The filming of "Returning the Beads" started. According to Zheng Jiajia, Sun Pei, who had successfully filmed several large groups of scenes on the first day, was like a demon this time, but in just one week, the crew had been given three additional shifts.

The motivated director opened the workaholic mode by himself, not to mention, he also pulled the whole crew to accompany him as a workaholic.

Had it not been for Zheng Jiajia to find ways to soothe everyone's emotions, and the protagonists all used young people from their own company, the crew would have been complaining.

The advantage of using the company's own people is here, and the company's own play is naturally easy to discuss, and it is acceptable for a little bit tired.

Except for those who are spoiled and not dedicated.

Fortunately, dedication is a basic professional ethics in this era. Zheng Jiajia has enough knowledge about every artist who has signed in to the company. He has also asked about the wind reviews of the actors signed by the crew, but there are no unpleasant things. thing.

The film crew of "Returning the Pearl" is in charge of a selected director, and Xu Ang is worried that his absence will affect everyone's state of filming, so he delegates full responsibility to Sun Pei.

His luck this week has not been very good, except for one daily sign-in random reward, all of them are the high-probability brother Kong Fang.There are five to six hundred thousand in total, which is not a small amount, but Xu Ang has no shortage of these three melons now, but it is the only exception that made him more fancy.

"You completed the daily check-in and received a random reward: "Painted Skin II" script."

Brother Kaizi, the crew of the first part of Painted Skin, is still preparing, and Xu Ang has already randomized the script of Painted Skin II here, which is really advanced.

Without hiding, Xu Ang gave the script of Painted Skin II to Brother Kai, to show Brother Kai: Look, I didn’t fool you, I really plan to let you make a series of movies, this second I have written all the scripts for you.Brother Kaizi, just put your heart in your stomach and focus on filming.

"Hello, motorcycle..."

Xu Ang's cell phone rang, it was Du Jiang's phone.

This lawyer who had already raised a legal team for Shen Zhenteng's Penguin Company quietly came to Peking.

It was quiet, but for Xu Ang's mother Fang Shuying and his little sister Xu Xiao, Du Jiang naturally couldn't come secretly. He just hid what he really wanted to do when he came to Peking.

In the courtyard next to Shaonian Garden, Xu Ang and Du Jiang met.

"This is what you want. It has that person's signature and his handprint on it. There is no doubt in the law."

Passing a briefcase with both hands, Du Jiang quietly moved aside, watching his nose and his heart, as if an old monk entered concentration, weakening his sense of existence with all his strength.

What's in the briefcase is just a statement with legal effect to others, and they won't care because it has nothing to do with them.But here Xu Ang is extremely important, to ensure that he will not be entangled by some people in the future, avoid being bitten by some guys, but also disgusting important things.

After opening the briefcase and carefully checking the contents, Xu Ang put it away solemnly.

He said to Du Jiang: "It's done very well, I am very satisfied."

From now on, there is no need to be disgusted by some so-called relatives, and there is no need to worry that the guy who abandoned his wife and abandoned his son will follow a celebrity’s parents. Seeing that the latter has made some money, he will come to the lion to open his mouth, not satisfying them. They just made things big, and didn’t think about the harm it would cause to their children.

"Boss, you compliment it. This is my business."

Du Jiang spoke very modestly.

Xu Ang didn't ask him about the process of doing this, nor did Du Jiang.

In this matter, as long as the result is for Xu Ang or Du Jiang, it is a good thing.

As for who is bad, it's not them, nor the family that Xu Ang values-his mother and younger sister.

After solving the boss' private affairs, Du Jiang talked about his official business in Peking.

"Penguin has received a request from the Shenzhen government, and the other party needs us to help them handle instant messaging. If this is successful, Penguin will become a government cooperative enterprise, which will be of great benefit to the company's development."

As soon as Du Jiang said about this, Xu Ang knew who was behind it.

"Little Ma's ordinary family is really ordinary enough."

With a clear smile, he was not surprised at all.

How did the penguins of the original time and space appear? Isn't it just born at the demand of the local government?

Don't ask why this messenger falls on Xiao Ma, it is an ordinary family, and it is the most suitable one.

"Tell Mr. Ma that if he thinks it is feasible, he will agree, and if he thinks it is not feasible, he will refuse. I promised him when he founded Penguin. He is the company's president. I have no habit of breaking my promise."

Xiao Ma asked Du Jiang to ask himself that he knew that Du Jiang was himself, and he wanted to know his attitude.

Don't ask him why he didn't ask himself, if Xiao Ma came to ask himself, there would be no room for change.What to do if Xu Angruo and him really have a disagreement is far better than letting Du Jiang bring a message in the middle as a buffer.

However, how could Brother Xiao Ma think of this method?

Xu Ang still remembered Xiao Ma's impression of him, that he was a taciturn man of science and engineering. It stands to reason that he shouldn't think of this layer.So, there must be someone behind Xiao Ma, or someone who is experienced enough to teach him.

Unexpectedly, Brother Xiao Ma was also taught to do things.

"Okay, boss. I will definitely bring your words to President Ma."

Du Jiang was calm, but he was secretly happy.

He is now in charge of Penguin's legal department. The better Penguin's development, the higher his status.Correspondingly, the income will be more.

Although Du Jiang is Xu Ang's person, it is his eyes inserted inside the penguin, and his position is on Xu Ang's side, but who has no selfishness, who does not want to live better and get more?

"Lawyer Du, I remember you had a friend who developed in Shenzhen, right?"

When Xu Ang suddenly asked, Du Jiang was startled.

The boss could not see through my selfishness and become dissatisfied with me, so let's change me.

In places where no one else has seen, Du Jiang's cold sweat wet his underwear.


Du Jiang wanted to say no, but he knew he couldn't answer that way, otherwise he would lose more points.

"How many?" Xu Ang asked and added, "I need someone who can trust enough."

Du Jiang answered without hesitation: "Three."

"There is news from Zhao Jincong that Xiaoxiao electric vehicles are ready to be rolled out across the country, and I need someone to be solely responsible for its legal affairs. In addition, the fruit company of the United States has selected an foundry company in China. Doing part of the computer accessories and complete assembly for them is also an industry under my name. It has been approved and is setting up factories in coastal areas. The scale will not be small. The legal affairs also need people. If you recommend someone Yes, let them come to Peking to see me."

It was because of this that I was shocked.

Du Jiang secretly wiped the cold sweat, and wiped his palms wet with sweat, and then replied in a confident tone: "Please rest assured, boss, I must move them."

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