent does not listen, Wang Fang doesn't mind forcing him to leave.

This man who had just retired from the army retained the integrity of the soldier, acting simple and rude, very direct.In his opinion, Xu Ang paid him such a high salary, and he took so much money from Xu Ang. If he couldn't even do this thing well, I would be too sorry for Xu Ang.

This is true for strangers, but naturally not for acquaintances.

As Xu Ang's sprint coach-even though Zhang Ming feels that he and his coaching team are actually useless, there are very few things that can guide Xu Ang, but he is also a familiar face.

He was not blocked by the Wang Fang and entered Xu Ang's house smoothly.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Xiaoxiao slipped off her mother and ran to the door quickly, intercepting Zhang Ming at the entrance.As for the mother and elder brother are at home, why the little sister is so active, there is naturally a reason.

"Uncle Zhang happy new year."

Seeing the temptation to himself, Zhang Ming's smile bloomed.

"Xiaoxiao, happy new year, too."

After making three gestures, Xiaoxiao stretched out her little hand: "Happy New Year, give me New Year's money."

So, this is the real reason why the little sister is so positive.

There are red bags, and the bags still contain money. Can Xiaoxiao not be positive?

When she was one and two years old, her little head and melon seeds didn’t remember anything, and at that time, no one else in the family came to visit during the Chinese New Year. For their clinking poor relatives, other people shunned them, and how would they visit them? .

Haven't seen Fang Liangyou as Fang Shuying's uncle, only 500 meters away from Xu Ang's home, and haven't seen him for so many years?

If it weren't for Xu Ang's family that he took the initiative to come to the door to ask Xu Ang to do something for him, Xu Ang didn't know that he still had this relative.

In Xiaoxiao's small head with limited memory, this was the first year she received Chinese New Year money.

Sure enough, a three-year-old baby is different from a two-year-old baby.Uncle Li, Uncle He, and Auntie Big Bear, as long as the baby pays them New Year's greetings, they will give money.

Chinese New Year is really good.

In the New Year, and there are children in the other party's family, red envelopes are definitely a must-have item, which is not difficult for Zhang Ming.

"Mom, mom, New Year's money from Uncle Zhang."

After getting the red envelope, Xiaoxiao ran to her mother and handed in the red envelope excitedly.

"Mom saves the baby."

Xu Ang didn't speak when he saw it, he just felt more and more that his sister was really stupid.Of course, when he was a kid...emmm, it looked like he had confiscated the lucky money.

I don't want to be okay, and it hurts when I think about it.

I didn't even have the chance to hand in the lucky money. Is this even worse than a stupid kid?

After handing the red envelope to her mother, Xiaoxiao waved to Zhang Ming who was changing shoes: "Uncle Zhang, come in."

"After a year, it will be different. Xiaoxiao is sensible and knows to help greet guests."

Boasting Xiaoxiao, Zhang Ming saw that Xu Ang was talking with someone, so he didn't bother him, but sat down in the living room.

The praised little sister was not humble at all. She sat next to Xiaoying’s mother, shaking her head triumphantly, kicking her two short legs alternately, and there was a happy laugh in her mouth: " Hey hey hahaha..."

With a gentle smile on his face, Xu Ang looked at his little sister, but the content of his conversation was not gentle at all.

The person who spoke with Xu Ang was Du Jiang. The lawyer who was able to work alone and successfully opened a firm has abundant social resources in Xu Ang’s hometown.What Xu Ang asked him to inquire yesterday afternoon, there was news this morning.

"The matter has been clarified, boss. In May of this year, the local police station also had a police record, but the case was not filed because it was a family dispute."

If Du Jiang were by Xu Ang's side, he would find that the air around Xu Ang seemed to have dropped several degrees, making people feel chilly and shivering.

"Tell me what is going on."

"It's a bit complicated."

"Then keep it simple."

After organizing the language, Du Jiang said: "That new family has two boys, twins, but their luck has been unsatisfactory in the past three years, and their business has failed one after another. The wealthy family has begun to bear foreign debts, and the woman complains a lot. Quarrels often occur at home. The parents think that he needs to be transported, so they want to take his granddaughter away, let him have children and daughters, and come up with a good word, and luck will naturally get better. Boss, this is feudal superstition We all find it ridiculous, but many old people believe this."


Xu Ang's tone sounded very plain, without any mood swings in it, but Du Jiang felt that the undercurrent was surging, and there was invisible anger that wanted to tear people apart.

"Lawyer Du, I heard that your social resources are very rich, and there is something I want you to take care of for me. After all, you also know that our family can't let the conditions get better, and there will always be some shameless scum. In order to prevent them from making me and my family unhappy, some hands and tails have to be closed."

Being disgusted by so-called relatives again and again, Xu Ang's temper can't bear it.If it were not for the feelings of his family, he would not be polite to these guys.

This time he made up his mind to solve all these troubles, at least in terms of legal principles, to make it no longer a trouble for him.

Xu Ang has a hunch that if he doesn't deal with it as soon as possible and breaks the relationship with certain people, sooner or later he will be disgusted by these guys.

He didn't want to happen to certain celebrities in later generations.

The reason why he hasn't met now is that some people don't know where he lives and can't find others.

"Boss, your request..."

Xu Ang raised his brows: "What, it's difficult to do?"

"No." Hearing Xu Ang's unpleasant words, Du Jiang said decisively, "Give me a month, and I will do it well."

There was a slight smile in Xu Ang's words: "I am waiting for your good news."

After finishing the call, Du Jiang, who was already in Nanshan, Shenzhen, wiped the sweat from his forehead on the other end of the phone and slapped himself severely.

The boss asked himself to help him with certain things in the housework, so hesitate!

Having lost Xu Ang's trust, Xu Ang thought that he was not capable enough. What kind of career will take off in the future?

"Pig brain, you!"

The same is to end the call, Xu Ang's mood is different from Du Jiang.

He believes that Du Jiang can do things well. Of course, if Du Jiang can't do it well, there will naturally be someone who does it well to replace him.

Being able to kill some troubles before they become troubles, so that they don't have the chance to disgust themselves, even if it's not a happy thing, it won't make people feel bad.

"Lao Zhang, you look like you are looking for me for something?"

Xu Ang went to greet Zhang Ming, and the latter had such a wry smile when he heard what he said.

"Did you forget that there is another game in District 11, otherwise what about your qualification for this year's Atlanta Olympics?"

"Lao Zhang, how can you think of me like this, am I someone who will forget such a big thing?"

Xu Ang will certainly not forget, after all, this month's sign-in task is still related to this.

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