Almighty sign in

Chapter 200 Burning Operation

Early in the morning, Xu Ang, who was eating breakfast, seemed absent-minded.

The daily check-in these days is also very good, although it is random money, but at any rate, the total amount is three million US dollars.

Don't underestimate the three million dollars. With the purchasing power of dollars in this era, it is enough to do a lot of things.

For example, the cost of completing the expansion of Xu Ang’s factory in the City of Automobiles. It is impossible for the factory owners of those abandoned factories to really give the factory to people. It is more or less interesting, at least for things like transaction tax. Xu Ang came to pay.It's impossible for them to sell something and have to pay a tax. How could these guys agree to a loss-making business?

Among them, there are inevitably some people who want to sit on the ground and raise the price, these people Xu Ang is too lazy to deal with them, and they are all left to Thompson to settle.

This is the advantage of cooperating with Earth Snake.

However, these three million US dollars do not include the rewards for randomly arriving at daily check-in today. Unlike the USD rewards for daily check-in a few days ago, the rewards for randomly arriving at daily check-in today are very different.

"You complete the daily sign-in and receive a random reward: the characters under the Malibu comics and all derivative copyrights."

What is Malibu comics?

Marbrishuan knew that the famous lone wolf in the future NBA would later go to the CBA and become a political commissar.

As for the Malibu comics, I'm sorry, Xu Ang has never heard of it.

I don’t know that Malibu comics are not a big deal, and no one in this world knows everything. Just ask someone who knows it.

So he asked Lasseter what the Malibu comics were all about, and Xu Ang was surprised by the answer.

Malibu Comics, once one of the nine major comic studios in the United States.In other words, this guy has also been wide, but in the low period he failed to survive like Marvel and DC did, so that he was eventually acquired by Marvel.

According to the industry insider, Lasseter, there are rumors that Marvel wants to disband Malibu comics.If nothing happens, this news will turn from rumors into reality next year.

The reason why Marvel made such a decision is actually not complicated.

After acquiring Malibu Comics, Marvel summarized the characters under Malibu Comics into one world. This world is the parallel universe created by Marvel, namely the world numbered Earth-93060.

Last year, in order to see if the heroes of Malibu Comics have any commercial value, Marvel linked the extreme power of Malibu Comics' most famous hero team with the Avengers, and launched a comic called "Extreme Force Avengers".

If the linkage results are excellent, it will have commercial value that will continue to be developed.

Judging from Marvel’s decision to disband the Malibu comics, this "Extreme Force Avengers" obviously failed to meet Marvel’s commercial requirements, so Marvel made the decision to dissolve the Malibu comics and snow hiding the Earth-93060. It's not surprising.

"Boss, from a commercial point of view, Marvel did not really take the role of Malibu comics into consideration at the beginning, but to reduce competitors. Based on the situation of Malibu comics at the time, Marvel would have With other company acquisitions, the situation will no longer be under Marvel's control."

Commercial methods, Xu Ang knows a little bit.

The linkage with the Avengers failed. It seems that this extreme force really has no value for commercial development.

Xu Ang couldn't understand why such a Malibu comic that was about to be abandoned and into the dust of history was given to him by the Almighty Sign-in system as a random reward.

Could it be that there is still gold in the stone?

With such thoughts in mind, Xu Ang checked carefully.

After investigating, he found that there was really gold in the stone.

The first creature born in the Earth-93060 universe is an existence named Nemesis, who controls many rules of this universe and can be said to be the absolute boss of this universe.It's just that after the birth of the Nemesis, there were no other creatures in the Earth-93060 Universe for too long. This goddess was so boring to go crazy, she burst into flames.

But because the Nemesis's power was too strong, even she herself could not kill herself, so after she blasted herself, the power she mastered turned into six gems, the infinite gem.

In addition to the infinite gems, the goddess' soul and consciousness also formed a "self gem", so there are seven infinite gems in this parallel universe. As long as the seven infinite gems gather, the goddess of nemesis will appear again.

"The Avengers of Extreme Forces" tells the story of heroes preventing the revival of the nemesis.

Xu Ang obtained the copyright of the characters under the Malibu comics, and also the copyright of Nemesis, and the copyright of Infinite Gems naturally fell into his hands.

"It's really a surprise."

Xu Ang was eating breakfast with excitement on his face.

Life is like this, you can never accurately predict what will happen in the next second.

In addition to the surprise of Infinite Gems, Malibu Comics still has a piece of gold to be developed. This piece of gold is the IP called the Man in Black.

"So, now "Men in Black" is mine too?"

After carefully reviewing the documents Xu Ang gave him, Hengdeli called several colleagues with Xu Ang’s consent and consulted and discussed each other for a long time with several Shengxin lawyers until dinner time Soon, they settled the conclusion.

"Yes, as the boss said, by obtaining the copyright of Malibu comics, "Men in Black" is yours. This is true and no one can deny it unless you deny the current US The law."

Smiling at the other barristers, Hengdeli said: "If someone raises an objection, your boss is more than 90% likely to win the case. Even if you are responsible, that is Marvel's business. Your rights are still Be guaranteed."

"To be honest, your method is really amazing. You can actually get "Men in Black" in this way, and Marvel will sign it. You must know that "Men in Black" is over, Colombia The company has also made great efforts for its issuance, and even the schedule has been determined, just on July 2 this year. It can be said that others who should invest have already invested, you only need to use the documents in your hand to extract the last The fruit is enough. If they know this news, they will be so angry that they will vomit blood."

Hengdeli has seen a lot of burning operations, but Hengdeli has never seen an empty gloved white wolf like Xu Ang.

Not only did he have never seen it, but the colleagues he called had never seen it either.

If Xu Ang did not succeed, this incident would only be regarded as a joke after dinner, but Xu Ang had succeeded. Judging from the results of repeated inspections and discussions by several lawyers of Hengdeli and Shengxin, no one can In this case, Hengdeli’s claim to Xu Ang’s winning rate of more than 90% is already conservative, leaving plenty of room for himself. In the eyes of Americans who judge heroes by success or failure, this is what Hengdeli said. Xu Ang's wrist is strong enough.

As lawyers, Hengdeli only looks at the law, and the law does not prohibit it.

Did Xu Ang break the law?

Certainly not.

That is to say, no matter how Xu Ang's operation is burned, it is legal and protected by law.

"Then, gentlemen and ladies, stay for a meal and let us have a nice drink."

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