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Chapter 219: We Are Different

The magic of technological creation is that even if they are separated by oceans, two people can be connected through a hand-held mobile phone.Its convenience and easy operation make it available to people of all ages, including four-year-old Xiaodouding.

"Brother, when are you going home?"

"Don't do so much work, go home quickly, don't become a wild child."

Xiaoxiao was talking on the phone with her brother, whispering to her brother, telling him to go home quickly and not to be out in the wild.

The little sister doesn't understand what a wild child means, anyway, she was crazy about playing in the kindergarten, and her mother would say that when she didn't want to go home. Now she used her mother's lesson to her elder brother, which made her very proud.

I am not a wild child, my brother is.

"Hey hey hahaha!"


Xu Ang heard an electric bell ringing on the other end of the phone, and Xiaoxiao left the word "bye, brother" and quickly hung up.

The kindergarten is about to start. As the eldest sister in the kindergarten, Xiaoxiao wants to set a good example for all the little peas who call her sister.Do not be late, do not leave early, do not cry, listen to the teacher, and be a good baby.


Xu Ang hid his face and sighed as he heard the busy tone of'toot toot...' from the phone.

When the little sister went to school, the teacher's words became a sacred decree. My mother was better, but my brother stepped aside.



Witty, who was led into the house by Li Ke, tentatively called Xu Ang. The boss's gloomy expression didn't know what had happened to make him unhappy, so she couldn't say anything wrong next.

Putting away the faint sense of loss in his heart, Xu Ang motioned that Viti didn't care about these details.He asked Witty: "Marvel's acquisition contract has been signed?"

"Boss, this is the contract. According to the agreement, you only need to pay the money before September, and Marvel and everything it owns will be your boss. In addition, I used a little trick to successfully acquire , So the boss you ultimately need to pay is not only 1.5 billion, but 1.5 billion and 5 million US dollars."

Xu Ang waved his hand to signal the business operation, he would not care about these details.

If you want a horse to run, you have to graze the horse.

If you want some of Marvel's shareholders to cooperate with them, they have to be willing to give others fodder-add money.

If there is no good, who will help you work and contribute.

Before September, there is enough time.

Flipping the contract in his hand, Xu Ang was still asking: "What is the attitude of Colombia?"

"They insist on claiming for Marvel's breach of contract. I think they want more than money."

Xu Ang raised his eyebrows: "Sony is going to do something, the people in District 11 are biting me. That's right, I am a Chinese after all, Ohe Norio and their attitude towards me will naturally be different. If I can guess Yes, they don’t want my career in Hollywood to go too smoothly."

Sony, that's a behemoth.

With Xu Ang's current strength being targeted by such a behemoth, even some of them would definitely not feel comfortable.

Witty said unintentionally: "The parent company of Colombia? When I saw its company name, I thought it was a U.S. company."


Xu Ang figured out the meaning inside.

"I remember that Columbia Pictures used to be the face of the United States, so it was bought by a company of my younger brother. There is nothing wrong with the United States?"

"The turmoil caused at that time was not small." Witty's smile was inexplicable. "It's just that the main people who were irritated at that time were too young. They were all at school. They did everything except anger. No. There were too few voice channels at that time, and they couldn't even make their own voices."

"When is that time?"

"In 1989, that was seven years ago."

"Seven years, long enough."

"Yes, enough to grow up to a generation."

Xu Ang glanced at Witty: "Are you one of them?"

Witty said: "It's not just me, it's my generation."

Xu Ang laughed: "So, thank the Internet."

Witty asked, "Should you not thank the boss for your tweets? That's a holy place for the people to have their own voices."

"It's time for a wave of memories to kill." Xu Ang nodded to Witty and motioned to her, "Let go and do it. By the way, remember to pull on Wall Street. It is too bad to fight alone. We also need allies. I believe they don't. I will miss this opportunity to enter Hollywood."

"I understand, boss. Sony has a lot of friends, but more enemies. I suggest you be fully prepared. If a subsidiary has an accident, the parent company will not be safe. This is also a good opportunity for you."

Waiting for Witty, who had obtained permission from Xu Ang, to leave happily, Li Ke, who had been listening, said worriedly: "Is it too much fun? And the Americans have the same attitude towards the 11th district. It may not be friendly to you either."

"I'm not friendly, but I'm not the same as Sony."

Xu Ang motioned Li Ke not to worry too much.

"The Eleventh District is just a little brother in the hearts of the Americans, but they made a fortune through those two wars that are painful memories for the U.S.. If it was just like this, it would be nothing more than that, but they would be crazy when they got it. The war fortunes earned from the suffering of the American people went to the U.S. and clamored to buy the entire U.S., what do you think the U.S. people of this generation like Witty think about the Eleventh District Conference?"

"You are my little brother, but you want to ride on the head of the big brother. How could the Americans not move. The plaza accord was hit hard enough, but you think it's over? The Americans’ vigilance has been completely activated. Whenever they have the opportunity, they will beat their little brother to let the little brother know who is the master, not to mention how many wolves are staring at a big piece of fat like Sony, who doesn't want to take a bite?"

"We are different. Behind us is China, and our bones are hard enough. Thank the ancestors for making the Americans suffer enough, making them feel jealous and not daring to mess around. More importantly, it is capital to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. By nature, those people on Wall Street cannot fail to see the importance of China Market in the future. They will choose cooperation rather than confrontation when there is no fundamental conflict of interest."

Of course, except for some old Cold War people who are still stuck in the two superpowers.

Moreover, once there is a chance, the Americans will be more ruthless than the 11th district.

But these words Xu Ang did not say to Li Ke.

"Lao Li, help me call Lao Zhang. It's been a few days since the opening of the Olympics. Anyway, I am also a participating athlete, so I can't make it too special."

It is said that it is not special, but in fact everyone knows that Xu Ang is the most special one.

But what about this?

Strength is king in the arena, and Xu Ang has that strength, and it is not that you can only eat as an athlete. Even if someone is dissatisfied, you have to be able to handle him.

Can't do it?

Then shut your mouth.

Zhang Mingren came and brought a set of clothes: "Try to fit your body, this time you raise the flag."

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