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Chapter 179 East Hollywood

It is also a large-scale production with high investment, and there are big differences before and after the advent of the era of high pay for actors.

It’s all spent so much money, but most of the latter’s money was taken away by the actors, or because of some other reasons, the real investment in production was not much.

The former is different. Most of the funds for a play are spent on props and scenery, and the actors' remuneration accounts for a much more reasonable proportion of the entire budget.

For example, Xiaoxiao Media’s investment of 20 to 30 million US dollars in the movie "Heroes", at the current exchange ratio of US dollars to Chinese coins of more than one to eight, is equivalent to more than two billion Chinese coins. A large part of the funds are spent on the set.

Many Chinese movie fans can notice a phenomenon, that is, the directors of the generation of Lao Mouzi and Kaizi, especially their two top domestic directors, have an architect's heart.

Think of Brother Kaizi. Almost every major movie filmed will build a film and television city. It cooperates with the local government for a win-win situation. Every year, dividends alone are a huge sum of money that ordinary people can't earn for several lifetimes.

Brother Kaizi is like this, and Lao Mouzi is not much different.

The filming of "Hero" Xiaoxiao Media was so generous and gave so much money, Lao Mouzi was not at all polite.

You dare to give me dare to spend.

Don't think I can't finish spending it. Look, isn't a movie city just under construction.

Tang Lu's trial play was not a problem at all. Her own strength was up to the standard and her image was suitable. Besides, Xu Ang personally recommended it. Lao Mouzi must give face.

Unless it is the kind of strength that is so bad that it is not seen, otherwise this role will not fall on others.

After the audition, Lao Mouzi asked Tang Lu to take the makeup photo, and he discussed the movie studio with Xu Ang.

"I have made an agreement with the local government. We will fund the construction of this movie studio and open the movie studio after the film is shot. In the future, tourists are welcome, no matter if the crew rents the movie studio space to film the movie, whatever comes here for consumption The company pays dividends."

The company mentioned by Lao Mouzi naturally refers to Xiaoxiao Media. Who made him and his old partner Weiping's film and television company not an investor in the movie "Hero".

You want to get a share of the pie if you haven't made any money, so you take yourself too seriously.

If Lao Mouzi is on Wei Ping’s side, Wei Ping still has a bargaining chip. However, Lao Mouzi is also a shareholder of Xiaoxiao Media. People cannot stand on Wei Ping’s side. Wei Ping can only look forward to it. Sigh.

So, friendship will disappear right?

Many people in this era actually don't understand a truth: the more you have good friends, the less you can do business together.

In the later generations, friends from countless film and television circles, business circles and other circles turned their faces, turning friends into enemies has proved the correctness of this sentence.

"One thing I don't quite understand."

Lao Mouzi asked the question he had been holding back for a long time.

"Why did you designate to be in this little-known town?"

Xu Ang didn't answer Lao Mouzi's question, but instead asked, "Is the scenery in Hengdian not good enough?"

"Good or good, I'm just curious about how you discovered this place? Seeing what Director Xu meant, is that you are ready to invest heavily in the development?"

China’s 9.6 million square kilometers of land has many beautiful places, but Lao Mouzi carefully compared it and discovered that there are not too many places that can be better than Hengdian.This comparison is a comprehensive comparison of the environment, transportation, climate, and the future expansion of the film and television city in the future, rather than just one aspect.

If compared separately, the advantage of Hengdian is not obvious, but when combined, it is very prominent.

Xu Ang expressed his own thoughts: "I am not going to retrofit the land acquired by the company in Beiping. After all, Beiping has a long history and countless places of interest. After all, our film and television city is built in modern times, which is more attractive than real historical sites. The power is greatly reduced. Therefore, the film and television base in Peking must be modernized and fashioned. I want to build it into a shooting base for fashion dramas and modern dramas. Moreover, the modern architecture can also show the style of our country, so that foreign countries who come to Peking People see our progress and know that we are not the backward and poor country that their media promotes."

Political correctness is the key.

"The place that corresponds to the film and television base in Peiping is Hengdian. I plan to use this place to film retro-themed dramas such as costume dramas and historical dramas. Therefore, we should focus on building ancient buildings here. This first step is naturally Zhang Guide the "Hero" you are going to shoot."

Hearing what Xu Ang said, Lao Mouzi's eyes flashed. He didn't show anything on the surface, but he was actually shocked by Xu Ang's plan.

This young man has big ambitions.

He really wants to make it. In the future, even if Xiaoxiao Media sits and collects money, it will make a huge sum of money every year.Not to mention that if the two major film and television bases are in hand, the increase in the right to speak in the industry is an unusual weight.

I am afraid that many colleagues in the future will have to look up on their noses.

Lao Mouzi seemed to be emotional and said with a hint of inquiries: "You have invested a lot."

Xu Ang nodded: "It's really not small. Director Zhang, you said that if I invest 3 billion here, will Hengdian spend 30 to 50 square kilometers to build a film and television city with us."

"Three billion!"

Lao Mouzi almost broke his power, but fortunately he was steady at the last moment, not showing his shock.

In this small town, if you sign a three billion investment project with them, believe it or not the local government will provide you as a bodhisattva.

"I'm not kidding, you all think that the environment here is good and the scenery is beautiful. You can build vacation, sightseeing, tourism, and leisure industries while developing film and television, and make it a comprehensive tourist area. ."

Xu Ang looked at Lao Mouzi with an extremely serious expression on his face: "The U.S. has Hollywood, and American film and television people regard Hollywood as their pride. Why can't we, China Film and Television people create our own Hollywood?"

"Oriental Hollywood!"

Lao Mouzi's eyes lit up.

I have to say that the prospect described by Xu Ang made Lao Mouzi very excited.

Of course, if you change to other people, Lao Mouzi will not be like this, because they don't have as much wealth as Xu Ang.

In the past, Lao Mouzi only knew that Xu Ang, the boss behind Xiaoxiao Media, was wealthy, but he did not expect Xu Ang to be so wealthy.

He is planning to spend 3 billion in just one Hengdian. If we count the investment in the headquarters in Peking, how much will it cost.

For the first time, Lao Mouzi had such a profound understanding of the four words that being rich is good.

No money?

You are not even qualified to talk about your dreams.

"Director Xu is so deliberate, it's better for me to join the line and ask local senior officials to come out and talk."

"Director Zhang is willing to help me and I can't ask for it. Then make an appointment so I can let a professional negotiating team come over to discuss this matter."

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