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Chapter 288 Fried Baby

Due to the releared, Xu Yun found not only Lao Meng and Lao Li retired, his student is also the same, and even Zhang Aga has maintained a distance from Di Mao.

It can be seen that these people should be what the golden silk line box is installed.

In Xu Yun, it should not be a good thing, or the old man will not be this reaction.

Demodification of Dihai hasn't figured out that he didn't see a name to ask Zhang Aga: "Big, what is this? Is this a previous fairyland, I heard that the emperor's emperor in the palace has a good thing. This guy is the old lady of returning to the township, and it is not allowed to give the emperor by the emperor. "

When you talk, the Dihai also handed something to Zhang Agong, scared Zhang Aji quickly jumped and retired.

After standing, Zhang A Dafa broke: "Your pig brain is not, you also know that there is a eunuch lying in it, do you think he is so baby, even gold and silver jewelry is more than?"

The two hair is very honest, he doesn't know, and I don't understand why Zhang Hao wants to marry himself.

See him, Zhang A is trying to give him two slaps, or the old Meng came out. Old Meng said to the second hair: "The eunuch is a net person, they lack things on their body. The eunuch in the Ming and Qing Dynasty believes that if you die, if you don't bring your own baby, then it is not a full person, The government can't make a baby, can't do anything. For the baby to save for a long time, not rotten into a slag, often take it after the net, "

Xu Qian listened to the three-dimensional feeling, and he looked at the two-haired fingers, and the pupil was retracted.

So, this thing is actually fried.

However, this is too small.

I didn't expect the sponge to be embarrassed after being fried, and where is the hot swelling?

Due ... not scientific!

"Still, how big can you be a child?"

Zhang Aga was in the middle of this issue.

After listening to this, I didn't respond to the old Mang and Lao Li, and Xu Yun has a question: Zhang Aga knows how the master is net from small?

The eunuch after adulthood is also a lot, and even the famous Wei Zhongxian is an adult post.

There is a greasy!

Didn't ask, Xu Qian is ready to wait for a chance to ask the old Meng, watching his and Lao Li, is not the identity or life of the master of the tomb. If so, Zhang Aga said that it is not surprising.

"It turned out to be like this."

Diama is like reacted, and it is busy unlocking the finger of the cutting.

Zhang Agia saw that the next consciousness was taken. He suddenly suddenly, he responded slowly, things did not even say, he was still not standing because of the next consciousness, and stepped forward, stepped out half a step forward .

It is very honest, this half a step is not oblique, just in the foot of the scene, stepped on the foot, stepped into a slag.

"Ah, I ..." Zhang Agui once again jumped, and then also to Lao Li claims, "What should I do, I don't have a heart, I am really not."

"Don't worry, old, calm, I don't blame you."

Zhang Aga was so anxious, and the old Li Ben wants to blame the blame, and he can't comfort him first.

Xu Qian is watching, and the heart is dark: it is really enough.

But if it is not a hacker, but people are, it is interesting.

It is true that Zhang Ama is designed, Xu Yuan wants to ask: What is the resentment of the tomb owner with your ancestors?

Of course, this is not his business, he will not really ask until he leaves him.

Perhaps because participating in this excavation work, the two days of staying with Lao Meng's two days of Xu Qian daily check-in is also affected.

Two daily check-in, randomly rewards are all "ghost blow lights" - a "Longling Cave" and a "Yunnan Penal Valley".

Plus the "fine ancient city" that came before, eight volumes have been given three.

Xu Qian is thinking about it, don't write it out, wait until this novel is circulating, with a sufficient number of books, you can start its shooting plan.

However, even in the later generation, there are many people who have jumped out of this novel, and they should ban it, saying that they will teach people to do bad things. In the wind and gas is more conservative, the "ghost blowing light" series and even the resistance and criticism encountered by the tomb flow novel will definitely be more big.

Because the resistance is large, it will take the bunch of the bunch, then wait for several years, it is written out, be a mall?

That's not too wasteful.

If you don't ... like death, you will try it on the edge?

Anyway, the whole ghost blowing lamp has only been partially.

As a strong active action, Xu Yuli started action after the idea was set.

Li Keqi discovered that his boss took out the laptop on the return road, and the operation of the flying, press and hold the keyboard, it is a fight.

One by one text appears on the screen with Xu Yun's finger on the keyboard, "The Guanji Lantern" volume has appeared before Xu Yang has not arrived at home.

Xu Yun did not look at the old Meng, but after being separated from the old Meng, I gave Zheng Jiajia to a call.

While hanging up the phone, the car just opened to the door.

"wait a moment!"

Li Ke driving the car is to pass through the door of the community.

The security guards in the community stopped three people and did not let them enter the community. The young man in the three people is very embarrassed, and the other two old people are chattering, and they know that they don't have good words in their mouth.

"Go to ask what is going on, if it is our fault, then solve the problem first, then correct it. If someone is unreasonable, it is necessary to have a lot of trouble ..." Xu Yun took the eyebrow, "Forget, the aunt The uncle is not good, and the comrades of the police station will take them away, and it is more troublesome to the neighborhood. "

He Xing got off the bus, but after I met, I didn't come back, but I took out the call to Xu Qian.

"Boss, not the responsibility of our security, is the staff outside the community to enter the community, security is doing our own responsibilities."

He Xing's words just finished, Xu Qian just heard a sound: "How to talk, my son is also rented through the room in your community, how can you make a foreign person? The people do the country, how do you stop us? , Do you want to be the landlord, do you want to be a batch? Tell you, I am ... "

Later, Xu Yung did not hear, because He Xing didn't hang up the phone, dialed the demon spirit.

Xu Qian did not hurry home, but after the police came, the grandfather of the aunt became honest. After the police's persuasion, she left the police car and let Li Ke started the sedan.

"Old why you follow, make it clear what is going on."

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