Almighty sign in

Chapter 297 Gold Cruise

"I am a lovely baby, everyone likes a good baby ..."

The cute little milk sound came out of the washroom, Xu Qian heard the songs of their joy, and quickly walked in the past.

Sure enough, he couldn't expect him. It should not be seen in the brushing teeth, in the washroom is a small mouth, the little face is white, the white beard is white.

If you are around the chest, you will also touch a lot on their clothes.

The two Bean Ding's white beards saw Xu Zhong immediately screamed: "My brother is coming!"

Then they became very honest and started brushing to teeth silently.

Just just turned, after seeing his own appearance in the mirror, Xia Xia ha launned first, followed by Xiao Qingzi's infection, and laughing.

Two silly children.

Didn't bother the little sister's happiness, Xu Yosmer's retreat.

Two little sisters are happy but because they have a confused toothpaste fur, they also have funny smiles, and there is a laughter of the milk, as if there is a magic, will be the so-called properness of Jie Yuxi in Yangcheng. The haze that has occurred in the heart is dispersed in the heart.

I have done it today is not to let my family have to live happiness, I don't want them to be happy every day?

As for other people, Xu San has not reached the level of the world, not to mention a foreigner.

"Sign in."

Silently, Xu Yung has made a thing to do every day, that is, check in daily.

"You have completed daily check-in, get random rewards: gold cruise ship."


Xu Yen picked his eyebrows. Today, today's daily sign-in random reward seems to be very good.

The gold cruise until the maximum length of the maximum length of 15,000 tons was a larger.

And it is not an inland cruise ship, it is a sea cruise that can be sea.

It is not necessary to have five layers in the top, and the decor inside is done when Xu Yong gets it. As Xu Qian received information, the decoration inside the cruise ship even is also enough to be shocking after thirty years, not only there will not be in the era, but it feels close to the fashion.

If you put it in this era, it will be a rich emperor, which makes people feel the eyes.


"It's quite."

The information of the gold cruise is received, Xu Qian praised.

The plane has, the luxury cruise ship is also there, as for the car ... The boutique car is equivalent to all the people in China now, nature is also top.

The rich three-piece sets are alive.

It is so satisfied that the value of this gold cruise is not only important for itself.

I don't know if I don't know, I found that the gold cruise ship used is actually solar charging technology.

According to Xu Qian, solar charging technologies that can drive such a large substitute seem to be in the future, there seems to be no country.

That is to say, this stuff uses high technology that exceeds Xu Qian known as the development!

This discovery allows Xu Zhong to put light, if he can understand the technology in the gold cruise ship, and if he doesn't taste it, you can't do energy.

Unfortunately this time this time is the gold cruise ship itself, not the technology that came above, this is the only point that makes Xu Qian regret.

It seems that it is better to stay in the top for a while to see if it can be reversed by the real thing to technology.

I took the eyebrow heart, Xu Qian knows that I have to enter the learning state, and the relevant basics of the relevant basics before you get the gold cruise. Otherwise, even if the real thing is in the hands, I will only see if I don't understand.

After the mind, he gave the old Meng to the old Meng, and worship the other party.

To study which aspects of solar charging technology should master, Xu Yang is unclear.

He is not clear, but as long as someone is clear.

I don't even ask the school. As one of the top colleges of Huaxia, Beiping University will give you a detailed list.

Although Lao Meng is strange to consult with himself, there is no more mouth.

Soon, he gave Xu Qian replied after asking the professor in the school research, and Xu Qian just took the little sister to go downstairs.

After sending two little sisters to the kindergarten, they said with my mom for a while, Xu Yun went home. He is to tell Li Ke driving himself to Xinhua Bookstore to go to the book, and the old man will bring a few books with a few books.

"Give you, this is the book above the list, all are here."

Just meeting, the old Meng told Xu Zhong: "Many books in this are don't think about buying in the outside, and many more professional scientific book books are not available."

What is it?


Xu Yun did not choose to do it, he just thanked the old man, and then received it.

He knows that this is the kindness released by the school. After all, I solved a lot of trouble for them. Single is because he has recently received a lot of graduates, stabilizing the teacher and the scientific panic pistorting of the teachers and students in the first year, let him brush a prestige in Beiping University.

Even if he rarely appears in the campus.

After the old Mumbang left, it was started to go quickly in the eyes of others. He was still in the heart of Xu Qian, who was constantly drawing knowledge: one famous school is really good.

This kind is not just acquisition knowledge, and there are also various social resources.

Many people have this experience, that is, when you do something seriously, when you carefully go to the whole god, you will ignore it.

This is the case now.

When he was pulled by the laughter of the two little sisters from the ocean of knowledge, he found that time has already arrived at noon. The big box brought by Lao Meng and his student he had seen nearly one-third.

Although it is a basic knowledge in the morning, it is easy to understand compared to the later, so the speed is faster. But even if so, Xu Yu estimates that he will not read these books for more than five days.

Five days, you can make a person from a slightly understanding, in a certain level of knowledge, the degree of truly expert, the brain development is really horrible after the quality of the brain.

"I really became a school."

Xiaoxiao heard the brother, she immediately ran to my brother, looking up his mind asked her brother: "What God?"

"Your brother, I am learning God, no one is better than it, is amazing."

Touching the sister's small head, Xu'an boasted in self-selling.

"Great!" Xiao Xiao raised his hands, "My brother is most powerful."

Learning God?

what is that?

Little sister didn't know, but she knew that as long as the booth brother was right.

The brother's sister has sugar to eat, or a big white rabbit.

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