Almighty sign in

Chapter 216-How to Relieve Worries Only Get Rich

In essence, the draft is to provide a platform for buyers and sellers, but this platform is well run and has a high degree of attention, and it becomes a show.

Players are commodities. They put themselves on the shelves when they announced their participation in the draft, waiting for the buyer of the team to choose.

From this point of view, players, like actors, are very passive professions.

However, there are not many people who can see through this essence or are willing to face the cruel truth.People often only see the brilliance of the people on stage, but subconsciously ignore their sadness and helplessness.

"How do you understand?" Kimbelle widened his eyes, as if he had heard an incredible topic, "I didn't expect you to look at things from such a peculiar angle. Is this the difference between Chinese and Americans? We must know that this is the embodiment of the American dream in our cognition."

"The American Dream?"

Xu Ang picked up the challenge, and said with emotion: "How can we alleviate worries? Only getting rich!"

Kim Belle: "..."

Bill Fitch: "..."

A good American dream, you said it was like this, but why do we all feel that you are right?

Looking at the essence through the appearance, no matter how fancy the NBA draft is, it can't conceal the fact that it is actually a kind of comfort to the bottom people, and it also gives the bottom people a hope.

Everyone, don’t mess around, you are likely to become rich. Look at the young people who are selected by the NBA team. The moment they were selected, they were just as poor as you and became millionaires.Moreover, if they play well in basketball and have a future for development, they will receive tens of millions of annual salary in the future, sign large contracts of hundreds of millions, and become multimillionaires and even billionaires.

May I ask, can you give up such an opportunity?

Don't want to miss it, right? Then you just behave and don't make trouble.

"The draft is about to start, get ready."

Xu Ang pointed to the stage, and NBA Commissioner Stern stepped onto the stage amid boos.

In the Stern era, the boo in the draft was actually a way of expression that fans liked him, but in the age of jokes, the boo has returned to its essence-it is really a boo.

After Kim Belle and Bill Fitch turned their attention away, Xu Ang began to do the task.

"You have completed the sign-in task: sign-in as a special identity at the NBA draft site, and get a sign-in reward: a million-level professional server group and a free Du Niang database (limited edition)."

After tossing so much for this sign-in task, I finally got it done.

With the server and database, Xu Ang was not happy for long, because he found that he had to face a new problem again.

The question is: where to put the server?

In addition, servers alone are not enough. The supporting optical fiber, power supply and backup power supply all need to be solved.

It feels troublesome.

In addition, Xu Ang had to consider the adjustment of his share in Du Niang after he gave the server and database to Li Yanhong.

You can't add that much investment yourself, you can take Dedu Niang to take off directly, and the shares will be distributed according to the original proportion.

Wouldn't it be a big loss for yourself.

The solution of a problem does not mean the end of the matter, it often brings ten new problems.

I don't know who said this, but at this moment Xu Ang thinks it makes sense.

Rubbing his eyebrows, Xu Ang was about to turn his attention to the draft scene when he received a new message.

"Completed the sign-in task for twelve consecutive months and successfully started the annual sign-in task."

Xu Ang raised his brows, the new sign-in mission mode!

Twelve months is exactly one year.

Unexpectedly, after completing twelve check-in tasks in a row, there will be this benefit. It seems that every check-in task cannot be missed.

Xu Ang doesn't want anything else, only hopes that the annual sign-in task will not be too difficult.

"Please sign in when the Los Angeles Clippers win the championship parade, sign in reward: silicon-containing photoresist production technology. The annual sign in task will disappear in 365 days."

Xu Ang was quite speechless when he saw the content of the sign-in task.

His hunch came true, the dog system is really going to do something.

I don’t know if it’s the time for the old hooligans to start their second three consecutive championships. Jordan is at the peak of his career. The basketball god showed great power last year and led the Bulls to a seventy-two wins and ten losses. Super record.In this season, he has included the three MVPs of the regular season, the All-Star Game and the Finals. Both his popularity and strength have reached the peak of his career.

The second bull dynasty era is being opened in his hands. At this time, to block the old gangster’s path to the gods, is it something man can do?

If there is some hope for a strong team, Xu Ang wants to win the championship with the Clippers lineup, and Xu Ang just wants to say: "I beg you to be a man."

Can't you wait one more year? I let the Clippers lose out this year, just as an experience for Chat and Nash.Then quietly communicate with Stern to see if he can get next year's No. 1 pick, take that forever No. 21 rookie Duncan under his command, and then go with the old gangster hard steel?

With chatter, Nash, Big Ben, and Duncan's four future legendary superstar teams facing the old gangsters, the winning rate is even higher than the current little broken ship.After all, Duncan's rookie is the pinnacle, and then twenty years.

"It's just a year away!"

Xu Ang rubbed his eyebrows. He was worried about the signing of the year, but the draft scene was cheered.With Xu Ang's on-site supervision, even though Kimbelle and Bill Fitch believed that the center did not choose a layman's operation, they could only act according to Xu Ang's will.

No surprises, the Clippers took the chatter, cut Nash, and used their first-round pick and a traded first-round pick to select two guards in a row. This operation made other teams directly call. can not read it.

They didn’t bother to care how they looked at Xu Ang. He asked Kim Belle: “Elgin, is there any way to trade to the Spurs’ first round pick next year?”

The sudden question made Kimball almost unresponsive.

Are you considering next year’s draft now? Is it early?

Xu Ang said to Kimbelle: "Our Clippers' first-round pick has been very valuable over the years, but next year will be an exception. So, can you trade with the Spurs?"

Bill Fitch smiled and bloomed.

Why will the first round of signing next year be valuable?

Naturally, the team will have good results in the upcoming season. Xu Ang's judgment is an affirmation of his coaching ability.


Kim Belle has the heart to dissuade him, but he doesn't want to refute Xu Ang's face, and makes a fuss with Xu Ang.He euphemistically persuaded: "The Spurs' first-round pick is not as valuable as ours. Such an exchange is not worthwhile for the team."

Xu Ang said: "I got news that Tim Duncan will definitely participate in the draft next year. In order to get him, the old man will be crazy... not right, if we get the first round of the Spurs, this old man will definitely not It's cheaper for us."

As long as the butterfly effect is brought up, things will become unrecognizable.

"Forget it, you can figure it out, just choose a team that is not good enough to trade out our first round of signing next year, so as not to fall into your hands."

With that said, Xu Ang told Kimbelle and Bill Fitch a piece of news that surprised and delighted them.

In the draft, Kim Belle was full of losses, but in terms of team trading operations, it was the opposite. His ability was remarkable, and Xu Ang didn't need to worry about it.

"In order to match the NBA's global strategy, I will personally end this year's game when necessary to try to make the team go further in the playoffs. A round of playoff games does not meet my expectations of the team."

Kim Belle was secretly delighted that if Xu Ang wanted to enter the game, he would have to be removed from the position of manager of the team, and he would definitely be the best candidate.

Bill Fitch showed his joy on his face. With such a trump card in his hand, Bill Fitch felt that he had become a rich man. The resources he could use had increased exponentially. He was in his heart because Xu Ang interfered in the team's draft. The resulting stubble disappeared instantly.

Sure enough, it is: How to relieve worries, only get rich.

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