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Chapter 264 - The Talent That Came to Your Door

The woman was stopped before she reached Xu Aang, and Hu Yi and Li Ke would not allow someone of unknown origin to get close to their boss.

When Xiao Qingzi saw the woman, her eyes immediately shone, and her world changed from black and white to color.

Despite being strangled by the back of her neck, she was no longer afraid, and she summoned up the courage to call out to the woman, "Mother!".

It was little Qingzi's mother.

Xu Ang walked up to the woman who was looking anxiously but couldn't get closer, and said, "Hello, ma'am. Please don't worry, I'm Xiaoxiao's brother, playing with two children."

"Yes, we're playing."

Xiaoxiao sent in an assist at this point.

"Swinging! Swing! Haha clam clam clam!"

Seeing the little child laughing happily, and seeing that little Qingzi didn't look like she was being bullied, the woman's heart was finally put at ease.

Calm down, she apologized to Xu Ang: "Sorry, I was in a hurry and misunderstood you."

"It's okay, I can understand."

After putting the two puppies down, Xu Aang saw his silly sister giggling at his feet and ran to Qingzi's mother, chattering about what they had been playing with in the past two days.

Xu Aang could tell from this alone that Qingzi's mother was very familiar with Xiaoxiao, or else her little sister would not have been so close to her.

This is a good thing.

Standing on the sidelines, Xu Aang didn't disturb them.

The reason why he said it was a good thing was because Xu Aang recognized the woman's identity.

It wasn't that Xu Ang knew the other woman, or that the other woman knew Xu Ang, but that Xu Ang had crossed paths with the company this woman managed.

Gao Xiaojun, a woman who was not famous in China, but she was the highest status person Xu Aang had come in close contact with in his previous life.

Xu Aang remembered a time when a real estate developer wanted to take over the development of an old machinery factory when it closed down, and for that reason, most of the homeowners who didn't live in the old, almost dangerous buildings rushed back from abroad for compensation for the demolition of their homes.

The CEO of that company was none other than Xiao Qingzi's mother, Gao Xiaojun.

From chatting with some well-informed gossips, Xu Aang also got to know Gao Xiaojun a little bit, who used to work in the system and then started a real estate business after going into the sea.

It's a coincidence, and perhaps not a coincidence, that she was doing real estate development when she was in business, just in time for the development of the real estate industry. By the time her company was about to develop the land of Xu Ang's old family's machinery factory, Gao Xiaojun's fortune had already exceeded three to four billion yuan.

Unfortunately, because of the high price asked by some residents and the low land price, the project was not completed, so Xu Aang's family's wish to improve their lives through demolition and eviction did not come true.

Because of the regret in his heart, Xu Aang remembered Gao Xiaojun.

Counting the time, Gao Xiaojun is still working in the system, so it's no wonder she didn't agree to be born again. As a state official, if she took the initiative to make a mistake, it would be like cutting off her own future. As a woman, she didn't want her daughter to be discriminated against, and resisted the old-fashioned preference for sons over daughters, which is why she ended up in a divorce.

The real estate industry is complicated, and those who can continue in this line are not simple people.

Xu Ang calculates in his heart, perhaps he can help push, let Gao Xiaojun this talent for his own use.

It just so happens that he has the idea of building the Internet of Things in advance with big warehouses and big logistics, isn't Gao Xiaojun the talent that comes to his door?

I think so, but Xu Ang did not take the liberty of turning his heart into action.

After all, this era is not the future. Nowadays, what everyone cares about and values is the iron rice bowl, so who knows what Gao Xiaojun thinks.

Let's observe it first.

Xu Aung did not show excessive enthusiasm, Xu Aung kept his distance from Gao Xiaojun very well, after all, the two were meeting for the first time, Gao Xiaojun is only twenty-five or twenty-six years old, you a man is too enthusiastic inevitably let people think too much.

After completing the task of sending his little sister to kindergarten, Xu Ang returned home, when his mother had already packed up the dishes and was about to go out.

As the director of the kindergarten, Fang Shuying is also quite responsible.

As long as she wasn't really unable to leave, she would stay at the kindergarten all day to help take care of the little doudins.

After saying hello to his mother, Xu Ang put away his computer and went to the living room to lay down on the sofa without going back to the bedroom.

This is how jet lag works: sleepy during the day, energetic at night, a pure night owl. Before Xiaoxiao and Qingzi woke up, Xu Ang had worked for several hours at a high intensity, and the energy consumed was not small, so it was a good time to rest now that the house was quiet.

However, hard work is hard work after all, and Xu Ang was forced to wake up after not sleeping for two hours with a phone call.

The caller was none other than Tang Lu.

He was still confused when he woke up after his sleep was disturbed, but Xu Ang woke up immediately after seeing the caller was Tang Lu. As soon as he got on the phone, he couldn't wait to ask, "Lulu, how are you?".

Tang Lu's voice came from the other end of the phone, and she said with a slight trifle of apology, "Your idea is affirmed, but it can't be implemented at the moment."


Xu Ang was puzzled.

"The hardware is not in place."

Well, this reason is very incomprehensible.

Basic industry is the hard part of Huaxia right now, although the country is going big and full, and the results are remarkable, and its real energy will explode later and become one of the most important foundations of the country's rise.

But, that's later.

Today's domestic technology is quite a bit behind the world average, and even good ideas can't be implemented under these circumstances.

"Even computers in China are still a luxury, and the network rollout has just begun, so I really can't launch the WIFI project right away."

It's a good idea to be down-to-earth and work according to the country's conditions.

Xu Ang was not depressed, he also told Tang Lu: "Then postpone the plan until the time is ripe to take action, anyway, I have roughly the WIFI technology, and I'm not afraid of what I'm holding in my hand flying away."

Tang Lu grasped the key point of Xu Ang's words: "You said you made the technology?"

"You haven't done your homework well, Lulu-san. The technology of hotspot transmission has been around for a long time. I just absorbed the knowledge of my predecessors and put it together, so it's nothing."

Tang Lu pooed lightly.

If you say it's nothing, then why can I hear your complacency through the phone?

But then again, it's really surprising that the technology of WIFI is in Xu Ang's hands.

"You still have time to learn this?"

"Is it hard? I think it's quite simple. It's just a matter of summarizing what's already there, not inventing it myself."

Tang Lu: "......"

So, this is a blast from the gods?

The girl was so angry that she spat out a fragrance, and returned to Xu Ang with one word in a soft tone: "Get out."

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