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Chapter 266 - Watering and Fertilizing

Shaonian Garden is a place Xu Ang has not set foot in for some time, not that he doesn't want to come, but he really doesn't have the time. By the time he had the time, the people living in it were not there.

Nowadays, Yang Xiaomei is different, she is no longer a transparent little girl in the circle, but a hot celebrity.

Although her acting skills are still not up to par in the eyes of such great directors as Old Mouzi and Kai Ziguo, she can't stand the fire of Yang Xiaomei.

Xu Ang first made her famous with a movie called "Savage Girlfriend", which made her a popular actress in Asia, not only in China. This alone has given Yang Xiaomei a big advantage, not to mention that Xu Ang, through his own investment in Pixar Studios, has also given Yang a big actress in Hollywood that can bring in 20 to 30 million at the box office, making her worth a hundred times more.

I can't help it. These days, people in China are envious of the developed world and crave outside recognition, especially those who work in the entertainment industry.

Otherwise, why would the so-called sixth generation directors keep making films that the Chinese people don't like, just because the people outside are nice about it and it is easy to win awards internationally?

As soon as they win a foreign award, they feel that they are a famous director, they are internationally famous, they have entered high society.

If that didn't guarantee Yang Xiaomei's position, Xu Ang then made another move by writing a "Return of the Pearl" for Xiaoxiao Media to make.

As the first costume idol drama in China, as long as the standard is online and the plot doesn't fall apart, it's not a problem at all for the lead actor to become a hit.

This is the benefit of being the first one to eat the crab.

As Xu Ang had expected, when "Return of the Pearl" was released, Yang Xiaomei became a red, red half-sky kind of red.

At least six out of ten Chinese know her, and Yang Xiaomei has become a national idol to such an extent that even the old artists who are both virtuous and talented are much less popular than her.

If she is only popular in her home country, then the domestic actresses can still fight against it, but this time, Return of the Pearl is not only making Yang Xiaomei popular in her home country, she is once again breaking out of her home country and becoming popular all over Asia.

This is remarkable, because the movies and TV series have been bursting one after another, and the purple-hued Yang Xiaomei's position in the circle is almost solidified. By virtue of her current national recognition, as long as she doesn't die, even if she doesn't work anymore, she still has the status and treatment of a first-tier star in the circle.

"What a rare visitor, my big boss."

It's rare that Xu Ang is free to come today, and Yang Xiaomei has no schedule, so Shaonian Garden is a bit more popular here. It was only after seeing Xu Ang that Yang Xiaomei had a grumpy face.

What's wrong with leaving a flower alone when you have to water and fertilize it regularly to keep it delicate and beautiful?

Xu Ang wanted to say that he was really busy, plus Yang Xiaomei was too busy because she was so popular, and that's why it took so many days for the two sides to meet above.

However, the words of explanation were not said, and Xu Ang knew well that good words were not good deeds.

Beautiful flowers should not wither and die because they have not been nourished for a long time, so it is better to water and fertilize them first than to say anything at the moment.

"Gee, you man, wait a minute ...... hello ......"

Yang Xiaomei wanted to say something, but she didn't want Xu Ang to be a man of action, and her execution was so high that her words were forced into her mouth.

Poor Zhao Xiaodie had a day off easily, and wanted to have a good sleep, but did not want to sleep well, but listened to a long time surging music with high and low ups and downs, let her blood boiling, sleep as in the purification, dissipated without a trace.

The girl was hiding under the blanket, like a boiled prawn, all red and tossing and turning, not even knowing what to do.

After the clouds had stopped and the rain had cleared up, and the problem of fertilizing and watering the flowers had been solved, the small courtyard was calm again, then Xu Ang and Yang Xiaomei got down to business.

"Arrange your schedule to follow the NBA Clippers, and the company will arrange for the artists to be there then. You know it's Los Angeles, a place where the Mickey Mouse media is paying attention, and it's often frequented by Hollywood's biggest stars."

Yang Xiaomei promised with a satisfied face.

Her position in the country is stable, the next thing she wants to continue to develop her career will have to look to the international market, with Hollywood is the natural first choice of rice. Xu Ang is helping her, and she cannot be ungrateful.

After this, Xu Ang said to Yang Xiaomei: "Do you remember what I said before the filming of Return of the Pearl, I said in front of Jia Jia and Lao Jiang that any employee who contributes to the company to a certain extent will get shares in the company. So, congratulations, you've fulfilled my request for Return of the Pearl, and you will own five-tenths of Xiaoxiao Media's shares. Of course, these shares cannot be resold freely, and even if they were, they would have to be approved by the company's internal board of directors."

There is a huge difference between being an employee and being a shareholder of a company, and Xiaomei looked forward to the day when she would become a shareholder.

Given the momentum of Xiaoxiao Media's development today, even a 5/10,000 shareholding might be more than what she could earn as an actress in her lifetime.

Can't you see that the top directors in China like Old Mastermind and Brother Kai Zi have only one percent of the shares?

"Little girl thanks Big Boss for his generosity."

Compared to calling herself Big Boss, this time Yang Xiaomei was less grumbling, more excited and excited.

For Xu Aang, this is just a schedule, but for Yang Xiaomei and the artists of Xiaoxiao Media, it is a crucial opportunity in their lives. It's about their fate, their future development, and even the heights they can reach in their careers.

Without Xu Ang even realizing it, he already has the ability to influence the fate of many people, and a single decision he makes can affect the lives of others.

Yang Xiaomei is easy to arrange, but Tang Lu may not be.

"I haven't finished filming Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger yet, and Director Zhang's Hero is also under preparation, so time is very tight.

This is how Tang Lu replied to Xu Ang.

Compared to Yang Xiaomei and the others, this girl was not too interested in going to Los Angeles to get acquainted. If she had the time, she might as well study her acting skills, understand the script more, and write a few biographies, lest she would not do well enough in the performance when she joined the crew.

From this matter, we can see the difference between Yang Xiaomei and Tang Lu.

Hearing that Tang Lu had the intention of refusing, Xu Ang of course would not let her do that, so he told Tang Lu: "Are you sure you don't want to go? It's a surprise."


The girl thought about it, and then she said to Xu Ang, "Okay, I'll go, and I'll turn you into a surprise if there's no surprise."

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