Almighty sign in

207 Please give yourself a decent exit

Stirling hides things so concealed, it is extremely difficult for him to find out a little clue, and the harder to obtain evidence is as easy as putting sugar when eating tofu brain, as long as a person with normal IQ will think of it. There is a problem here.

Cai Shuangxin wanted to persuade Xu Ang to be cautious and not to be calculated by a hand hidden behind the scenes, but Xu Ang said: "Go and submit a transaction application to the alliance, quoting 160 million U.S. dollars. Shuangxin, I will give you up to 200 million U.S. dollars. I believe Stern will give us the green light all the way."

"Boss, you mean NBA Commissioner Stern, he..."

"What did I say? Do it as soon as possible. You have to finish it before this year's NBA draft so that I can go to the scene as the team owner. After this is done, you go to Peking."

If Cai Shuangxin realized something, he stopped speaking and said: "I will do it immediately."

Then left.

NBA President Stern and Bill Davidson are on the same front. Both are committed to the implementation of the NBA's globalization strategy. A market as large as China's untapped market is their first choice.Stern has been investigating China's players in recent years, such as Roughly, Bus, and Yao are on his inspection list.

If the NBA has a team owner from China, Stern will undoubtedly have a huge boost to open the China market.

Therefore, some things are not difficult to explain. After all, you can kill two birds with one stone, so why not do it.

Xu Ang said with a smile: "Two old foxes."

Will he refuse?

of course not.

Although the two old foxes had their own plans, Xu Ang was used as a murderous knife.The hidden dangers in the alliance were cleared ahead of time, to avoid the subsequent storms of Sterling from spreading to the entire alliance, and at the same time paved the way for knocking on the door of the Chinese market, but Xu Ang did not suffer.

Not to mention that they can complete the sign-in task, the Los Angeles Clippers themselves are also a good investment choice.

Now its owner, Don Sterling, bought it with 20 million dollars from the real estate development gold rush, and the benefits of its soaring reputation are more than 20 million.

Fame and fortune, fame and fortune, do you worry about getting fame if you have fame?

Those Internet celebrities and anchors in later generations are the best interpretation.

As expected by Xu Ang, after receiving Cai Shuangxin’s offer, NBA Commissioner Stern immediately called a meeting to let the team’s bosses discuss the matter together.

"Stern what do you mean?"

Sterling is very angry, his own team, he hasn't received an offer yet, why did he discuss the issue of selling?

Even if you Stern is an NBA president, you can't do that.

I don't even know that my own team is going to sell, so you arranged it for me. Why don't you go to heaven if you are so awesome.

In addition to Sterling, other team owners also watched Sterling's gaze revealing badness.

As the owner of the team, they have to empathize.

Just imagine that Stern could treat Sterling like that today, and will he treat them like that in the future.

The sense of crisis in their hearts made them stand on Sterling's side, but these people were very cautious and did not immediately express their opinions.

They have to see what reason Stern has for doing this, and how he can convince himself these team owners who feel offended.

Stern didn't talk nonsense with Sterling either, he motioned to his assistant Adam Xiaohua, who turned on a projector and started playing some content.

Looking at the footage on the projector that was obviously secretly filmed, and listening to the people inside, Sterling's face became very ugly.

The other team owners were surprised first, then furious.

They originally stood in line with Sterling, but now they have changed their positions.

"Damn it, it's illegal for you to do this."

Sterling turned into Gatling, spitting stars frantically at Stern.

He did not expect that what he said to close people at home would be secretly photographed, and it would still fall into Stern's hands.

Sterling roared in his heart: I spent so much money and hired a bunch of wine and rice bags to protect my life safety and privacy, and I didn't even notice when others touched my home.Dismissal, I must dismiss them all.

A bunch of useless idiots!

"It is indeed illegal to spy on other people's privacy. Mr. Sterling, if you want to sue, you can find the sneak shot and send him to jail. I believe you, a billionaire, have this ability."

Stern looked around and saw the changes in the faces of the other team owners. He was not surprised at all.From the beginning, he knew what the end of this matter would be.

He said to Sterling: "Mr. Don Sterling, we are not discussing who violated your privacy, but to resolve the issue that your remarks may have a negative impact on the entire league. So..."

Stern pointed to Sterling: "Please give yourself a decent exit."


Sterling was about to explode with anger.

He didn't understand. Didn't he just say a few words with racial discrimination? Don't you think that way?

Why is Stern so unrelenting?

Use the energy in your hands to quietly deal with this matter.

"This is your proposal?" Stern made a gesture, please look around, "Why don't we ask the others present, maybe they will let you recognize reality. Ladies and gentlemen, I have A quotation, Xu from China Xia bought the Los Angeles Clippers for $160 million. Of course, if you can find someone who can put out more cash to match the Clippers’ offer, we can discuss it again."

After waiting for a while, Stern said, "No? It seems we have only one choice. Then, please raise your hand if you are in favor of Mr. Sterling selling the team."

Stern raised his hand first.

Bill Davidson raised his hand almost at the same time.

While raising his hand, the latter added: “Originally, Huaxia Xu wanted to acquire the Pistons, but after he bought something from someone who knew he was interested in investing in an league team, he changed. Idea. Sterling, my old man said that the security of your home should be changed. It's not good to be too stingy. You have to be willing to spend money where you should."

Sterling, who was sprinkled with a handful of salt on his wound, trembled with anger: "I don't need you, an old man who walks to help me, to teach me to do things."

"Mr. Davidson just kindly reminded you that you actually thought Mr. Davidson was talking coldly."

A team owner who has a good relationship with Bill Davidson accused Sterling and raised his hand to vote.

"I have such a bad attitude towards a well-meaning elder, I don't want to work with such a person."

Immediately afterwards, a group of team owners raised their hands angrily.

Sterling almost yelled at the sight.

All of them are so able to pretend. I don't know how justice you think you are. In fact, you are worried that I am a racist will be exposed to affect the image of the league, affect the market value of your team, and shrink your net worth.

Stern spread his hands towards Sterling: "Look, the proposal has been approved. Mr. Don Sterling, the team you bought for 20 million dollars at the time is now sold at eight times the price. I’m really impressed by the business ability of the company. I believe the New York Times and other media will give you enough words of praise."

Damn Stern, you're still threatening me at the end.

Sterling wanted to say no, but reason stopped him.He knows that if he refuses to leave the game in a respectful manner, the team will not be able to keep it until the end, and even his real estate business will be affected by the media's attacks on him.

Those who hurt everyone's common interests are naturally beaten by groups.His Sterling body is not strong enough, and he can't hold back all the team owners' joint targets.

He could only snorted angrily and turned away angrily to express his dissatisfaction and final stubbornness.

"Xiao Hua."

"I'm here, Mr. President."

"Go and make an announcement. The league sincerely thanks Sterling for his dedication and welcomes new friends from China to join the NBA family."

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