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Chapter 192 Lithography Machine R&D Room

When Li Ke saw Xu Ang opened the safe in the bedroom and motioned to him to go in and talk, he realized something.

He winked at He Xing and made the latter guard at the door. Li Ke then entered the door.


Li Ke called Xu Ang, but his eyes stopped on the three thick hard drives that Xu Ang took out of the safe.

Thinking of the last time the sky tree happened, Li Ke secretly said: Sure enough.

What makes him very puzzled is how his boss's three hard drives came from.You must know that as Xu Ang's bodyguard, Li Ke has been with Xu Ang. He has never seen anything related to these three hard drives, let alone Xu Ang's unusual behavior.As for Xu Ang himself, he has never had any contact with strangers.

and many more!

Li Ke suddenly thought of Xu Ang's birthday party for Xiaoxiao. There were many people here that day.These people come from all over the world, and their identities are complicated.Among them were employees of Xiaoxiao Media and Xu Ang's partners. Li Ke didn't recognize all of these people. Besides, many of these people also brought their family members. At that time, the staff composition was far more complicated than usual.

Who can guarantee that the identity of the guests is correct?

Who can guarantee that there will be no people who want to use this opportunity to get in?

If the boss is really interested in arranging one or two guests who they don’t know to enter, there will be no difficulty at all on Xiaoxiao’s birthday.

Li Ke and the others do not recognize all the guests. Many people can be identified by Xu Ang. He warmly received the guests he invited.But whether these guests came in with private goods, Li Ke dare not make a statement.

"What are you thinking about?"

Xu Ang's voice awakened Li Ke. He put aside other thoughts and brought his attention back.

"Boss, what can you do with me?"

Raising the hard drive in Yang's hand, Xu Ang asked Li Ke: "You said that if I want to build a research and development room that specializes in high-tech technologies such as lithography machines, will the country support me in terms of human and material resources, Lao Li?"

Li Ke didn't know how important the lithography machine was. He didn't play technical work in this area and didn't know the lithography machine.But he knows very well that Xu Ang can come up with it alone, and it is absolutely not easy to talk about the strength of state support.

"Boss, I can only help you with this matter."

Li Ke could not make a promise.

In fact, he couldn't count even if he promised.

He knew this, and Xu Ang understood it.

Therefore, Xu Ang was not surprised by what he said, nor would he feel disappointed. Xu Ang just waved his hand and said to Li Ke: "Then you can bring me a message and ask what is going on. Attitude."

Regardless of whether the lithography machine is manufactured or developed by itself, progress will be very slow without state support.

Take the technology that Xu Ang has obtained as an example. If he recruits people on his own, it will take many years to fully understand the technology.Not to mention the magnitude of the risks caused by changes in such a long period of time, the world's technological advancement alone is enough to leave the current advanced 0.5 micron lithography technology far behind.

After experiencing the lesson of being beaten when backward, there is no country that understands the importance of science and technology as the primary productive force better than China.The news reported by Li Ke responded quickly, and within a long time he brought back the answer Xu Ang wanted.

"I funded the R&D room to be responsible for the R&D expenses. The R&D room is mine, and I don’t have to worry about the talents and materials needed for scientific research. The results of the R&D room are under the name of the R&D room, but the country can use it. If you want to To use it in business, I can cooperate with state-owned enterprises."

"Well..." Xu Ang hesitated, "Cooperating with state-owned enterprises is convenient, but there are also inconveniences. If I want to use a technology to build a company by myself, will it be allowed?"

In response to this question, Li Ke already had a plan. After hearing Xu Ang's question, he said: "If it can be ensured that the key technology will not leak out, the above agrees in principle."


Rubbing his eyebrows, Xu Ang said with a distressed expression: "It is not a small amount of start-up funds to build a lithography machine R&D room, let alone subsequent investment. I guess there are not many people in China who are now rich. A person like me is willing to invest heavily in research and development."

Li Ke thought of what he said to him above, and said: "In fact, you are the first person to devote such a large amount of money."

He also admires Xu Ang very much. When other people have money, they will either start a journey of enjoyment for the nouveau riche, or find ways to find easier ways to make more money.

In fact, it is not without exception. There are also people who want to engage in research and development after making money.

However, when they really wanted to take action, they found that the road of research and development was too difficult and too difficult to follow.

More importantly, they didn't have Xu Ang making money, nor did Xu Ang making money.

They cannot afford the huge amount of funds that need to be invested in research and development before results are produced, and they can only choose to give up under the pressure of reality.

"Is there a dispute between technology, industry and trade and trade, industry and technology?"

Xu Ang muttered to himself.

The so-called dispute between technology, industry and trade and trade, industry and technology is actually the divergence of the two development lines.

Technology, industry and trade promote the field of production and trade with the results of technological research and development. The production and market links serve to promote the research and development results of the technical department, making scientific and technological achievements production and marketization, reflecting the scientific research and technology value.

Trade, industry and technology is based on the trade field as its driving force. According to trade feedback information, market feedback can be used to adjust production links.Although the production of new products is still inseparable from the research and help of the technical department, it is completely different from the technical industry and trade in the direction of who serves whom.The route of trade, industry and technology is to let the market dominate scientific research and technology, research whatever makes money, and technology only serves production and trade.

It seems that the latter does not seem to be a problem, but you can't resist someone taking shortcuts, and you can't prevent others from doing bad things.Companies that follow this path will be led by outsiders as they go astray. There are more than one or two outsiders who have turned from the light of the nation and the pride of the nation into a tool for outsiders to make money in the country.

This road has been proved to be unworkable because of the continuous reliance on technological advantages outside our neck, and our internal corporate R&D capabilities can not support it.

Unless you abandon your sense of responsibility as a Chinese national, become a so-called international enterprise, and set the banner of business without borders.

Right, what is Liu?

"I will live in Shaonian Garden these days, you know what I mean?"

Of course Xu Ang's meaning Li Ke understands.

The promise was given above, and Xu Ang has to bring out the real thing.The establishment of a lithography machine research and development room is such a big thing, you hint that everyone has the technology in hand, this technology is true or not, you have to check it to know.

Furthermore, to transform technology into a real object, without first looking at your technical information, how can the upper side know which equipment to purchase?

Or perhaps you Xu Ang will make a list by yourself, and then help you figure out a solution if you can’t figure it out.

Xu Ang slowly checked the data on the three thick hard drives when he was crazy. The best solution is to let real professionals take care of this.

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