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Chapter 168 Master Lu Ziye

Seeing the door opened, Zhao Jincong quickly commanded the workers: "Get in the car."

Wang Fang walked over and watched several workers unload the goods. Li Ke, who came with him, led Zhao Jincong into the house.

"Old Zhao, come and sit." Xu Ang motioned to Zhao Jincong to take a seat, and handed him a cup of hot tea, "Thanks for your hard work, drink some warmth."

"Not hard, not hard."

The boss said that you have worked hard, can you stab the next?

Zhao Jincong's EQ has not yet reached that level.

There was a respectful smile on his face, his waist slightly bent, his hands stretched forward to take the tea that Xu Ang handed over, and then sat down with a three-point restraint, Zhao Jincong seemed cautious throughout the whole process, even if the age difference between the two sides was greater than Xu Ang's. Old age.

This is a common problem that has been long in government agencies.

Xu Ang doesn't like this, but Zhao Jincong has been working in the system for more than ten or twenty years. Certain habits have deepened into his bones and become instincts. It is difficult to get rid of it!

How other people’s habits Xu Ang didn’t try to force him, he asked Zhao Jincong, “Is things going well in the factory?”

Quickly put down the tea cup and sat upright, Zhao Jincong replied: "The first and second tier cities have been fully rolled out, and according to your boss’s suggestion, with your financial support, we have bought nearly 1,000 in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and major capital cities. Stores as direct sales points."

To say that this decision to buy a store was really not something Zhao Jincong dared to make.

Nearly a thousand shops cost more to buy than Xiaoxiao's electric car factory. Zhao Jincong didn't have the courage and the money.If it weren't for Xu Ang's request, or Xu Ang's special sum of 30 million yuan, the plan would have been implemented, and even Zhao Jincong would not dare to mention it.

As the director of Xiaoxiao Electric Vehicle Factory, Zhao Jincong actually didn't understand Xu Ang's purpose.

What do they do when they buy so many shops in a factory that produces electric cars, and they are concentrated in first- and second-tier cities. Shouldn't they be recruited by expanding the factory and then recruiting workers again?

In the past, Zhao Jincong’s unit was in this model. The bigger the factory, the more people it can support, the happier it is.There is such a big difference when I get to Xu Ang, it seems that the doorway of this private enterprise has not been figured out.

In my heart, Zhao Jincong kept reminding himself to be cautious in his words and deeds so as not to lose his current good job.

Entering the business world is no better than being in a state-owned factory. Without iron jobs, there is always a sense of crisis looming in my heart.This sense of crisis is pushing him forward, urging him to do things better, and it also made many old acquaintances of Zhao Jincong's old acquaintances taunt and secretly joke that he was begging Huazi to eat rotten porridge-he asked for it.

These people don't know yet, they are now laughing at Zhao Jincong, and they will regret it when they are laid off in a few years.At this time, their ridicule and jokes all turned into praise and regret. They said Zhao Jincong had the foresight and complained that he didn’t have that vision. If they went to the sea a few years in advance, they could also mix well, instead of like Now worry about the next meal like this.

"You said on the phone that you showed me something, what is it?"

Zhao Jincong stood up quickly and said to Xu Ang, "Boss, please move."

When he reached the door, Xu Ang saw workers packing unpacked packages on the open space in the courtyard, and a car resembling the popular Santana sedan was parked there.

Rubbing his hands, Zhao Jincong said with a three-point nervousness in anticipation: "Look, boss, this is the idea of ​​the masters in the factory. When we were producing the luxury Xiaoxiao electric car, I found that its battery is very powerful. If you only build a two-wheeler, you can’t fully utilize its performance."

"So you did this..." Xu Ang thought for a while before saying, "Electric car?"

"Yes, yes, it's an electric car." Zhao Jincong nodded again and again, "Why can't the car use electricity?"

Your question is very spiritual.

Walking over and inspecting the body carefully, Xu Ang found that the specifications of the material used in this car are quite strong, not the kind of mobile coffin that looks beautiful but is actually not much different from plastic.He couldn't help but wondered: "How much is this car's net weight, can the battery drive it?"

Zhao Jincong smiled triumphantly, and he waited for Xu Ang to ask this.

"The net weight of the body is 1,000 kilograms. One group can't be carried naturally, but two groups are fine. I have hired a skilled master from the factory where I used to work. Although the salary is not low for them, they are indeed worth it. Price. Boss, please take a look. Its front and rear wheels can be controlled separately and belong to two parallel drives. Even if one group fails, the other group can work, so it won’t be completely slumped."

Let me drop it, you guys, not only are you now playing with electric cars, but you are also playing with four-wheel drive. Are the masters of state-owned factories so wild?

Have you been in the forefront of the times?

Xu Ang really wanted to pat Zhao Jincong on the shoulder and tell him: "It's decided, it's you, Zhao Jincong, a mechanical ghost."

I just want to make an electric bicycle to make a little money, but you give me an electric car, and there are finished products, you are so awesome, my boss must give you chicken legs.

Xu Ang asked Zhao Jincong: "Old Zhao, what is its maximum speed, what is its endurance, and how long does it take to charge once?"

It was a little embarrassing to ask about this Zhao Jincong, but Xu Ang was the one who asked, Zhao Jincong had to answer, he could only honestly replied: "The general household three-wire plug is fine for charging, but you can't use aluminum wire, you have to use copper. Line. It only takes half an hour to fully charge, and the speed is not slow. You can drive 20 kilometers in the city with a single charge, and the maximum speed is 70 yards."

Hearing this, Xu Ang shook his head: "It can also be driven in the city, and it is not as convenient as a gas-burning car. This is still in the case that the current city in China is not large. If the city is expanded in the future, its voyage will be in the city. The inside is not enough."

Hearing the slight disappointment in the boss’s words, Zhao Jincong didn’t want to lose his points, and hurriedly said to Xu Ang: “The main reason is that the body is heavier, otherwise the speed and maximum range can be improved. The master in the factory is now thinking of a way. We will make a breakthrough as soon as possible to reduce the weight of the vehicle body. In addition, I suggest that the factory start recruiting talents in the battery field to prepare for future technological improvements."

Xu Ang thought for a while and said to Zhao Jincong: "Battery technology is the key, and I agree to your request. Now we have no way of breaking the wrist with the mature Western automobile industry, so we have to find another way."

Zhao Jincong's eyes brightened: "Please boss to mention something."

"I can't talk about it, I just talk about my thoughts." Xu Ang said to Zhao Jincong, "In terms of power, it is not as good as a petrol-burning car. In some respects, we don't need to follow the other party's standards. We don't have to. Make a regular car and change it to a mini car."


"Yes, it is a compact car. It can have four or two seats. The wheelbase is over two meters, and the body is controlled at three meters or even shorter."

Zhao Jincong thought for a moment, then hesitated: "Will such a car be too small?"

"But it's cost-effective and practical. You don't understand the current situation in China. Everyone is not very wealthy. Buying a Santana or the like can easily cost hundreds of thousands. How many families can afford it. You watch others drive. A car, but I’m riding a bicycle, can I feel better?"

"The miniature car is different. It is also a four-wheeled car, and it is also a car. It can meet people's travel and work requirements. The price... By the way, Zhao, how much do you plan to price this car?"

Zhao Jincong replied: "If it is mass produced, its cost is only 30% higher than that of a luxury electric car, not more than 4,000 yuan. As for the pricing, it depends on the boss."

Back to the house, he drew some pictures for Zhao Jincong according to his memory, and Xu Ang copied and pasted the appearance of several miniature cars he remembered.

"You can choose the shape from here, or you can make a few more brands, make the color brighter, and make the appearance more refined. The price is set between 20,000 and 50,000 depending on the model, and the sales should be good."

With that said, Xu Ang thought of another question: "Will it exceed the factory's business scope?"

Zhao Jincong smiled: "Boss, our factory operates electric vehicles, even if it has four wheels, it is still an electric vehicle. It is also not an electric vehicle. And we can completely handle it while going through the formalities. You leave it to my old Zhao. My door is clear, I will never make any mistakes."

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