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Chapter 136: Brother Kai Zi also wants a big production

The company is sure that it has bound the two great directors of the domestic bearer level, listening to Yang Xiaomei and Wu Jing are showing happy colors.

The company with these two directors to join the company after they are still worried about the lack of resources, there is no need to worry about no film to shoot?

This was Old Mouzi and Brother Kai Zi, who were the top domestic directors in the industry who had no idea how many famous actors were breaking their heads to compete for a role in one of their plays.

Brother Kai Zi said as he shook hands with Xu Ang, "Director Xu you wrote a book for Old Zhang, when will you write one for me too, you can't be too generous."

It was hard to explain the relationship between Old Mouzi and Brother Kai Zi, when Brother Kai Zi became famous, Old Mouzi was the cameraman in his crew. As a result, it wasn't long before Lao Mouzi was making his own movies and was slowly gaining momentum to compete with him as a brother.

Brother Kai Zi doesn't say it, but he must be struggling in his heart.

Now Lao Mouzi is going to make a big production, of course Brother Kai Zi will not accept defeat.

Hearing Brother Kai Zi say this, Xu Ang's heart thumped.

Brother Kai Zi you'd better take it easy, a steamed bun caused a bloodshed, although the amount of topic is large enough, and also indeed a prophecy divine drama, sitting on your identity with a prophet, but this movie's box office and reputation is really not easy to say explicitly.

If there is no such a thing as today, Kai Zi brother is not the people of Xiaoxiao media, Xu Ang of course will not meddle, he will even save the famous scene in it to save a map, convenient for the later people of Kai Zi brother's band prophecy.

Like Pai Zhi's 'Do you guys want to see me undress', HiaHiaHia((≧▽≦o)!!!!

This famous scene would definitely come in handy when Mr. Chen was fixing his computer.

But now that Brother Kai Zi was one of us, Xu Aang couldn't just stand by and watch him fall into a ditch - not even with his eyes closed, of course.

So, Xu Aang even said, "If Director Chen has said that, then I will definitely write a book as soon as possible, so that Director Chen can help bring up the newcomers in the company."

Brother Kai Zi did a two-handed plan before speaking, he knew that Xu Ang had written a book for the old conspirator that was very much in line with the old conspirator's style, which caused the old conspirator to be impressed and agreed to become one of Xiaoxiao Media's own under Jiang Wen's persuasion without hesitating for too long. If Xu Ang promised to write a book for him as well, and at the same time invest in his big production, it would be perfect. If Xu Aang hadn't asked, he would have settled for the second best, finding the book himself and then asking Xiaoxiao Media to be the investor.

Now that Xu Ang had opened his mouth and said he would write the book for him, Brother Kai Zi thought it was a perfect start. The smile on his face grew even wider: "I'll wait for good news from Director Xu."

This was considered coping with the past.

Xu Ang was secretly relieved that it was holding off Brother Kai Zi for the time being, otherwise Brother Kai Zi would be in a tough spot if he really made a steamed bun bloodbath.

It is not that the film will lose money, in fact, a steamed bun caused by the blood case although the box office and reputation in the country is not so good, but people Kai Zi brother did not let the investors eat too much loss, through other channels investment side is also a return of the capital, is the return cycle is long point.

Xu Aang can only hope that the daily sign-up random rewards, hope that it can be as soon as possible to randomly come up with a good script to deal with the Kai Zi brother to the past.

But things in the world were so odd, the more anxious you were, the more it would tease you.

For the next three days, Xu Aang's daily sign-ups randomly rewarded him with nothing but one stat plus one, and the remaining two were all Brother Kong Fang, depressing Xu Aang to the point of speechlessness.

As soon as the next month's check-in quests were about to be refreshed out, and the script still had no shadow, Xu Aang was also worried.

Even though he was using the stalling tactic at Brother Kai Zi's place, he couldn't delay for too long. After all, the man is a top domestic director, and his path is wild, so if you're late, he'll seek the script even if he doesn't go looking for it.

Don't underestimate those well-informed people in the circle, their ability to snoop around is all-pervasive. If a director with a little more fame in the circle has an idea for a new film, they will also know it at once, not to mention a big director like Kai Zi Ge.

If there's bad news, there's naturally good news.

It was bad news that the matter of Brother Kai Zi's script hadn't been resolved, but the good news was that word had come from Zheng Jiajia that the signing of Tang Lu had been talked about to the very end and was very close to signing Tang Lu.

"Very close means it's not signed yet, and things can change until they're finalized. You have to be careful, I don't want any problems."

Xu Ang said so to Zheng Jiajia.

"Son, who are you calling again before you eat early in the morning, I don't think you're happy about it."

Fang Shuying took Xiaoxiao with her, and mother and daughter were planning to settle the last box of snacks Xu Aang brought back from Hong Kong Island for breakfast. Hearing Xu Aang's tone of voice wasn't quite right, she looked over worriedly.

Xiaoxiao took two pieces of dim sum and ran to Xu Aang, standing on tiptoe and trying to hand it to her brother: "Brother, you eat, eat the good food will be happy."

In the little sister's little heart with a delicious snack, she could forget her worries, she could leave her unhappiness aside, as she did, she thought her brother would do the same.

Taking the snack his sister gave him, Xu Aang tasted a bite. He had to admit that he was right to worry about the hotel, even though the snacks had been sealed in a box, even though Xu Aang had put them in the refrigerator when he got home, the snacks didn't spoil, but the taste was still bad.

The good thing is that they still taste good even though they are not as good as they used to be.

When she saw her brother eat the snacks she gave him, Xiaoxiao didn't leave, so she tilted her head up and stared at him.

Xu Aang knew what his little sister was thinking, he had a smile on his face, and that's when Xiaoxiao giggled at him.

When he smiles, it means that he has become happy after eating good food.

I'm such an awesome little baby for making my brother happy. Since I'm so good, I definitely need to treat myself.

So the spare piece of snack that made my brother happy that Xiaoxiao was holding in her other hand, the little sister's little belly, was where it belonged.

I don't know if it was the luck that Xiaoxiao brought, or if a man who loved to laugh wouldn't have bad luck, but Xu Aang's daily check-in today randomly arrived with the reward he wanted.

"You have completed the daily check-in and received a random reward: the script of Skin One."

Great, finally, I've got an explanation for Brother Kai Zi.

The investment for Painted Skin was fifteen million US dollars, or about 110 million Chinese dollars.

Of course, that was an investment of zero years, and the money was worth a lot more than it was then, compared to the old conspirator's Hero, which is still a lot worse in the investment section, even though it's considered a big production now.

But things don't look like this, this is only the first part of "Skin", and this is the theme of Liaozhai, if the results are good is can be made into a series, get into Liaozhai big IP.

"Hong Kong Island can make a "Qiannian Ghost", our mainland directors are poor? Director Chen, you have to raise this flag for your peers."

In the conference room of Xiaoxiao Media, Xu Ang said so to Kai Zi Bro.

Big directors have pride, and as the top director in the mainland, watching films made by directors from Hong Kong Island and Dull Bay reap box office in the mainland and draw praise in Asia, to say that Brother Kai Zi has no ideas, who would believe it?

Brother Kai Zi was clearly impressed.

It's all stuff left behind by our ancestors, so if your Hong Kong Island directors can make it, why can't our mainland directors make it?

Xu Ang saw and added: "The special effects that need to be used in the movie I can find a Hollywood team through Pixar, they charge high fees, but the effect is good. Carefully calculated, the investment in this film is definitely over a hundred million, and it's also a big production."

I don't hesitate when you say this.

"Get a Hollywood special effects team to do it, that's what you said, I'll make a note of it."

Brother Kai Zi instantly agreed.

As long as you don't go and film the steamed bun blood case anything is easy to say.

Xu Ang was happy, Brother Kai Zi was happy, and Zheng Jia Jia was also overjoyed.

The company was going to open a new film, and it was still a film by a big director like Brother Kai Zi, and with the name of a big production with over a hundred million investment, the characters in it, even if they couldn't use it themselves, they would be able to get a lot of resources for it.

Taking advantage of the happy atmosphere, Zheng Jiajia added a bit more: "Boss, the contract with Tang Lu has been set, and it's tomorrow."

Xu Ang's eyebrows raised, "That's a good feeling, I happen to be coming to the company tomorrow."

Thinking about the owner of the handkerchief he had been keeping in his jacket pocket, Xu Aang was a little nervous with anticipation.

I'll see that girl again tomorrow, and I don't know if she's forgotten about me.

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