He ran back to the bedroom in a hurry and wiped the sweat off his face with a towel. Before she changed her clothes, Tang Lu and her roommates received a notice that the top domestic leader Kai Zi had already arrived at school and wanted to do Selected roles in his new play.

The focus of this casting is on freshmen and sophomores, ninth-five and ninety-four performance departments must be present, and higher grades are not allowed, but the chances of getting a role are relatively small.

As soon as the news came out, it was like a big earthquake among the students.

Currently, there are two recognized top directors of the fifth generation in domestic films, one is Brother Kaizi and the other is Lao Mouzi.There are other powerful directors, but they don't have as many awards internationally, and they are not as famous as these two.In contrast, it pales in comparison and is compared.

As a student of the Chinese opera at the top of the food chain of the domestic film and television academy, the boys and girls here are always paying attention to the turmoil in the industry.

They have long heard the news that Lao Mouzi and Kaizi are going to do big productions. Because the big investors are the wealthy Xiaoxiao Media, each investment has exceeded 100 million.Half-footed into the film and television industry, they know very well that with the current domestic market environment, it is almost impossible for the domestic market to support the box office of more than 100 million big productions, even if the directors are Kaizi and Lao Mouzi.

Therefore, these two major productions must take the international route.

Contact the big investor Fang Xiaoxiao. The rich boss of Media has channels in Hollywood, and he is also the big boss of Peaks. Anyone who has a bit of brain can think of it. A large part of the movies of people investing in Lao Mouzi and Kaizi are directed at the North American box office. .

As long as you participate in any of these two films, you will be able to show your face in Hollywood, or you will receive an olive branch from Hollywood studios, and you will become an international star actor.

Not to mention that this possibility is minimal, as long as it is possible, there is no shortage of people in the world to fight for.

Therefore, Xu Ang discovered that when he and Brother Kaizi were still chatting with the school teachers and department heads who had heard the news, the scheduled audition spot was crowded with handsome men and beauties.

Even if it is not, it is a person who looks very distinctive and makes people impressed at a glance.

"Director Chen, your charisma really doesn't have to be said, but I am so envious."

Xu Ang was joking with Brother Kaizi.

Kaizi laughed, and said to him: "That is because everyone didn't know that I brought you here, or more people would come. If I was the great guide, wouldn't you? Not everyone? If you can shoot casually, you can cut hundreds of millions in the box office in Hollywood, and you can make a phenomenal film that is popular in Asia with a little seriousness."

In terms of background, Xu Ang is definitely no better than Kaizi.

But speaking of fame, he really might not lose to Brother Kaizi.

If you really want to compare, there is no director in China that can achieve what Xu Ang has achieved in North America.

Not to mention the North American box office of several hundred million. Now there is not even one hundred million. Lao Mouzi and Kaizi brother are working hard for this.

It’s wrong that Xu Ang is not an orthodox academic school. If Xu Ang’s work is truly a movie, there is only one "Savage Girlfriend", which has caused many people in the industry to be somewhat cautious about his identity. Xu Ang can really go. Fight for the position of the leader of the sixth generation of directors.

The two of them were talking about each other in business, and the director surnamed Huang on the side was smiling.

Brother Kai and Jiang Wen Jiang Wu had an attitude towards this man, and I didn't look down upon him.

This surnamed Huang is a good driller. There are too many small movements and he doesn't hold his body properly. People like Jiang Wenkai are not the same as him.If he does not have the status of the director of the Chinese Opera Acting Department, Brother Kai will directly push people out, making him not even qualified to stand by his side.

Xu Ang knew who this guy was when he learned that this person's surname was Huang and that he was the head of the acting department.

This is one of the protagonists in the case of a certain second-generation violent beating of his girlfriend in the future.If he hadn’t relied on a little power to engage in small actions, the female student’s brains were not very good-she thought that the second generation was just playing with herself, but she did not expect that the second generation was serious, and the people of the whole country would not be able to eat the big melons in the drama. .

"Director Chen, Director Xu, both of them are internationally renowned directors, but we need to give more guidance to these students and give them more opportunities."

Director Huang said flattery.

He said that Brother Kaizi was okay, but even Xu Ang was wearing it and it seemed to be a trace of flattery.

The corners of his mouth twitched, Xu Ang seemed to be laughing, but he was full of mockery in his heart.

Director Huang thinks that he is a young man who has the ambition to be a teenager, thinking that as long as he is flattered and flattered, he will be able to make him feel unconscious.

Whether you are a human or a ghost, I will hold you, offer you, and preach for you, so that you will have a great illusion of yourself. When the time is almost time, I will make small conditions, so that you are embarrassed to refuse my small request. Some people like this kind of person, but Xu Ang is definitely not included.

His eyes swept across the crowd, Xu Ang collided with someone's eyes, and he saw the surprise on Tang Lu's face as he wished.

The girl's slightly surprised look made Xu Ang happy.

He said to Brother Kaizi: "Director Chen, today you are the main force, so I will play the support, how can you arrange it?"

Xu Ang blinked at Tang Lu when she was speaking, which caused the girl to give him a white look and gave them a sanitary ball.

Kaizi brother is a shrewd person. He noticed Xu Ang's blinking motion, and followed Xu Ang's gaze. He saw a tall girl.

He gestured to Xu Ang with his eyes, and Kaizi asked, "Know?"

Director Huang is good at observing words and colors, he is not slower than Kaizi.Seeing that the students from my home school might know Xu Ang, but Kaizi didn't know it, and quickly seized the opportunity to express: "She is a freshman in the ninth-five performance department, her name is Tang, and her name is Tang Lu."

When Kaizi heard the name: "I have an impression, where I should have heard it."

Xu Ang smiled and said: "Of course Director Chen has heard that she is one of the heroines in the new play prepared by the company. Just this morning, Xiaoxiao Media has signed her."

"Oh, yes, I remember. She is the newcomer Zheng is very optimistic about, and her role in the company's next play is as important as Yang Xiaomi's."

The speaker is unintentional, the listener is intentional.

After hearing the words of Brother Kaizi, Director Huang and the accompanying teacher surnamed Tian couldn't help but glance at each other, and there was a joy on their faces.

Who is Yang Xiaomi?

That is the popular actress who has brought the whole Asian savage style to the absolute protagonist of the phenomenon-level movie "Savage Girl".The students in their own school are actually the same heroines in Xiaoxiao Media's next play, and the role is still the same. This is a proper start to Tianhu.As long as her acting skills don't pull her hips, or she has no audience, her future will be limitless.

What does it mean for students to become famous when they are still in their freshman year?


The hard-core standard for promotion and salary increase is also a heavy qualification.

Director Huang winked quietly at Teacher Tian, ​​and when Director Chen auditioned, he arranged for Tang Lu first, and everyone else gave me stand behind.

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