The athletes participating in the finals, including Xu Ang, all came to the arena one after another, found their own track, and lined up in an orderly manner.

They are like this, and so are a group of little peas on the other side of the ocean.

"Sit in rows, eat fruit, you one, me one..."

A group of Xiaodouding was seated one by one under the arrangement of teacher and teacher Xiao.Dozens of Xiaodouding sat obediently in their seats, waiting for Teacher Xiao to send them apples.

"You have to sit down, Qingzi."

Xiaoxiao squeezed a small beanie's face, and when the other party was smiling sweetly at her, calling'Sister Xiaoxiao' in his mouth, he stuffed her a red apple.

As the eldest sister of the kindergarten, Xiaoxiao, who holds the power of dividing fruits and fruits, is very prestigious in Xiaodouding. Which child she allows to sit down will be obedient.

But this kind of obedience can only last for a short period of time, and when Xiaoxiao has passed Guoguo, the little peas will become lively and active again.

They are little peasants who yearn for freedom, and their journey is the entire kindergarten, how can they be tied to a small bench.They even drove away the bad guys who could turn children into little peas, and they were afraid of being the only teacher Xiao Song and others?

Well, they are actually really scared.

There was Teacher Xiao Song and the others, and there was another leading elder sister who turned into Teacher Xiao. The little peasants could only sit in their seats obediently, gnawing at the apples.From time to time, they also whispered to each other, exchanging the experience of eating fruit.

The reason why Fang Shuying and the others want the little peasants to sit in their seats obediently was Xiaoxiao's idea.

"Cheer brother, let him run, run, run."

Xiaoxiao asked her mother to turn on the TV so that Xiaodouding could watch the live broadcast of the Olympic Games.

At this time, the camera switched to Xu Ang, and Xiaodouding in the kindergarten recognized him.

"It's Sister Xiaoxiao's brother."

"He has become so small."

"He's a little bit, hahaha..."

A group of small beans turned into little sparrows, twittering constantly, making the kindergarten more lively than the vegetable market.

Xu Ang didn't know that there would be so many children talking about himself. He was warming up on the track, watching his opponent by the way.

Green, Powell, and Donovan who lost to him in the group stage, none of these three are easy to follow.Xu Ang guessed that if he hadn't appeared, the gold medal in the men's 100-meter sprint at the Atlanta Olympics would probably come from the three of them.

Unfortunately, there is no if in reality, so they are destined to be unable to win gold.

From this observation, Xu Ang also found an interesting place.

In the group stage, players of other skin colors can be seen, even in the semifinals.But in the current finals, all but Xu Ang who can reach the finals and stand on the field are black brothers.

The advantages of the big blacks in this sport are too obvious.

Xu Ang feels that he is a stranger. He can't stand in the finals without being conspicuous.

The opponents are all big old black, and I have only a yellow skin on the field. This feeling Xu Ang can only say two words-excitement.

Xu Ang is observing his opponent, so why not the other players.

Before Xu Ang ran an amazing result of 9.07 seconds in the semifinals, he immediately became the focus of everyone's attention when he got on the track.

Everyone knows that it is him, Xu Ang, this Huaxia, and he is his own worst enemy today.

Want to win gold, want to win, want to get a big commercial contract as a champion, want to become a rich man, want to have money that can be enjoyed in the next life, Xu Ang is the biggest obstacle before them.

Only by crossing this boulder can you get everything you dream of.

However, can he really win Xu Ang?

This Chinese man is simply a monster, nine seconds seven, how did he get out?

The opponents can only pray, hoping that Xu Ang will play abnormally in the final, only in this way can they have the chance to win.

of course there are exceptions.

Green, Powell and Donovan looked at Xu Ang's eyes differently. Their fighting spirit was blazing, and people who were not sure about defeating Xu Ang would never have such eyes.

After seeing Xu Ang's semi-final results, the three of them still have so much confidence in themselves, which shows that they are well prepared for this final.

Being stared at by three opponents, Xu Ang was not only not angry, but a little excited.

I am not afraid of the opponent's fighting spirit, but I am afraid that the opponent is too weak.

Otherwise, it would be meaningless to win them.

Xu Ang always firmly believed that the grade of a person depends on his opponent, and if his opponent is a weaker, this person is just like that.

Winning a battle with a weak chicken is meaningless except to show that the weak chicken is really weak.

If you have to say that you have proved that you are better than weak chickens, that would be boring.

Seeing the referee slowly raising the flare gun, Xu Ang and Green and other contestants in the finals immediately concentrated and made a run-up action.


The flare gun sounded.

Xu Ang kicked the ground, like a bullet out of the chamber, swishing towards the target-the end point a hundred meters away.

At the end of the impulse during the run-up, Xu Ang used all his strength.

When the flare gun sounded, he didn't rush to use it. It was Xu Ang who had learned the lesson from the 11th district, and was worried that someone would deliberately try to run away.

After all, it's unclear whether this kind of rush is intentional, so the first time a rush in an official game will not be punished, it will only make everyone run again.

Once that happens, the random reward Xu Ang drew today is wasted.

"You have used'Go All Out' (limit the number of uses: once), and you will maintain your best competitive state within ten seconds."

When Xu Ang used his all-out effort to pay attention to his side, he found that Green and Powell had followed him, and he had not been left behind.

Worthy of being a world-famous sprinter, really strong.

Secretly gave a thumbs up for these two people, Xu Ang increased his speed sharply, and immediately left Green and Powell behind him, who were on par with him.

Xu Ang has gone all out to increase his body. In this state, Xu Ang only feels that the power normally hidden in the body is activated. They are lazily glowing with new vitality, making Xu Ang feel that there is a power in his body that needs to be vented. .Under the stimulation of this force, Xu Ang's pace was constantly getting faster. He didn't know that in the eyes of others, his legs were like high-speed electric motors, and there were afterimages, which made people look at them.

"my God!"

At this moment, the scene exclaimed.

At this moment, in front of the TV, countless people stared with breathlessness, just to see Xu Ang's legs clearly, but they got a vague afterimage.

At this moment, other players competing with Xu Ang were ignored. Even world-class sprinters such as Green and Powell did not escape the fate of becoming a background board.

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