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Chapter 299 Bullying Brother

For Shang Jiajia and others, Xu Qian can convince them, but if you meet a little sister, Xu Yen found that the light is not used.

In the morning, I didn't show my door, I was knocked, and I woke up Xu Qian who was sleeping. It is still not able to get angry because he opened the door after opening the door - two cute little dogs.

I saw my brother opened the door, two little sisters didn't see him, and I drilled into the house.

Xu Qian returned, and I saw these two little bean Ding, and I climbed his bed and jumped on it.

Little sister is actually played so early today, Xu Qian felt wrong. When he carefully thought, he quickly understood why.

Xiaoxiao Chong brother reached out: "New clothes, brother, give sister's new clothes."

Look, this is the reason.

In order to learn from today's new clothes today, the two little sisters broke the quarterly to break the quilt seal, defeating the sleepy insects. After thousands of difficulties, I finally got up early, and I took my hand and opened my brother. House.

My sister reached out, my brother can refuse?

Xu Qian didn't know how to do other brothers. His words must not give two little sisters so much, who makes them disturb a dream.

So, Xu Qi, "You look outside, the sky is not bright, my brother has not woke up, how can I give you some new clothes? Otherwise, let my brother sleep for a while, how is it for you?"

Xiaoxiao looked at my brother, seeing her, Xiaoxizi, also smashed his head, two little sister eyes blink, cute Xu Yun's face blood.

Two little sisters are so cute, so cute, Xu Qian is of course not promisents.

He insisted on the principle: "Wait until the sky, my brother woke up and give you a new clothes."

My brother actually, the little sister is not happy.

However, I haven't waited for them to protest, and I have been in the quilt. It's just that he will drill in him, and hold two little sister.

"¥ #% *"

Xiaoxiao touched the little face, and said a baby whisper with Xiao Qingzi.

Xu Yung's heart laughed: Who knows your baby?

But I don't want Xiao Qingzi to return to a sentence: "@ # ¥"

This can be shocked lightly.

There is another little dog who knows Xiao Xiaoying!

He is surprised to have the second person in the baby, two little sisters have already communicated with the baby. When he didn't preparation, the little mouth was poured, and the little hand held his neck, and his face was launched. .

Let's take a few mouthfuls, let Xu Yun who wants to wash his face today, after all, the little sister's saliva gives him over.

If you don't believe, look at the wet traces on his face, is the masterpiece of the little sister.

"How can a child like this!"

Xu Yung put a strict protest for two little sisters: "Brother is so good, how can I bully my brother!"

"Hey, hahaha!"

Xiao Xiao smiled.

Xiao Qingzi also laughed with a small mouth.

Two little sisters can't be embarrassed, then a big brother is bullied by them, they are really powerful.

No, bullying brothers can not only do it once, we will continue.

Let it!

bully you!

Let it!

Bullying you, bullying you, just want to bully you.

Two little sisters who understood the baby gathered to bully brothers, bullied. As a bullied party, Xu Yun's happiness is their double.

These two silly children, I will tease them, I will take the initiative to give my brother, I am still happy, how do you still talk to my brother?

Perhaps because of the feelings of IQ, Xu Qian decided not to meditate more than two little sisters to disturb their sleep. At the little sister because the ammunition is exhausted, when he stopped, he stopped his brother, Xu Yun took out new clothes that were prepared.


Xing Chong's new clothes came over, Xiao Xiao immediately revealed the dish.

Actually not a dog!

Xiaofu is very unsatisfactory.

I don't know if people are a little dog? Why don't you give your sister dog?

My sister is a member of the dog family, how can I not wear a dog? You are bad brother!

Xiaoxiao worried that the dogs who did not wear dogs didn't know that they were also a member of the dog family. In this case, she will bite her, chase her, and scare her.

If the sister is crying, can you bear this responsibility?

In the face of the quality of the little sister, Xu Yun found himself in the right.

Why didn't he think that the consequences of wearing dogs don't give your sister are so serious.

It is not a way to do not solve, he told Xiao Xiao: "Brother wants to take the sister to take the bus, take a boat, the dog is not coming, don't worry, you don't know what you don't worry."

Xiao Xiaowei thought, look at Xiaoxiao: "# ¥ *"

Xiaoxiai: "¥ @ *"

Two little sisters were gone in the junction, and the brother was dried directly. Waiting until they discuss it properly, this is by the spokesperson Xiaoxiao to my brother: "That kind, my sister believes in my brother, my brother doesn't make a sister, otherwise you will not be."

It is said that Xiaoyu has also extended a short note: "Brother we will hook."

The hook is hoisted for a hundred years.

I have an agreement in pulling a hook, and if I don't follow, I am not a place.

Such a pull hook is very a play in adults, and there is no binding, but it is very sacred to children.

With the guarantee of my brother, I also made a sacred convention, two little sisters let go of the heart, and I am happy to ran out the door. They are going to find my mother and let my mother helped them to change clothes.

As for my brother?

But it is a toolman for new clothes.

Everything is in hand, still staying in the brother room?

They will not say that they are self-defensive, just bully my brother, if the brother wants to bully it.

Sk, slipped.

Find my mother.

Xu Zhong: "..."

Is the little sister now so real?

Is this still a silly child in your own impression?

Is it reading a kindergarten, and the children learned in a few days will become smart?

Xu Yun wanted to tell them that they had hurt my brother's heart, but two little sisters have already ran out the door, leaving only one of him alone in the bedroom, so Xu Qian decided to sign a slow slow.

"You have completed daily check-in and get random rewards:" Master "script."

Just random to a script, today's luck appears to be general.

Xu Qian knows this script, which is a movie that mimics Goryeo, which is said.

It can be thrown to Xiaoxiao Media, let Zheng Jiajia cooperate again with Korea.

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