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Chapter 231 Reverse Thinking

"It's really a problem."

Xu Ang did not deny it.

The enterprise of this era is no different from a small society. The children of the employees in the enterprise have children’s schools for school and their own hospitals for medical treatment. In addition to these two, there will be no shortage of bathhouses, staff rooms, and family buildings .

As long as there is something in the society and as long as the employees need, the enterprise must find a way to build it.

As a result, the employees felt very happy and realized the advantages of the new system, and it did play an active role in a certain period of time.

But everything has advantages and disadvantages.

With the development of society, one end of its disadvantages gradually emerged.

When a company is unable to obtain sufficient benefits to support these benefits due to backward technology or low production efficiency, or changes in market supply and demand, etc., this small society's mode of seeking more perfection will make it fall into a vicious circle. , Until dragged it into the abyss.

Enterprises can't support it, and the country can't care about people's food problems, so they can only put money into it.

But the old saying is so good that saving the emergency does not save the poor.

With subsidies year after year, every one reaches out to China, countless companies, no amount of money can fill this bottomless pit.

What's more, China's hundreds of industries are waiting to be developed, and money is needed everywhere, and the country can spend more money even if it saves money.

As China’s national policy of opening up, the Magic City has chosen one of the earliest special zones when it is in line with international standards. It must be at the forefront of the times.Some of the ideas above will be piloted in such a place first, so as to identify problems, make improvements, and then promote to the whole country.

Coincidentally, it is now in this time period.

Cai Shuangxin suggested that Xu Ang make an investment in Magic City because he took a fancy to this ingenious time.

"Investment must be invested."

Xu Ang first set the tone.

It's rare to encounter such a good investment opportunity. Wouldn't it be a waste of God's opportunity to not invest?

God does not take it, but takes the blame.

Wasting opportunities is punished.

"The resettlement of those workers is really difficult to solve." Cai Shuangxin frowned. "They are used to the original system and the planned economy. They have lost the motivation to make progress and just want to be stable. The power of habit is terrible. , Once we make a slight change, it will trigger their dissatisfaction and rebound, let alone go according to the market economy. But the government is looking for one piece, and it is also this piece that needs protection, which is difficult to do."

"Demolition and relocation will encounter nail households who sit on the ground and raise prices, let alone this kind of major event that affects the livelihood of the family."

Xu Ang understood this very well.

Because he is also from such a business background.

He used to live with his mother and younger sister in the tube building of the machinery factory, and the primary school was also a school for children.The machinery factory in my hometown was also unable to keep up with the times. The efficiency of the factory was not good, and the whole factory was half-dead. Relying on the state funding to hang on to the last breath, the workers had a miserable life.

But no matter how hard it is, few people are willing to leave the factory.

Everyone is scared.

No matter how hard it is to stay in the factory, the country and the government will not care about their life or death. If they go out, this guarantee will be lost.

For the uncertain future, few people dare to abandon everything they have now and try to fight for it.

Cai Shuangtong: "I can understand what you said, but what's the use of just understanding? There are more than one companies that need to solve the problem of reemployment of employees. These companies do various industries and there is no way to integrate them. It is integrated in one place, and there is no need to borrow other people's hands from the magic city. In the past few years, they have not integrated one or two companies."

Modu's local integration and adjustments did not start now, but have been going on for several years. Those who can be integrated and adjusted, people have done it a long time ago, and the rest are difficult households.

If this matter is really so easy to handle, can someone else take turns?

"Miscellaneous companies, many industries..."

Xu Ang kept looking for a solution. After thinking about it for a long time, he asked Cai Shuangxin: "Why don't we use reverse thinking?"

Cai Shuangxin asked doubtfully: "Boss, what do you mean?"

"Divide them into more detail."

Speaking more smoothly when you have ideas.

Xu Ang said: "Why must it be integrated in one place? We must merge these local companies to reduce the number of them? You said that if I divide them into more detail, let them become more companies, and then each What will happen to the production of different commodities?"

Carry out a more detailed division of labor!

This is indeed an idea.

Cai Shuangxin felt that he was about to grasp the point that broke the game, but when he was really going to look for it, it was still a little short.

This feeling of seeing success right in front of you, but not touching the door, makes people scratching and exploding.

Fortunately, Xu Ang didn’t sell anything, and he didn’t have any appetites. He asked Cai Shuangxin: “These companies are already behind in technology. Unless they spend a lot of money on technology and equipment, don’t think about how much technology they can produce. Products come. However, people who operate machines, you said, those people just want to be stable, they are not willing to change, and even refuse to change. If the high-precision road does not work, then go down and go down. The end line. So many employees, so many companies, how about making small commodities in common use first? Anyway, this does not require too much technology, just need to do repetitive and simple work, which is right for them."

Cai Shuangxin reacted immediately: "To build a small commodity center...No, it can be included in the plan as part of the international financial center plan. This will solve the problem of reemployment of workers without having to do too much. The investment in China can also give full play to the advantages of Mordu’s geography and low domestic costs. The most important thing is that this small commodity center can earn foreign exchange by taking the foreign trade route. With such a multitude of things, Mordu has no reason not to agree."

"Yes, this is exactly what I thought." Xu Ang said to Cai Shuangxin, "I believe that Magic Capital has conducted detailed investigations on these companies. We only need to deploy a small number of people to make minor adjustments based on the actual situation. , The rest will be handed over to the professional team. I hired relevant talents from the headhunters, and use this to see their quality."

"Where is the market?"

Cai Shuangxin pointed out a crucial point.

Once a commodity is produced, it has to be sold in exchange for profit, and someone has to pay for it to earn foreign exchange.

Xu Ang smiled slyly: "Of course it is sold to developed countries. We are going for quantity and using a low-price strategy. You said that the same comb, toothbrush and other common items, do you buy expensive or cheap? Yes? Don’t rush to speak, I know what you mean, it’s the channel problem, right? You worry that we have bargains here, but others don’t know."

Cai Shuangxin nodded.

"The country has newly established an e-commerce center in Beiping. You said that with the character of the magic city, they have no ideas? When it comes to doing business, the spirit of the magic city is not generally high."

"E-commerce? B2B?"

Cai Shuangxin's eyes lit up: "If we cooperate with our international financial center plan, this is indeed very interesting. But then we need to use the local strength of the magic city, and this plan will benefit them a lot."

"Eating alone is not a good habit."

"If you understand the boss, leave it to me. Please also give me the contact information of the team leader so that I can keep in touch with them."

Xu Ang gave Cai Shuangxin a business card, and the latter took a look and saw a person's name written in the middle of the card.


This person, Cai Shuangxin, has the impression that the young talent of the president of the Modu Lujiazui office is a very capable person, and the local connections in the Modu are not trivial.

"Boss, you can really pick someone."

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