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Chapter 134 - Kid's Face Gets Fast

"Mommy, Mommy, where's the little baby's mommy?"

The next morning, Zheng Jiajia, who was staying in Yang Xiaomei's room, led Wu Jing and Zhao Xiaodie to the company to sign the contract, while Xu Aang took Xiaoxiao home.

It is true that this Zheng Jiajia is a person who can read people's words, Xu Aang originally thought that he needed to send Wu Jing and the two for a ride, but I didn't expect that Zheng Jiajia had already thought of this layer, and took the initiative to stay overnight in Shaonian Garden in order to take over this task the next day.

Why some people were able to make others who got along with her feel comfortable, the difference could be seen from these places.

Hearing Xiaoxiao's voice, Fang Shuying, who was making breakfast in the kitchen, quickly walked out.

The little sister who hadn't seen her mother for a few days thumped her short legs and ran over, throwing her head into her mother's arms.

"Mom, I missed you."

Ever since Xiaoxiao could remember, she had never been away from her mother's side for so long. It was fine when she was following Xu Aang before, but now when she saw her mom, her heart was flooded with emotions. The two little eyes blinked and blinked as she spoke, and the watery ones were about to cry.

When Fang Shuying saw her, she gently patted her daughter's back and softly said, "Xiaoxiao doesn't cry, mommy is here."

A small hand on the eyes, Xiaoxiao sniffed her nose and asked in an urn, "Little baby misses mommy, does mommy miss little baby?"

"I want to, of course I do, how could mommy not want you."

Having gotten the answer she wanted, Xiaoxiao laughed and laughed.

They say that a child's face becomes fast, not to mention that this wasn't just an ordinary child, she also had another identity - a puppy.

The face change was even faster.

Kissing her mother's face with her little mouth, a reward for her wanting a little baby, Xiaoxiao next opened her doggy bag and took out the snack wrapped in tissue paper and held it in front of her mother with both hands.

"The little baby has brought mommy a delicious treat."

"Taste it, mommy, it's so delicious."

The snack was squeezed and deformed, not as beautiful as when it was first made, but Fang Shuying didn't care at all. What she ate wasn't dim sum, it was a piece of filial piety from her daughter.

Compared to Xiaoxiao's dim sum and not at all beautiful, the box of intact dim sum that Xu Ang had purposely had brought with her instead didn't move Fang Shuying much.

"How old are you, how old is Xiaoxiao, you have the nerve to compare yourself to your sister?"

Listen to this, how is Xuang going to take this?

He could only change the subject.

"Mom, I saw a resident in the neighborhood when I got back, and there are a lot of people looking at houses these days?"

Talking about this Fang Shuying came to her senses, her attention was successfully diverted by Xu Ang.

"The people are more than that, a day the agent has to bring a dozen or so families to the house. I don't have time to cook every day to accompany them to look at the property, and it's still Li Meng's help. You don't say, come to Beiping to rent this kind of good house people look okay, except for a few, others can pass your old mother my eyes."

Saying that, Fang Shuying also instructed Xu Ang to wait in the living room, and she went to the second floor on her own.

When she went downstairs she was already carrying a cloth bag in her hand, which contained none other than the rental contract.

"There are a total of forty-two houses rented out now, nine with children. Mom has seen them, and all of their children are older and quite polite, not the naughty, mischievous kind. But none of the children who are about the same age as Xiaoxiao, and that kindergarten you had prepared Mom is worried that she won't be able to take in many children."

Fang Shuying was worried about the waste, she knew it would cost a lot to get such a certificate, and with things like the renovation of an entire small building, this cost would be even higher.

If the kindergarten couldn't take in a few children, it would ironically lose money.

The company's main business is to provide a wide range of products and services to its customers.

Xu Ang said: "The kindergarten is for Xiaoxiao, not to make money, so don't worry about it. Think about it, if the kindergarten was run by us, the kindergarten teacher we hired would definitely be attentive to Xiaoxiao, which one would put your mind at ease more than leaving Xiaoxiao with other people who don't know the roots?"

Fang Shuying admitted that Xu Ang had a point.

To get a better education for their own children, it was worth spending a little more money.

Warsaw's parents and elders were of this mindset.

"Mom you eat."

Seeing that her mother was so focused on talking to her brother that she didn't even take a few bites of the snack she brought back, Xiaoxiao was unhappy. She took a piece of the snack to feed her mother, and Fang Shuying could only go to coax her daughter.

The little sister is so small to know filial piety mother, but also thought of the heart to bring mother home delicious, as a mother naturally want to take good care of this little cute.

Mother and daughter in there you feed me a mouthful, I feed you a piece, tired of crooked, to let Xu Ang seem superfluous.

Since he stayed here superfluous, Xu Aang is not a deadbeat, he took his luggage upstairs.

The Golden Statue Award for Best Asian Film for Barbarian Girlfriend is at least the first trophy Xu Aang has received in terms of film, something very meaningful, naturally he should find a suitable place to put it.

If he was right, the next award he would get in terms of film would be the Golden Raspberry Award.

With the quality of Blair Witch, there's no getting away with the worst movie of the year. I'm not sure the worst director and the worst script will go to him.

The critics in North America, and the academy, and the guys with the tinted glasses, will definitely try to give him the award.

So, am I going to accept this award or not?

Anyway, at least it's an award isn't it, the average person can't even get it if they want to.

To make the admittedly worst movie of a given year for the average person to even think about, it's not easy just to get that many people to see your movie.

"Forget about it. If the North American side sends me this award, I'll go when I'm free, but if I'm not, I'll just ignore them and let them send me the trophy themselves."

Xu Ang was thinking about things when Zheng Jiajia's call came.

"Wu Jing and Zhao Xiao Dull's contract has been signed, in addition, I received a fax, there is a matter regarding the movie Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger, what instructions do you have, boss?"

"Just invest normally, we don't step on anyone or spoil anyone. I'll ask Hendry to take a look at the contract for you, so don't get screwed. Remember, the roles of Jade Jiao Long and Luo Xiaohu are ours, and we're in charge. Also put some restrictions on the director, so that they don't make trouble for us after we hit the money, or halfway through the shoot."

Shades King pitted the investors to spit blood to learn a lesson that no one in the circle knew, Xu Ang did not want to become the next laughingstock.

"I remember, boss." Zheng Jia Jia added, "Boss you better come to the company if you have time, this matter needs to be decided by you personally. By the way, Jiang Dao and the others are also waiting for you."

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