Seeing Wang Fang open the courtyard door, Li Ke walked to Xu Ang and said, "Boss, Mr. Zheng is here."

Zheng Jiajia entered the room and saw Xu Ang greet her: "Come and sit down, Jiajia."

She quickly walked over, and at the same time nodded to Liu Ruoxi, who had hurriedly stood up after hearing her arrival, as a gesture.

Coming to the front, Zheng Jiajia didn't rush to sit down, but first handed a contract with both hands to Xu Ang to see: "I brought the contract you want, boss."

Xu Ang didn't look at it after taking it, and directly passed it to Liu Ruoxi: "Let's take a look at Ruoxi, this is the contract proposed by the company. Don't stand up, sit down."

Liu Ruoxi, who had accepted the contract, was a little dazed. She held a thick stack of the contract in her hand, with dense words written on it, making her dizzy for a while.

The contract is not Liu Ruoxi's strong point. She looked at so many terms, various rewards, penalties, restrictions, etc., the twists and turns made the scalp numb, and it was difficult for a professional to understand.But she couldn't help but look at it, because every one of these concerns herself.

"Ruo Xi, watch it first. If you have any questions, you can ask me. I will talk to the boss first."

Zheng Jiajia sat down first, followed by Liu Ruoxi who sat down carefully.

Through Liu Ruoxi's time to watch the contract, Zheng Jiajia reported to Xu Ang about one thing, a major event related to the development of Xiaoxiao Media.

"Boss, I have an inquiry above. I want us to talk about our views on the development of the domestic film and television industry. In addition, let us take the lead in demonstrating and set an example for the development of the domestic film and television industry. I am not sure about this, boss How do you want to reply?"

The inquiry was received this morning. Zheng Jiajia considered it for a long time, but still couldn't figure out what the above meant.

Is someone who sees Xiaoxiao Media being so high-profile and wants to beat it?

There are still villains who have entered the slander and wanted to see the attitude of Xiaoxiao Media.

Or maybe it really has the idea of ​​listening to the opinions of film and television people on the industry.

Just because of her uncertainty, Zheng Jiajia dare not reply easily.

The society is so complicated, but don’t think that your boss is amiable and friendly to you, and don’t think that your boss asks you what you think about your work, and that you really want your opinion to be mentioned.If you think that way, it would be too naive. Often such an innocent person has only one ending-sitting on a bench, or even directly cooling off.

Xu Ang's heart moved, and he took out the phone and called Tang Lu.

Zheng Jiajia stared at the sight, breathing carefully.She didn't know who Xu Ang was calling, but she knew it must be related to what she said.



It took a while for someone to answer the call.

Tang Lu's voice came over from the phone: "Why, I'm filming, are you calling me at this time?"

Xu Ang said, "Lulu, did you say something on the plane last time?"

Tang Lu replied: "How do I know this? Last time we said so much, who knows which sentence you asked."

Xu Ang secretly said: Am I thinking wrong?

Just as he was thinking this way, Tang Lu took another sentence: "I have been busy acting, taking over, and auditioning during this time. I don’t even have any free time. I said, your boss, can you not squeeze your employees like that? I don't even have time for my dad to be transferred to send him off. The next time I meet, I have to wait for the director to leave me on vacation before I can go to Dongyang."

Xu Ang raised his brows, and he understood.

He said to Tang Lu: "Then I will tell Director Sun and let him give you two days off. It just so happens that I also want to go to Dongyang to inspect the company's project in Hengdian under Dongyang, and congratulate my uncle by the way. High rise."

"Let's talk about it, Director Sun called me to hang up first."

Tang Lu hung up the phone as she spoke.

After Xu Ang put down the phone, Zheng Jiajia asked the question in her heart: "Boss, is Tang Lu?"

Xu Ang nodded: "Lulu's father said that he would be transferred a year ago, but he hasn't decided where he is. He didn't expect to go to Dongyang to take charge. It's a coincidence that I was thinking about spending a lot of money in Hengdian. To build a comprehensive film and television city integrating tourism, leisure, film and television and other industries, Hengdian happens to be in Dongyang City. Jiajia, you said it’s a coincidence."

Zheng Jiajia smiled in agreement, and continued: "What a coincidence, what a coincidence, what a coincidence, haha."

What a ghost, what a coincidence.

To say that there is nothing tricky in it, the old mother's car lights let you wipe enough...Well, the old mother's car lights are hidden so that you can't see it without careful observation.

Zheng Jiajia asked: "Is Hengdian's investment in the name of Xiaoxiao Media or is it operated separately?"

Xu Ang said: "First, it will be invested in the name of Xiaoxiao Media, but it is a separate project and will be separated in the future, so you should pay attention when operating it."

"Okay, I know how to respond to the above inquiries." Zheng Jiajia said and asked again, "Boss, how much do you plan to invest in the Hengdian project and how large is it? When you reply, you will definitely have to ask. I feel that There are a number."

"Three billion, the film and television city can't occupy an area less than 30 square kilometers, and it is the best that it can take 50 square kilometers. You can follow this data report and wait for the answer above."

"Thirty..." Zheng Jiajia's voice became louder, but fortunately she finally forced it down, "... billion!"

Liu Ruoxi, who seemed to be looking at the contract on the side, actually pricked her ears and overheard, shaking her hands twice, and almost didn't hold the contract.

Three billion can be obtained, and Liu Ruoxi doesn't know what to say. Now that three million is enough for her to bet on her acting career, she can't even think of three billion.

Liu Ruoxi couldn't help but raise her eyes and quietly glanced at Xu Ang's unfaded face. This young boy who was a few years younger than herself was financially terrifying.

"Understood, boss."

Zheng Jiajia can only understand now why her boss would invest more than 200 million yuan in a large production for Lao Mouzi, originally to prepare for this step.

Sure enough, the boss is the boss because he sees farther than everyone else.

The film directed by Lao Mouzi is already very eye-catching, plus the gimmick of the first major production in China, the film and television city built for the filming of "Hero" immediately made the place where the film and television city is located.Next, Kai Zi Ge's "Painted Skin" series started shooting. In Kai Zi Ge's style, Hengdian will definitely have a new film and television city created.

With the succession of big directors and big productions, it is hard to think of a place like Hengdian not famous.

By the time other people reacted, their bosses had already become enclosures, let alone eating meat, and it was up to their bosses to decide whether to drink the soup.

"It's just..." Zheng Jiajia said with a slight worry, "We eat alone and are easily besieged by the industry. Now some people in Beiping City are not friendly to Xiaoxiao Media."

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