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Chapter 129: It's Little Brother

This trip to Hong Kong Island was full of rewards. Compared with the award ceremony for "Savage Girl" at the Academy Awards, he won the best Asian film award. In Xu Ang's heart, whether he participated in the investment of "Hidden Dragon and Crouching Tiger" and got Yujiao The role of Long and Luo Xiaohu is more important than the invitation of Brother Zhanlang to Xiaoxiao Media.

As for the award, it doesn't matter to Xu Ang whether he has it or not, and it's not the dinner of the Academy Awards, so he certainly wouldn't care too much.Everyone gives face to each other, comes on stage to say a few testimonials, and business talks to each other and it's over.Movies that can brush the record for the company, as well as the characters in the movies, and Brother Wolf Warriors are different.

The record is an honor, it is always there.

The role of Yujiaolong who can promote the international chapter will naturally make Tang Lu famous.

As for Brother Wolf Warrior, even if he didn't have the role of Wolf Warrior, even in those years when he could only play the supporting role of the villain in the Hong Kong circle, he left a very deep impression on the audience.Moreover, his participation also just made up for a shortcoming of Xiaoxiao Media, that is, in this era of kung fu movies, there are no suitable actors for acting.

It is a pity that Wen Zhuo, another good actor, met with Mei Sister last year. At this time, Zheng Chunfeng was proud, and he was much better than Brother Wolf Warriors in Hong Kong, so Xu Ang didn't dig his mind.

With a strong sense of pushing back, the Gulfstream G550 flew into the sky, leaving behind the thousands of lights on Hong Kong Island.

Seeing Brother Zhanlang, Xu Ang was very cautious. After entering the plane, he didn't speak much and broke the silence first.

"Have you eaten dinner? Forget it, eat with me again after you eat. Karina, get something to eat."

Generally speaking, there will be a dinner party after the awards ceremony of the film festival. Although most of them are talking about things and socializing, they can also fill up the stomach a little and relieve hunger.

Most of the stars do not rush to eat before the award ceremony in order to maintain their image. Even the female stars do not even drink water, and they have to endure when they are thirsty and hungry.

In order not to delay Xu Ang's time, Brother Wolf Warrior hurriedly returned to his residence to pack up his things before he even attended the award ceremony, let alone eat.

It was early in the morning, and even Xu Ang, who had dinner, was hungry. He didn't believe that Brother Zhanlang was not hungry.I was embarrassed to want to come to Zhanlang brother, so I didn't show it.

"Bring me a copy too." Yang Xiaomi is a sensible person. She knew Wu Jing was restrained, so she laughed and said to herself, "In order to attend the awards ceremony, I haven't even eaten dinner. From noon to the present ten I haven’t eaten anything for an hour. Speaking of us, actors and actresses see us glamorous and envious of us standing in the spotlight, but no one suffers from participating in these activities. If you participate in such activities too much, no one is sick."

Wu Jing felt the same about this. For example, he can feel his stomach making serious protests against him now.That is to say, he is still young and can carry it, and it will be sooner or later that he will have stomach problems when he is older.

Karina quickly delivered her food to the table, the aroma of the food permeating.

Wu Jing tried to control herself, but he was powerless, he felt more and more hungry now, and the protest from his stomach began to change to a strike.

"Eat first, and talk about things when you are full."

Xu Ang started before he finished speaking, but he didn't notice that a Coyote got up in a daze, attracted by the smell of the food, and opened the door in a daze, his eyes half-open and half-closed, consciousness Not yet awake, she walked out in the direction where the fragrance came.


Yang Xiaomi walked over and picked up the Coyote who was still half asleep, and gave her a bite of muma on her face.

When Wu Jing saw it, she immediately watched her nose and mind, focusing on the food in front of her.

He didn't know who Xiaoxiao was, but seeing Yang Xiaomi showing such affection to the child, the child appeared in Xu Ang's private jet again, and he couldn't help but have some associations.

After entering the show business circle for a year, he has heard others talk about the gossip about the hidden marriage of the actresses in the circle. Some actresses want to be favored by the funders and keep a deep personal relationship with the boss in order to get more resources in the company Friendship is not uncommon.

I seem to have learned a great secret by accident. How can I let the boss know that I am very strict?

Wait online, hurry!anxious!anxious!

Two mouthfuls of her little cheeks, Xiaoxiao rubbed her eyes and stared at Yang Xiaomi for a while, her consciousness gradually cleared up.

"Sister Xiaomi, where's my brother?"

"Your brother is there." Yang Xiaomin turned sideways, let Xiaoxiao see Xu Ang, "Sister Xiaomi will take you to wash your face, OK?"


The little sister who hasn't fully awakened yet, it was a reply.She shrank her small body, buried her small head in Yang Xiaomi's chest, and listened to the soft 36D conscience thumping, letting her sister Xiaomi take her away.

A conscience that can bring warmth and comfort to people, both adults and children like it.

It turned out to be the boss’s sister, not what I thought.

Wu Jing breathed a sigh of relief.

Only then did he remember that the news he had heard about Xu Ang, the rich man, did mention that he had a three-year-old sister.

After washing her little face, Xiaoxiao, who was completely awake, was again a lively puppy.

"Hey hey hahaha..."

When I went in, I asked Yang Xiaomi to hold it, and when I came out, the little sister ran alone.She ran to Xu Ang, still smiling triumphantly.

Yang Xiaomi, who was following her, took a paper towel and wiped the water on his face. It turned out that the first thing the Coyote did after waking up was to return Yang Xiaomi's two mumas with his wet mouth. Yang Xiaomi left her mark on her face.

Xu Ang caught the leaping little sister, scratched her little nose, and asked her, "Is it naughty again?"

"No." Xiaoxiao grabbed one of her brother's fingers and held it with her little hand. "Sister Xiaomi has incensed the little baby, and the little baby will kiss her too."

Then she found another brother she had never seen before.

Xiaoxiao tilted her head to look at Wu Jing. When Wu Jing smiled at her, she asked Wu Jing: "My name is Xu Xiao. I am three years old this year. How old are you?"

Wu Jing: "..."

Although I have a baby-faced face, looking at my figure, it's obviously a good adult.

I grew up like this, I was young, is it wrong?

"Xiaoxiao must not be rude, this is Brother Wu Jing."

"He is the little brother."

Xiaoxiao wondered why her brother said that. Of course, she knew that the opposite was an older brother. She was just asking how old the opposite was, and wanted to know how old he was.

"Adults are weird, not as smart as children."

Xiaoxiao originally wanted to say that her brother was stupid, but when she thought of someone she didn't know, she remembered that her mother told her to save face for her brother in front of others, so she listened to her mother and didn't say that.

The elder brother is the elder brother, why add a small print.

When Wu Jing and Xiaoxiao met for the first time, they remembered the child firmly.

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