Today, a weird car appeared on the streets of Beiping. It actually carried a small two-story western-style building. From time to time, there were children’s happy laughter in the western-style building, which attracted the pedestrians on the street and the bicycle army on the road. One after another.

People who don’t know think that someone’s house is moving.

"Whose house is this? The move was really thorough, and even the house was transported away. It's rare! He's a man who can live a life."

Those who knew it took a sip with envy and hatred, and whispered, "The grandson of any house, if you have any money, you will be scorned. Sooner or later, you will be dictatorship."

In the RV, Li Ke reminded Xu Ang: "Aren't we being too public, boss?"

I still remember the group of people who got rich first in all parts of the country in the past two years, let their children enter Beijing to broaden their horizons, gain insights, and make connections. Those rich second generations can be very arrogant.The young and old in Peking were also hospitable, patted their chests and said to them: "Although you speak, there is nothing in Beiping that the men can't do."

The second generation of knowledgeable and interesting cheered for the young and old: "I want to hang my father's big picture in Beiping."

The young and old said without hesitation: "Let's talk about it, where you want to hang up, we can take care of it for you from the capital."

Everyone said that, but the second generation hesitated, so he said his little request: "I think Antianmen is pretty good."

The young and old looked at this second generation carefully, and then said to him: "Your request is very special. We have never heard of such a request. I will give you a reply after the gentleman discusses it."

After that, in less than a week, news came out from somewhere, saying that gratifying progress had been made in the fight against gangsters and evil, and then all the second generations stopped and they dared not make any publicity in Peking.

Can't solve the problem, and I can't solve the person who raised the problem?

After the descendants of the richest come to Beijing to be humans with their tails between their tails, the young and old in Beijing should carry cages to carry birds, walk the streets and alleys, how they lived before and how they live now.

Of course, there are also some people who are moved. They suddenly discover that power is really a good thing.

Li Ke was worried that Xu Ang would be too public and cause unnecessary trouble.

Xu Ang replied: "In the early stage of the development of any thing, barbarous growth is inevitable, and so is the development of the country. Lao Li, you can look at the group of people who got rich first after the national reform. A large part of them In fact, the level of literacy is not high. It only depends on daring to fight and hard work, or some means that cannot be clearly stated, or even pure luck to succeed."

"On the other hand, what about literate people of the same age group as these people?"

"They are just too educated, think more, do things forward and backward, but hesitate when they should be decisive, so that they miss a good opportunity, or they are abiding by the rules but because other people break the rules and cause setbacks in their careers."

"Lao Li, let's talk about it. When the group of people who have caught up with the barbaric growth period and succeeded, and the people with low education level become bosses, and those with high education level are working for these people, how will public opinion in society change? ?"

Li Ke thought about it carefully, and found that, as Xu Ang said, the richest people in the past few years have really not read much, or read a lot of them.

Xu Ang went on to say: "When people are poor and rich, how many mentalities are not inflated? Once people drift, arrogance and other emotions will breed. They will think that reading is nothing great, and how good your book is It’s not as good as these people who read less. Reading is a waste of time. They all say that parents are the best teachers for their children. Their attitude will affect their next generations, so a group of second generations who are unlearned are born. Up."

"If this is the case, they will only affect their own children. The problem is that they are successful people, big bosses in the eyes of ordinary people. They think that reading is useless, but the impact will be great. Look at it, reading. The theory of uselessness will not take long to rise. If this kind of theory is not stopped, it will affect the lives of a generation."

Li Ke felt very horrified. The country has clearly defined the concept of science and technology as the primary productive force, and advocated ten years of trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. As a result, the country expects to drive the majority of people to become rich first. The rich are actually so doing. This is not against the country. Do they have the guts?

In this regard, Li Ke is skeptical.But when he thought that this was what Xu Ang said, he hurriedly wrote it down, and when he had time, he quickly reported it to the chief leader.

Seeing that Li Ke seemed to be unbelief, Xu Ang explained to him: "Do you think it's impossible for this kind of thing to happen? Then you are very wrong. You don't want to think that those people have low literacy level, they don't want to. Too many, let alone understand that they have eaten the dividends of the times. They will only think that they are really capable and think that their set can eat everything. Do you expect such a person to control their mouth?"

You are the boss, you can say, I can't refute you.But what does this have to do with your publicity?

"Who am I? I am the champion of the college entrance examination this year. I create wealth based on knowledge. Let everyone see my success. I want to show the direction to those who are confused, so that they will not be misled by fallacies. They know that there is really a golden house in the book so they can study hard and make progress every day."

Xu Ang spread his hands, you see, how great I am.

Li Ke scratched his head. Should I believe you or not.

Not only Li Ke was confused, Hengdeli almost believed it, if he hadn't seen Xiaoxiao secretly laughing while covering her mouth.

Knowing brother Mo Ruomei and little sister's performance showed that Xu Ang was definitely not what he said, at least not all.

Hendry could not help but mourn for Li Ke. Poor tall man, you are the tall one. You lost the guessing box to He Xing, this short, stout monster. Now he is still being fooled by his own boss, so IQ is a good thing. .

"Hello, motorcycle..."

The phone rang, and Zheng Jiajia's voice came after Xu Ang connected.

"Boss, I just received a call from Director Li An. He has arrived in Peking and is on his way to the company."

"Li case? Why did he come? Is there something wrong with the film preparation?"

"That's it, boss. Because the signing with Tang Lu has been finalized, and she is the actor for the role of Yu Jiaolong chosen by the boss, so I informed Director Li of this incident. I didn't expect to talk to him yesterday After that, he arrived in Peking early this morning and said he was going to audition."

Xu Ang raised his eyebrows: "This Li case is a bit interesting. He saw that our investment contract was signed and the advance payment was paid. He felt that the matter was settled, and he wanted to fight for more voice for himself."

Xu Ang was right. The Li case really meant this. The reason why he flew to Beiping overnight was to fight for more voice for himself.

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