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Chapter 285 of the wisdom of the ancients

"Zi ... Zi ..."

There is current flashing from the walkie-talkie, and Xu went in the heart, he took the intercom to walk in the tomb. Didn't take a few steps, the negligations from the walkie-talkie becomes clear.

"Hey ... Hey ... Hear me talk?"

It is the voice of Lao Meng!

From the tone of speaking, you can hear a person's emotions, Xu Qian also heard the old man in the middle of the old man and more panic. It can be seen that Lao Meng did not encounter danger, which made Xu'an put down his heart.

Anyway, the old man is temporarily safe.

He said: "Old Meng, you are fine, what is your situation there?"

"Foreign equipment is good."

Old Meng felt.

This walkie-talkie is the previous Xu Qian, in order to facilitate the connection between each other, there is one in the hands of Lao Meng and Xu. Originally, the old man didn't use much, but I didn't want to be used.

"Xiao Xu, I am nothing here, we are fine, just didn't find the right way for a moment, you don't worry."

Old Mang Xian gave Xu Qian, followed by, and smashed: "Tell everyone, don't enter the ear room, don't destroy the tomb structure, I and Lao Li feel that this time is a very meaningful discovery. "

The intellectuals of this year are still very pure. When they encounter things, they are not self-thinking, such as old Meng. Don't look at him, but I am actually being trapped, I can't rely on my own power, but I don't have a hurry to save myself, but the first thing to protect the discovery. .

From this point, Xu Qian was very admired.

However, this does not mean Xu Qian to agree to the demand of the old man.

He reminded the old man: "Here is the underground, the tomb is in the tomb, because the previous construction destroys the top of the tomb, you have flowed into the air, you don't want to use it. I don't want to prepare now, wait until the critical moment "

"You can rest assured, I have a lot in my heart, and I will not take so many people to joke. Once some people feel uncomfortable, I will immediately ask you."

Lao Meng did a guarantee, Xu Qian is thinking about whether to promise, he heard the footsteps of the direction of the ear room. He turned his head and saw it. He saw that the two waist went out of the waist.

These two youths saw that they returned to the tomb, and they suddenly had a face.

"Big Pillars, how are you back? What is the situation?"

Middle-aged man is asking questions.

The big column scratched his head and confused: "This is wrong, we have been going forward, nor turn around, and there is no turn to the road, how can I go back?"

Another young man said: "Big Bo, shouldn't it be a ghost?"

"To shut up!"

The middle-aged man reprimanded the youth, and started to pull the hemp rope on the two youth waist. Very easy, he took the hemp rope a section of the section, there is no halftake in the middle, nor does it bring back anything.

It seems that it is really like a big pillar, they didn't meet the corners and corners, and they were straight.

However, since it is straight, why is it going back to the place?

Li Keju Xu Xu suggested: "Boss, or you go out first, I stay here and check it carefully."

Xu Yu shook his head refused.

What ghosts are gone, what ages have been, I have to believe this?

As a four newcomers in the red born in the red, Xu Zun said: To believe in science, do not feudal superstition.

That youth said the ghost wall Xu Qian is unbelievable, he believes that a certain organ is still a certain set of exquisite settings. I want to come to Lao Meng and I found this, so that Xuang did not destructively discovered in a violent way.

"Many people outside will be archaeological as an official robbery. The two are actually different. The country's attitude is buried underground, unless someone destroys them, we will go to rescue Discover, not someone else to dig the grave of the ancestors everywhere. "

"Since it is the excavation of the rescue nature, it must be kept to maintain its integrity. Even if we discover and take the cultural relics away, you can leave a place where you can visit the local area, let history People who are interested in culturally can see it and can learn useful knowledge from these places. "

It seems that I am worried that Xu Qian does not listen to her own, and the old man explains him the difference between archeology and the tomb. Both are not just official and private, but the root is different from the purpose.

Listening to the old Meng Heng is talking about the old Meng Heng, Xu Qian did not stop in the place, but walked to the entrance of the ear room, detailed observation.

In the first look, there is no special arrangement, very popular, the ground, the wall is extends on the same green brick.



Reaching your hand on the green brick on the wall, Xu Qian even stepped into the ear room for a few steps.

He is a calm, but he scares Li Kehu.

The trapped old man has reminded in the walkie-talkie. Don't enter the ear room, Xu Yang is tested in the margin of death, as his bodyguard, Li Ke feels his heartbeat, rising blood pressure, head Big a few laps.

After a few steps, I returned to the entrance to the ear room. Xu Qian asked the youth who was called the big column by the middle-aged man: "After you go in, you have been going forward? Determine that there is no turn, no upper and lower steps?"

The big pillar looked at the middle-aged man. After seeing the latter, he can say that he can say that he will answer Xu Qian: "I have been going forward after entering the ear room, there is no corner, no road The pavement is also a straight way, and there is no steps. "

Crazy, Xu Yun stretched out a finger to slide on the ground. First, slide a distance in the inner, until the arm is straight, and then quickly slide along the previous track.

The dust is stained with the finger, Xu Qian said to Li Ke: "Go to the bouquet, steel ball or other things, as long as it is a round ball."

Li Ke is promised, it is going to look outside.

Hu Yishang said: "Don't go, I have."

Said, Hu Yixiously touched a piece of cuffs, took out a round of steel ball to Xu Qian.

Didn't ask Hu Yixiao to take steel beads, Xu Yang just took over, and then said to the middle-aged man: "This big brother is laborious to be affected, clear the ground in the ear, and don't have much. In order to clean the dust in the inner land near the entrance. "

The middle-aged man looked at Li Kehu Yi, who saw Xu Zen, raised his hand to stop the big pillars who wanted to speak, said: "Do it."

It is just two or three minutes.

Wait until the green bricks of the ground showed it, Xu Yung went into the ear room, then gently put the steel ball in the ground.

"Take a look, this is the wisdom of the ancients."

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