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Chapter 250-Xu Ang, A Terrible Guy

"The following is the moment to witness the miracle."

Following Xu Ang's words, everyone saw a sudden change in the picture on the big screen, and a Chinese man with black hair and black eyes appeared on it.

Some people reacted slowly and haven't noticed the difference, but many people reacted quickly, and they exclaimed in bursts.

"Look behind him, he is still night."

After such a reminder, people who didn't find it also realized the difference.

It is daytime here in the United States, but the place where the Chinese man in the video is in the dark night. What does this show?what does this mean?What does this represent?

The layman looks at the excitement, the insider looks at the doorway.

Those who don't understand will only find novelty, and those who know how to do it will cause a tsunami in their hearts.

A small piece of software has actually accomplished the feat of linking people in different time zones, and it's not the kind of phone that only hears the sound but does not see the person.

"Even if we are far apart, even if we are separated by thousands of miles, we can see each other. No matter day or night, no matter spring, summer, autumn or winter, we can see the person we want at any time. The advent of mobile phones allows us to listen to each other, IMAC and Penguin Appearing makes us one step closer."

"From then on, lovers who are thousands of miles apart will complain to each other without being blocked by distance, and relatives who are far apart will be able to accompany them at any time."

"Think about it, gentlemen and girls. When you are out of town and your relatives need your company, turn on your IMAC, log in to your penguin, and you will be able to sing nursery rhymes to coax your children to sleep, for Your children tell their favorite bedtime stories. You will be able to meet with your children’s relatives every day. Don’t worry about being too busy to be with them for reasons such as frequent business trips and missing important ones in their lives. The stage."

Xu Ang looked at everyone in the audience: "Isn't this a huge improvement?"

He found that some of the big names in the science and technology industry who were invited in the front row had serious faces, some had gray faces, some had a playful look in his eyes, and some were eager to try.

They react differently in different positions and shocks.

Everyone knows in their hearts that the market value of some companies will be impacted after this conference, and they don't know how much wealth will be evaporated and how much money will be lost.And some companies will usher in new development opportunities and achieve a wave of wins.

Going past them, Xu Ang cast his gaze to the rear, where there was a shocked face.

The reporters who attended the press conference thought they were just coming to deal with errands, but they didn't want Steve and Xu Ang to join forces to give them a big gift and make a big news.

They pressed the shutter quickly, and countless films were murdered in this incident.But they didn't care at all, who made the reporters think about promotion and salary increase at the moment.

Many interns who were arranged were shocked and inexplicably excited. They were fortunate enough to participate in this conference. As long as they bring the news back, they will be right in front of them.

Based on this alone, they surpassed countless novices who joined at the same time.

If you take a step faster in the workplace, you will probably end up in a lifetime.

Xu Ang had a conversation with Xiao Ma, and roughly introduced the company Penguin, and then moved the cursor to another button.

"If you think it can only achieve one-to-one video conversations, you are quite wrong. Look at this, the multi-person conversation function, what can it be used for?"

Don't think of us as fools, we know its purpose by looking at the name.

Some people in the audience kept their lips secretly, but more people watched with expectation, waiting for more shock to appear.

Xu Ang did not disappoint them either. He quickly added another friend and invited this person to participate in the video session.

A face familiar to many people present appeared on the big screen. Many people noticed that when the second person appeared, the video conversation frame was automatically divided, and this division was optional.

There are two grids, four grids, eight grids, and more.

Xu Ang chose four grids.

As a result, the people in the audience saw a Tianzi grid appearing in the center of the big screen, Xiao Ma occupies one position, and the other position is the newly added Mark.

"Hi Mark, how are you?"

Xu Ang took the lead to say hello.

Mark shook his head: "To be honest, it's not good at all. Xu, why didn't you tell me that I would release such a hot news. My technicians are complaining about me, saying that the number of visitors to the webcast channel has suddenly increased and they are already busy. It's going to smoke."

What are the people on Twitter up to?

The answer is four words: webcast.

The live broadcast is the press conference of the fruit company.

Because of the hotspots on Twitter, and out of the psychology of watching novelty, people who have the conditions logged in to their Twitter account and watched the live broadcast on the computer that was not conducted by a TV station.

Live broadcast on the Internet!

Another new concept appeared.

No, it's a new industry or a new outlet.

Many people's eyes are bright, they think about going back and try it out, maybe they can do it.

However, they didn't know that Xu Ang would not give them his ideas in vain. He had already made preparations before this conference.

If other people want to enter this industry, they will find that a giant has eaten the most delicious first bite of meat before their live broadcast software is developed.

Seeing the reaction of the people in the audience, Xu Ang's mouth turned up slightly, and a smile appeared in a timely manner.

Is this shocked?

Is this incredible?

It is too early.

Didn’t you see that there are still two boxes that have not been filled in?

After minimizing the video window, Xu Ang continued to punch.

"I believe someone has discovered it. I used this function when I was looking for friends. Its name is search."

Xu Ang said: "I remember that many of my friends in the media had reported news about me. You are really good at speaking of it, and you almost didn't get rid of all the old things about me."

Some reporters were laughing, others were asking: "Do you mind being known about your past, sir?"

"I think the reporter who asked the question has misunderstood. I am clearly praising your professionalism. Why do you understand this?"

Xu Ang put on a confused face.

Then he waved his hand again: "Well, it doesn't matter. What I want to say is, I am very grateful to the media for promoting me and letting people know that my first pot of gold comes from Netscape."

"Yes, it is the Netscape company with Mark as the founder."

"Hey, Steve, I think you and Mark should be able to talk, after all, you have a common topic."

Steve spread his hands, looking helpless.Mark covered his face, and his voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone in the venue through the speaker: "You mean to leave your company as a founder? Oh, please don't do that. ."

The venue was quiet for a moment, and then burst into laughter.

As the founder of the company, he was swept out by capital after the company went public. Mark and Steve did have the same experience.

Human nature is like this. Many people are happy to see others embarrassed and love to hear others mention embarrassment. If the other person is a big person in their own eyes, they will be happier.

Obviously, Steve and Mark are big men relative to most people.

Xu Ang looked stunned: "What? Mark, how could you think like that? I mean you are all company managers who are technicians. But... you are right, you do have the same experience in this matter. Therefore, the shareholding structure of listed companies should not be the A-share system, which is now popular. The AB system is more reasonable."

The same words have completely different effects in different people's ears.

When the reporters heard this, they quickly wrote it down and wrote in their own notebooks. They knew this was also a selling point.

Another news point that can be written, but also very eye-catching.

The company executives and other elites sitting in the front row were in deep thought. Some people were even more sensitive to realize that a sentence that Xu Ang seemed to be joking with Mark could have a profound impact on the stock market.

At this time, everyone's eyes on Xu Ang changed.

In the eyes of American elites, this young man from China is far from being as young as he looks. If anyone really regards him as an immature young man, he is simply mad.

Xu Ang, a terrible guy.

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