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Chapter 256: The Crisis of the Giants

He sold his shares in Netscape and left with only a small amount of money. It was forced by the situation and he had to do that. Paul was very unwilling.

Since Xu Ang made him unhappy, he must return it.

"I want Huaxia people to know whose site this is."

As a U.S. native, he suffered the loss of Xu Ang, a Chinese boy, on the territory of the U.S. Paul couldn't bear it.

He had to retaliate immediately after suffering a loss, not because Paul was arrogant, but because he had the confidence to make him dare to do so.

This confidence is nothing else, it is Microsoft.

As a company that has seen the embryonic form of a business empire, the horror of Microsoft is gradually showing up. As its shareholder and a member of the general meeting of shareholders, Paul does not need to do much. He only needs to show his attitude towards Xu Ang Dissatisfied, someone will naturally take action for him.

What Paul did not expect was that when he packed up his mood and returned to Microsoft and prepared to make a statement at the shareholders meeting, he found that today's meeting was extremely heavy.

"We are in trouble, Paul."

Bill said so.

His expression was so solemn, and Paul had a bad feeling.

Facts have proved that Paul's hunch is not wrong, Microsoft is indeed in trouble, and it is not ordinary trouble.

A light and thin notebook computer was placed in front of shareholders by Bill. Bill pointed to it and said, "I believe everyone knows what this is. That's right, it is the new product of Fruit Company, the notebook named IMAC. computer."

"Because of the far superior performance of similar products, the eye-catching design, plus the most important point-light enough and thin enough, this product has been selling crazy in less than a week after its launch."

"Even if its price is as high as eight thousand dollars, no one can stop its charm."

"Except for those who really can't get so many dollars."

"Look at it, everyone. This is a survey I asked the company to do. Ninety-eight percent of mid-to-high-end customers have replaced their laptops, and the remaining two percent are hesitant. The reason is that the topic of today’s conference is also the crisis we have to face."

It has already made Bill use the word crisis. While Paul felt the seriousness of the matter, he also began to wonder what on the fruit company’s laptop could threaten Microsoft.

This is Microsoft, a company that is about to build its own business empire. Everyone is sure that it is destined to be a great Microsoft. What else can threaten it?

Seeing everyone's attention focused on himself, Bill was very satisfied.

What he wants is such an effect, otherwise everyone's failure to pay attention to it may have an unpredictable impact on the subsequent response.

Turning on the IMAC, Bill pointed to the changing display and said, "Gentlemen, look here, what do you find?"

Some people are at a loss, this is responsible for administrative manpower and other aspects.

Some people are shocked, they understand technology and products.

"This is not our window!"

Bill nodded, and said solemnly: "Yes, this laptop from Fruit Company does not use our Pestilence to Death Windows operating system, but another operating system developed by itself."

"The cunning guy Steve, he didn't mention this at the fruit company's product launch, deliberately obscuring such important information and selling points. What is the purpose of his concealing? I want you all to use you That clever brain already has the answer."

"I know the guy Steve too well. His goal is us, we are Microsoft. He has never given up the idea of ​​replacing us, just like he did when he was in charge of the Big Banana Boat. His goal is It has never changed. He has always wanted to kill us and replace us to achieve greatness."

Bill was very angry.

This guy Steve is too vengeful. Didn't you just take some things from him and use them on Microsoft? How many years have passed, and you still cling to it.

Can't you be magnanimous?

All look at money, work together to make a lot of money, the past grievances let it go, isn't it good, why bother to seek justice for yourself.

When Steve was in charge of the Big Banana Boat, he was a big enemy of Microsoft. In the past few years, because he was swept away by capital, Microsoft gradually gained momentum after losing this opponent and was about to take off.But he didn't want this guy to shoot back, wanting to poke people to death.

"This matter is very tricky. IMAC is very popular among mid-to-high-end customers. Looking at this data, 98%, how shocking. Except for the very few users who are worried about the inconvenience of changing the operating system, they are still waiting , Other people have chosen Guogou without exception. You should understand what will happen once the market is driven by these people and a trend is formed. If people are used to using Guogou's operating system, Microsoft will be What does it mean?"

With a heavy punch on the desktop, Bill said viciously: "We, absolutely can't let Steve succeed. Microsoft is destined to be great, not falling to the feet of rivals when it is about to take off to make another company great. "

"So, how do you solve it?"

Someone asked softly.

"That's why I convened this meeting. As shareholders of the company, we must work together to find ways to tide over the difficulties."

What you say means that you didn't think of a good way.

The people in the conference room knew well that Steve had become cunning. He didn't just face Microsoft. Instead, he secretly put down his guns and wanted to quickly occupy the market when Microsoft didn't notice.

Annoyingly, he really did it.

The Guoguo Company first stockpiled its products, regardless of its own financial pressure, and then quietly occupied the market. By the time Bill discovered something was wrong, they had completed the expansion of the mid-to-high-end market.

The sorrow of being a software company is fully revealed at this time. Even if it is as strong as Microsoft, if the hardware platform is not enough for you, you can only stare.

Damn it, where did that iron Steve go?

"The strength of Guoguo Company is that we have both our own computers and our own operating systems. We have both software and hardware, and both hands are hard enough."

Xu Ang and Steve are having lunch together.

Compared with the anxiety and dignity of Bill and other Microsoft shareholders, Xu Ang and Steve are much happier and active here.

"Bill must be thinking about how to kill us." Steve smiled triumphantly, "but he can't do it."

Xu Ang asked him: "Is there any problem with Intel?"

"I admit that Microsoft's influence is great, but the fruit company that is rising at a speed visible to the naked eye, plus the original influence of the Big Banana Boat, is not necessarily weaker than it. Intel will not offend us for Bill. In the final analysis, We are Intel’s real customers, and Bill and the others are just guys who can be replaced. Those who do software, can they provide Intel with orders for even one chip?"

Dude, you are floating.

Xu Ang silently sliced ​​the steak on the dinner plate, let Steve be proud of it first. Anyway, he just realized his dream of returning home, and let him do this good dream longer.After all, when the announcements after the merger of the two companies come out, it's hard to say whether Steve can be so proud.

Having lunch together at the same table, I eat much more in my stomach than you-you think I and you are eating at the same time, but I don't know I have packed several dishes in advance.

The crit from a partner is the deadliest.

"For our glorious tomorrow, a toast, Steve."

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