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Chapter 307 He is capital

The bay's G550 launched its owner flew to the sky and went to a voyage across the ocean. Jin Zhongxi, who stayed in the ground, waited until Xu Yun's private aircraft disappeared behind the field of view, and he took the smile and turned and left the airport.

He told himself to his class: "Investigating that there is anything that is with the name of Mr. Guo Ge, some words immediately cut it, be sure to give me clean."

I promised with the class, but it is inevitable in the heart: a Chinese people, it is worth you are so careful? You usually go to our own people's Zhang mad, and I have rushed to a brother of the Chinese people. Your brain has no problem. Our Da Li is already developed, it is good, can China compare with us?

However, where the class will clear the idea of ​​Jin Zhongxi. They have different positions, and they have different angles of the problem.

After returning to the car, I waited until the team left the airport, Jin Zhongxi was filled with: "Mr. Menship is over."

In fact, in the whole process, Xu Qian did not mention the name of Mr. Survey, as if it had been completely forgotten, it was Xu Yun's attitude made Jin Zhongxi knew that the famous Menssen was not allowed to be In the eyes.

Does the lion remember an ant on their own provocation?

I don't know it.

Don't look at it is Gao Li, as a country dominated, capital is everything.


Yes, it is capital.

Xu Zhong did not find out that he has become capital in the eyes of others. Others don't say, just a fruit company, after which it has eaten a big banana boat with the snake swallowing, it will be a lot of gold.

You must know that that is a giant company of Miki, the gods of the gods is in the face of it.

The fruit company is only part of Xuian assets, tried, such a Xu Yung is not the capital in the Jinzhong Hitchi?

Don't read the name of the name, with the confrontation of the capital, it is entirely searching. Jin Zhongxi knows that it will not be used for a few days, and this example of the future, the future, a promising, will become prompting.

"Such people also want to compete for the mayor of Seoul, I am afraid that it is not a brain."

Jin Zhongxi is smiling.

However, he then thought that the advantage of this competition was very large, and it was very likely to win. So, Jin Zhongxi's mood immediately became uncomfortable.

A brain lack of roots actually becomes the mayor of Seoul, is our Gao Li people?

How is Jin Zhongxi's mood complex Xu Qian did not pay attention, even even let him spend a little thoughts. Sitting on your own private plane, Xiaoxiao, Xiao Qingzi and Sisi composed of the dog family fell asleep.

These three little dogs played very crazy on the gold cruise ship, so that Ignore the fatigue of the journey. When they got the space, it was not as good as the gold cruise, and the tired feelings quickly came to them.

The little sisters fell asleep, and their Xu Qian did not rest. He took the paper pen and started to write paintings above.

Although the speed of the laptop is still very fast, it is now not only typing, and there are many graphics to draw. That big pile of software PS, the same thing that applying CAD, Xu is suspected.

The software such as PS is just a tool. The purpose of its birth is to make people more convenient, and the software is good, let people want to work more to increase, which is to learn their usage.

How to use the way to learn, and with each software update, you have to spend time to adapt, such tool software can calculate the tool?

When the uncle is almost.

One tool will abandon people to make its original intention, people will not hesitate to discard it, let it become no one. Xu Qian felt the last hierarchy, the destruction of the show will be so hot, it is not true that the former is dying, and the latter has a time to replace their role, give users a convenient, this Is it successful?

A manuscript paper was written on a dense Ma Ma, one page, one page, painted some other people who couldn't understand - at least Hu Yisheng, they did not understand, the latter glanced After that, he suddenly fell, scared him quickly to twisted his head elsewhere.

"What is the boss?"

He Xingyan asked quietly to Li Ke.

On the language, Li Kebi is as high as it, and Li Ke is so high school.

Li Ke turned over the eye, regarding the response to He Wen.

"You won't think I understand?"

"What jokes, if I can understand, I will go to the university."

He Xing thinks that it is also right, the big brother does not say two brothers, it is a sore, why will it be difficult?

It's still very curious, because they have seen their own bosses since I followed the Sirian.

In the past, they just know that their own bosses were smart, they were a person who learned the gods, but never had seen it. Today they are insightful, Xu Yen wrote those words, symbols, and pictures on draft paper, although they don't understand, but feel very powerful.

I don't know what is written above, I can make the boss.

I don't blame Li Ke, they are strange, Xu Yun is busy in a row, but has not paused for several hours.

In order not to bother him, everyone on the plane consciously kept quiet, so that the plane flying in the plane only the fine crushed Shasha across the paper.

This situation has continued until a small dog opens the door, and the eyelids are fascinating to Xu Qian, and hold his calf, then a small mouth, Xiaoyami bites.

Unfortunately, the attack power of Xiaoyao's teeth is not enough, and even the prevention of the pants can't break, don't bite the pain bites.

Xu Qian, who was biting his legs, cracked this only in a confused puppy, carefully gotting down, Jaranna waiting for waiting: "Take a cup of hot milk ... No, three cups of hot milk And three snacks come over. "

As a brother, how can Xuyuan may not know the little sister?

Xiaoxiao moved her milk tooth, Xu Qian knows that his own silly sister is to mobly. It is really hungry.

I fed a glass of milk by my brother, and I ate some snacks. Xiao Xiao finally awake. She looked at Xu Yun, silly touched brother smile: "Hehe, my brother."

Pinch the sister's little face, Xu Qian gave her three consecutive questions: "Is it a face? Brush your teeth? Is it thinking?"

Xiaoxiao is very honest: "No, no, no."

Xu Yun gave her a small fart one slap: "I am not going to go."


Looking at the little fart, Xiaoxiao ran back to the bedroom.

A little dog is alone, and it is too dangerous, she has to call the dog family together, otherwise the fart is sin.

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