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Chapter 159 Wuhu, take off

It took five minutes to take a shower. When Xu Ang returned to the bedroom, he saw the little sister lying on the bed obediently, the same as when he left, only a pair of small eyes were moving.

Seeing Xu Ang coming out, Xiaoxiao yelled softly: "Pigeons."

This is how a child is. When you are naughty, you can't wait to beat her little ass, and when you are quiet, it is so cute that it turns your heart.

Xu Ang went over to get into the bed and hugged his little sister.

Xiaoxiao took full advantage of Coyotito's specialties, sniffed her brother with her small nose, then calmed down, and put her small head into her brother's arms and pressed her small body against him.

The smelly boy is gone, now he is a good brother, and the baby is willing to let him hold him.

"Do you want to sleep?"

"If you don't sleep, you have to go out to play. My brother said he will take the baby out. Adults can't lie to the children.

"Okay, then get up and put on clothes, and let's go."

"Rough hair!"

Sitting in his brother's cart, Xiaoxiao followed Xu Ang to the place where "Returning the Pearl" started.

Although height limits are not so strict these days, Xu Ang's RV is also quite inconvenient to drive. After all, some roads are not allowed, and you have to figure out how to go.Thanks to He Xing and Li Ke being familiar enough with Peiping, he really couldn't think of many good ways besides changing cars to travel with Xu Anglai.

As long as he can make his sister comfortable when traveling, Xu Ang doesn't mind if he makes detours.

As long as you are not late, it doesn’t matter if you stay in the car for a while.

"Boss, here we are."

Li Ke reminded his boss.

At this time, Xu Ang was still holding Xiaoxiao in the car, and the little sister was leaning against him, watching intently at the cartoon that Xu Ang played on her with the laptop.

"Wuhu Autobot!"

"Wuhu, take off!"

The little sister was fascinated. Xu Ang didn't interrupt her, but waited for a few minutes. After watching this episode, she got out of the car with the still little sister.

Xiaoxiao, who was led out of the car by her brother, didn't look at the adults who came up, but couldn't help but look at Xu Ang's RV.

There are many questions in my little sister’s little head: My brother’s big car is different from other cars. Is it an Autobot?Will it shout "Wuhu, take off" and leave by itself?If the Autobots are gone, how will the little baby and brother without a big car go home?

Xu Ang would not know that the little sister he was holding was already worrying about how they would go home. He was talking with Sun Pei, Zheng Jiajia and others who were approaching.

"I'm not late, am I?"

"Boss, why are you late? It's still early."

Zheng Jiajia's words are of course polite, and in fact it is less than ten minutes before Sun Pei's set-up ceremony.He was still anxious just now, worried that Xu Ang was late and missed the auspicious time. If Zheng Jiajia hadn't stopped him, Sun Pei would have called Xu Ang long ago.

Looking at the people around here, Xu Ang found that there were more people than he expected.

In addition to the company’s artists and invited media, there are also many group performances in costumes.

Xu Ang asked Sun Pei: "Director Sun is going to make a group show?"

Group dramas are not easy to shoot. The more people, the more difficult it is to shoot, because the more people there are, the greater the probability of making mistakes.Didn't it all say that the director would try his best to choose an easy clip to shoot at the start of the game? How come Sun Pei did the opposite.

Sun Pei explained: “The more people there are at the opening ceremony, the greater the momentum will be. Let the media we invite to report on it and build the momentum first. The drama "Returning the Pearl" is like this one that requires many group performances. Not much. This is the beginning of the whole show again. I want to mobilize the actors and polish their cooperation. As long as the large group of scenes at the beginning can pass, the subsequent shooting will be much smoother."

The reason why Sun Pei dared to play like this is due to Xu Ang.

Xiaoxiao Media, as a major investor in this drama, as its boss Xu Ang has absolute say in this drama.He had already said that he wanted to make "Returning the Pearl" a hit, a classic that has remained influential for more than ten or two decades.In order to meet his requirements, Sun Pei can operate according to his own ideas, even if he will spend a lot of money on this.

The premise is that the effect of the shot is good enough, otherwise Sun Pei will have to walk around.

Sun Pei is very fortunate to have joined Xiaoxiao Media, instead of rejecting the olive branch from mainland film and television companies with senseless arrogance and superiority, as some colleagues in Daliwan Island also received Zheng Jiajia's invitation.

Working under a wealthy boss like Xu Ang can be more than comfortable filming for that aunt on the island who has a temper and a strong desire for control.

The boss Xu Ang is generous, and the crew has sufficient funds, and Sun Pei has more room for maneuverability and can boldly follow his own ideas.If he were to be under that aunt, he would have to rack his brains to save money, and he would have to lose a lot of hair on how to satisfy that aunt. If he complained, he might not be sure. An aunt would also say that sentence to herself: "You have to be patient."

Sun Pei admitted that he did not have the good temper of his aunt and husband. He estimated that he could not bear this. Either he let others vomit blood for three liters, or he vomited blood for three liters.

In other words, as long as you look at the book written by your aunt, you know how reasonable it is that writing comes from life.

Of course, Aunt Ren is a master of reverse operation, and her rank is not beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Hi boss."

"Ah... good boss."

As the leading actors, Yang Xiaomi and Tang Lu, Chao Ge and Chang Hua were naturally present, and they followed Sun Pei and Zheng Jiajia.Zhao Xiaodai is not as good as the previous ones. She is a bit slower than the others who stand behind Yang Xiaomi. The last sentence that the boss is good is what she said.

Xu Ang paid close attention to Zhao Xiaodai. Compared with the black and thin when he first saw him, Zhao Xiaodai seemed to have changed.

The skin is fair, and the body is no longer skinny, and he has begun to stick to the flesh, and the whole person's image has taken on a new look.Even though they are still not as good as Yang Xiaomi and Tang Lu, they can still be seen as a beauty.I believe it will not take much time, except for the aura and temperament that need enough time to polish and cultivate, other aspects are no worse than the two female protagonists.

It's okay, it looks like that small bone in the next generation.

Xu Ang nodded secretly.

"Big fairy, hug the little fairy."

Hearing Tang Lu's voice, Xiaoxiao immediately put aside the Autobot matter, she ran to Tang Lu's feet, and bounced for a hug with her small hand open.

Whether you know Xiaoxiao or not, as long as you have seen the logo of Xiaoxiao Media, you can guess the identity of this kid.Seeing that Xiaoxiao was so close to Tang Lu, everyone didn't dare to despise this newcomer who was the first time he was filming.

If you think about it, can you be the heroine in the first play, and you will be an ordinary newcomer in the duo play with Yang Xiaomi, the popular actress?

Xiaoxiao didn't know that her begging for a hug would make the elder brothers and sisters, uncles and uncles around her think so much, she was immersed in the joy of meeting Lulu again.

Yang Xiaomi couldn't help but squeeze her little face with the cheerful little look.

Sister Xiaomi used to scream so affectionately, but now she has a new love and forgets her old love. Little children are not reliable at all, but older brothers are better.

Boss, would you like to find time to talk to me about the script through the moonlight?

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