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Chapter 235 - Roxie Liu's Chance

Sun Pei doesn't want to be tied to Xiaoxiao Media so quickly, and there are plenty of people who want to get on board.

Xu Ang is not too concerned about this.

Huaxia is lacking in everything, but not in people.

With the population of Huaxia, even if you're stronger than a billion people, don't you still have a few hundred million on your head?

Doesn't that feel scary?

"The sky is blue and the clouds are drifting, the flowers are blooming and the birds are calling the sun to smile. ......"

Xu Ang was still having breakfast with his mother and sister when his cell phone rang early in the morning.

A "Good Baby" nursery rhyme, it was Xiaoxiao's phone ringing.

The little sister was looking for someone so early in the morning?

Xu Ang looked over subconsciously, and his ears were uncontrollably hearing full blast.

"Sister Xiaoxiao, have you gotten up yet?"

The call came from Cissy.

The last time Xiaoxiao had a birthday, Cissy bought her a gift with her allowance, and Xiaoxiao returned the gift with the money she had deposited at her mother's. Cissy sent a music box, and Xiaoxiao returned a pink phone that was the same as her own.

What Cisi sent was a music box, and what Xiaoxiao sent back was a pink phone that was the same model as the one she used herself.

The two children were whispering to each other on their cell phones.

"I'm eating, Cissy, have you eaten?"

"I'm eating too."

"Hahaha ......"

"Gobble Gobble ......"

I don't know what the two little guys were laughing at, but all the joy spilled out of their laughter.

Xu Ang didn't understand, he was wondering: do all children have such a low laughing point?



The bamboo chopsticks knocked on the porcelain bowl with a clear and pleasant sound.

Fang Shuying was reminding Xiaoxiao to eat quickly, not to talk endlessly, or it won't taste good when it gets cold.

"I'll come to you after I eat, Cissy. I'll come to you after dinner, Sisi. Are you coming to me today? That's good. You should come quickly."

Xiaoxiao, who had finished talking to Cixi, didn't need her mother to rush her any further. She took small bites into her mouth, her little mouth bulging like a little hamster.

If it weren't for the fear of her squirting food, Xu Ang would have reached out and pinched her.

Such a cute little sister, I have to pinch her cheeks whenever I can.

Of course, said pinch, in fact, Xu Aang will not really pinch, his fingers just across the face of Xiaoxiao, do a pinch action just. He remembered his mother's words that a child's face will salivate if it is pinched a lot.

Twenty minutes later, there were two guests at Xu Ang's house, one large and one small.

The small one ran over to Xiaoxiao as soon as she saw him, and hugged her little sister, jumping and shouting to each other.

The big one was a bit reserved and kept a smile on his face, greeting Fang Shuying and Xu Ang: "Hello, Auntie.

Fang Shuying warmly greeted the guests: "Roxi is here, sit down, don't stand. Don't stand there. Don't be polite if you come to Auntie's house, take a seat."

As soon as she greeted Liu Ruoxi, Fang Shuying saw Xiaoxiao waving at her, "Mom, come quickly, Sisi and I are going to play on my brother's bus."

When Xu Ang was not at home, Cisi came many times, and the two children's favorite place was not elsewhere, but Xu Ang's fine caravan.

Because Xu Ang didn't use it much, this boutique caravan had been commandeered by Xiaoxiao and became her and Cisi's playground.

The two little children ran around in it, climbing up and down, sitting or lying down when they were tired, and when the weather was nice they would sunbathe and tell stories with the dolls on the third platform of the RV.

Concerned for their safety, Shu-Ying Fang and Xiaoxiao made three rules. If they wanted to play in the RV, they had to call their mother, and could not go in secretly.

Mom took the two small children out the door, leaving Xu Ang and Roxi Liu in the living room on the first floor.

Of course, this was in spite of Li Ke and He Xing.

"Roxi, it's been a while since we last saw each other. How are you doing at the company?"

Asked by Xu Ang, Roxie Liu said, "The company treats me very well, and Mr. Zheng is a good person. I studied at the company's training class and learned a lot about acting."

If you want to say what is the biggest benefit that Xiaoxiao Media offers to newcomers?

Some would say it was the provision of company housing, others would say it was the ability to learn acting systematically.

Many of those who entered the film and television industry during this period did not come from academia, but from working their way up the ranks. The vast majority wasted their time and eventually had to find another way to make a living.

Even if some people keep on biting the bullet, by the time they reach the threshold of acting, it's years later. By then they are older and have limited potential, and very few companies choose them.

Roxie was very fortunate that she signed up with Xiaoxiao once she had some experience in the industry, and it was at Xiaoxiao Media's training classes that she was able to take a formal acting course that combined practice with theory.

Even in just a few months, Roxie could see that her acting skills had improved ten or even dozens of times faster than before.

Now she can't get into the director's eyes by acting in a movie, but if it's a TV drama and the director has the patience to instruct her, she should be able to do it.

"You're very confident,"

Xu Ang said, asking Liu Ruoxi, "How about giving it a try?"

Try what?

Of course it is to try her skills, to test whether she is the illusion of 'I can kill back', or whether her acting skills have really improved a lot.

Ruo Xi Liu was stunned at first, she just said, how to ...... then, overjoyed.

If someone else had said it, she would have taken it as a joke or a polite gesture with no real meaning, but if it came from Xu Ang, it would have been different.

Liu Ruoxi stood up and thanked Xu Ang incessantly, "Thank you boss for giving me the opportunity, I will do well."

"My mother is right, you're just too polite." Xu Ang put his hand on Liu Ruoxi's shoulder and told her to sit down again, "Si Si and Xiaoxiao are good friends, I will definitely help you if I can."

I'm sure I can help you if I can." It's thanks to her sister's blessing again.

The company's main business is in the area of the company's business development, and the company's business is in the area of the company's business development.

Be sure to buy her an ice cream reward when you get back.

"Does Gold Dust World know?"

Roxie Liu replied, "Is it Aunt Chen's book in Dull Bay?"

"Good to know," Xu Ang told Liu Ruoxi, "The company has bought the rights to it and another TV adaptation of Deep Rain and Deep Love, and is preparing to put them on the screen. You should pay more attention to the role of Leng Qingqiu in the 'Gold Dust Family'. It's best to read the book a few times to understand the characters and the plot thoroughly."

Liu Ruoxi nodded her head happily, "Okay boss, I will do it."

Auntie Chen from Stay Bay, her books are very popular in this era and sell well. The book, The Gold Dust Family, was in Roxie Liu's family and she read it more than once.

If you cast me in the role of Leng Qingqiu, doesn't that mean you want me to be the female lead?

The opportunity just came, Liu Ruoxi joy and three points of apprehension.

She knew that if she did well this time, her path would be wide open, and if she didn't do well ...... No, it won't be bad, it's an easy opportunity to get, I'll take it with all my life.

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